LAPS / STMAS development plans (PPT)

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Transcript LAPS / STMAS development plans (PPT)

Planning Categories

Traditional LAPS Analysis

LAPS Analysis (Traditional / STMAS)

LAPS Forecast / WRF

Updated 9/5/2010

OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

Traditional Analysis Plans - 1

• • • Gauge Radar Blended Analysis – Requested by FMI, Ed Tollerud – – – Domain wide radar/gauge bias option Spatially varying bias option (Steve) Compare to NCEP (CPC and/or Stage IV), Steve Mullen techniques Split off Cloud type from Precip Type?

– or calculate stability in the humidity analysis (Steve, Dan) Add GOES 13 capability in LVD code Adrianne, Dan, Steve – Add comments about present GOES13 workaround in LVD and humidity namelists (Steve, Dan) OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

Traditional Analysis Plans - 2

• • • AWIPS / NWS GPS support – (Dan, Kirk) NOAAPORT netCDF format (no longer available) – – now contained in MADIS mesonet surface data Read MADIS mesonet via Yuanfu’s (src/lib) routine and switch the ‘src/humid’ code to point to this more generic routine GLAPS – – add GPS and polar orbiting satellites in comparison run? (Kirk/Seth) improve humidity efficiency? (Dan) • Runs in 10 minutes for GLAPS Switch build scripts from ‘toro’ to ‘pinky’ (Steve,Scott) OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

Analysis software plans - 1

• • • • CRTM development – Install library on ‘pinky’ (/usr/nfs/lapb/builds or /usr/local) Sigma-P code in LGA & STMAS (Steve, Yuanfu) Hook up to sub-kilometer terrain data (Steve, Paula, Adrianne) – – Read topo-grabber tile output with ‘gridgen_model’ (GGM) software GGM currently used in LAPS/STMAS localization to reproject USGS ‘topo_30s’ tiles and other static data onto domain map projection – – Writes out static file in netCDF format Combine 1 sec terrain, land use with other static data (e.g. albedo, soil type, green fraction) – GGM software does post processing (land/water fraction, sub-grid roughness, etc.) GPU tests on Mac Machines with NVIDIA cards (or Titan?) OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

Analysis software plans - 2

• • AWIPS wish list (see

) – Example is NST parameter (Ed Szoke, Steve) Improve LGA efficiency (Steve, Paula) – – – Do calculations/subroutine calls with 2D arrays (e.g. wind rotation) Read GRIB NAV data only once Read GRIB NAV data without reading the whole file – – Eliminate redundant lgb file processing Try bilinear interpolation for 3D fields projected to the sfc OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

Analysis software plans - 3

• • – – – Incorporate cloud/radar related forward models that mimics what LAPS does into STMAS, then GSI (CRTM and other – techniques) (Steve, Yuanfu, Paul, Dan, Tomoko) Radar reflectivity / microphysics – METAR cloud observations – – Pilot reports of cloud layers (and maybe icing) Constraint between clouds/reflectivity and omega for hot-start (weak or strong depending on model initialization time tendencies) Visible satellite (via CRTM) SFMR (Step Frequency Microwave Radiometer) Airborne radar (velocity and reflectivity) Also moisture related forward models such as GPS total delay OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

Analysis software plans - 4

• • • • • • NNEW access – start with model first guess (helpful when using HRRR as background for small rapid update domains) – – also consider satellite (present weak link?) recent email thread (Dan, Paul, Kirk) Parallelize slower code sections (MPI, SMS, GPUs) – LAPS wind analysis (maybe temp/sfc) (Steve, Jacques) – – Model first guess interpolation (LGA)?

STMAS minimization routine Clean up Linux compiler Warnings in library C code (Linda,Dan)?

XML for scheduling on JET? (Steve) Manage improved Web Forum ( Steve) Improved verification OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

Analysis software plans - 5

• • Quality control of surface obs (temporal checks) – Read MADIS statistics from separate files for more detailed info?

• Allows improvement over thresholds used for statistical spatial consistency check – Use internal LAPS history statistics to do MADIS-like QC checks (Steve) • Useful at CWB as they are independent of MADIS • We could implement our own “stuck-sensor” check New radar interface – Archive-II to Volume netCDF files • via standard UNIDATA Java interface – Update existing remap code to read volume files (vs. tilt files) OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

LAPS / WRF software plans - 1

• • Improve initialization / hot-start (match between analysis and zero hour forecast) – – Discrepancies noticed in Windsor and HMT runs WRF now installed on FAB machine for testing / debugging Synthetic Forecast Satellite Images – a package that can be run in real-time – helps visualize and compare model forecasts – – – CRTM (leading contender at present) Isidora’s work with Louis Grasso Bob Rabin OLR OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

LAPS / WRF software Plans - 2

• • – – Reliability of forecast products ITS can monitor end-to-end of run via web product continuity decide on domains to be monitored (currently ROC 5km/DWR/HMT) – – Increase grid resolution of ROC operational domain to ~3km? in support of nowcasting and forecast comparisons • • • to address related Doppler radial velocity data timing constraint improve radar “thinning” 1km 15-min ROC subset (400x500km) running on WJET using MPI turn radial velocity off for now?

– Balance package parallelization may also be needed for larger 1km 15-min domain OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

General Thoughts

• Priorities may change as new requests & ideas continually arise • Ideas and volunteers are both beneficial • Continue to get feedback from our users – as well as plan for the upcoming workshop – New forum almost ready – Advertise workshop to NWS forecasters?

• Regional AWIPS focal points • • awipsinfo email list Nearby WFOs OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch

• Questions?

– Answers?

The End

OAR/ESRL/GSD/Forecast Applications Branch