2011 11 14 10 14 41 210

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Transcript 2011 11 14 10 14 41 210

一、 当only修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句置于句首
1. Only by practicing a few hours every day _____
be able to use it.
A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you
2.Only when he saw it , ______ believe what I said.
A. he did B. he will C. did he D. he would
3.Only in this way _____ the problems.
A. you can solve B. can you solve
C. you solve
D. did you solve
二、 否定副词或含有否定意义的词组置于句首. 如 not,
never, seldom, little, hardly, scarcely, nowhere, few, not
until, no sooner…than…, neither…nor,
hardly…when…, scarcely…when…, not…until…, at
no time, in no case, by no means等位于句首时,句子要
倒装. 如:
4. Not a single word_____ at the meeting so far.
A. did she say
B. said she
C. has she said
D. she has said
5. Seldom _____ any mistakes during my past few years
of working here.
A. would I make
B. did I make
C. I did make
D. shall I make
6. Not until I began to work _____ how much time I
had wasted.
A. didn’t I realize
B. did I realize
C. I didn’ t realize
D. I realized
7. _____ entered the office when he realized that he
had forgotten his report.
A. He hardly had
B. Had he hardly
C. Hardly had he
D. Hardly did he
8.By no means(一点也不) ______ succeed in getting
the first place.
A. they can B. can they C. they could D. have they
三、 副词so放在句首,表示前面肯定句中所说的情况也适用于
的否定也适用于另外一个人时句子要倒装;so, nor, neither表示
9. My brother had a bad cold last week, and so _____.
A. did I
B. had I
C. was I
D. I did
10. “Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?”
“I didn’t know, _____.”
A. nor don’t I care
B. nor do I care
C. I don’t care neither D. I don’t care also
11. He is a good student, and works very hard, _____.
A. so it is with her
B. so does she
C. so is he
D. neither does she
四、 以here, there, now, then等副词位于句首时,
12. Then _____ the Civil War.
A. did follow
B. followed
C. does follow
D. following
13.There ____ at the top of the hill.
A. stands a weather station
B. a weather station stands
C. does a weather station stand
D. is a weather station stand
off, down, up, in, out, round等放在句首,同时把谓
倒装) ,代词主语之后。
14. Round and round _______________.
A. flew the plane
B. the plane flew
C. did the plane fly
D. was the plane flying
15. Up ____________.
A. his ball went
B. went it
C. did he go
D. he came
六、 虚拟语气的条件从句中,省略了if后,had,
were, should等放在条件句主语前,形成倒装。例
16. _____ it rain tomorrow, we would have to
put off visiting Beijing.
A. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will
17. ________hard at college, you would have
got a better job.
A. If you worked
B. Did you work
C. Had you worked
D. You had worked
七、 由as, though, however构成的让步状语从句,从
+as/though+主语+谓语; however +形容词(副词)+主
18. ______, he won’t stop to have a rest.
A. As he is tired
B. Tired as he is
C. Tired although he is
D. However he is tired
19. _____ , mother will wait for him to have dinner
A. However late is he
B. However late he is
C. However is he late
D. Late however he is
八、当“so (such)…that”结构中的“so, such”用
20.______ that he couldn’t speak.
A.So angry he was
B. So angry was he
C. Such angry was he
D. So was he angry
21. Such ______________________.
A. was that he said
B. was what he said
C. were what he said
D. is what he said
动词be, come, sit, live, lie, stand, exist等时,句子用倒装.
22.In front of the building ________________.
A. a tall tree stands
B. stands a tall tree
C. a tall tree is standing D. a tall tree stood
1. Present at the meeting were professor Zhan, and
many other famous people.
2. Often was he late.
1. “I don’t think I can walk any farther.” “____.” 倒
A. I think so
B. I don’t think so
C. Nor do I
D. Neither can I
2. I don’t know why the student was absent,_______.
A. so does the teacher
B. neither does the
C. so was the teacher
D. neither was the
3.His father was very busy and hardly spare any
time to have a holiday.___________.
A. So was my father B. Nor could my father
C. My father couldn’t, either
D. So it was with my father
4. He has finished his homework, and
A. did I B. have I C. I have D. I am
5. “I’d rather stay at home than go to
see a film.” “________.”
A. So I would
B. Neither did I
C. So would I
D. Neither had I
6. If you won’t go, __________.
A. neither do I
B. neither will I
C. I will , too
D. I will
7. “I never have meals in restaurants.”
A. So do I
B. So have I
C. Neither have I D. Neither do I
8. _____ in your position, I would go.
A. Was I B. Were I C. If I was D. If I am
9.______, tell him to ring me up.
A. Had he come
B. If came he
C. Should he come
D. If he will come
10.Only when I got to the school gate ____ that
I hadn’t brought my English book with me.
A.I found
B. did I find
C. have I found
D. I find
11.Scarely ____ such a nice boy so far.
A. I have met
B. have I met
C. I had met
D. did I meet
12. Seldom ____ late to the office.
A. he comes
B. doesn’t he come
C. does he come D. comes he
13. Often ____ for walks together when we
were in college.
A. do we go
B. did we go
C. we go
D. we went
14. Hardly ______ home when it began to rain.
A. had she left
B. does she leave
C. did she leave
D. she left
15.No sooner _____ to bed_____ I fell asleep.
A. had I gone, when
B. I had gone, then
C. had I gone, than
D. I had gone, when
16.Not only ____ us light, but also it gives us heat.
A. does the sun give
B. do the sun give
C. the sun gives
D. the sun does give
17. Not until the early years of the 19th
century___ what heat is.
A. man did know
B. man knew
C. didn’t man know
D. did man know
18.Never before _____ such nice food____ this.
A. have I eaten, like
B. I have eaten, as
C. have I eaten, as
D. I have eaten, like
19._____ of that problem.
A. Little I thought
B. Little did I think
C. Did I little think
D. Did little I think
20. So fast ____ that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.
A. light travels
B. travels the light
C. does light travel
D. does travel light
21.So ____ that modern industry cannot develop without it.
A. electricity is important
B. important is electricity
C. electricity important is
D. important electricity is
22. Such a noise___ I couldn’t work in the office.
A. is there that
B. that there is
C. was there that
D. there was
23._____, sometimes she can operate on a
patient with the help of a doctor.
A. Nurse as she is
B. A nurse as
she is
C. As she is a nurse D. Nurse as is she
24. ____ , he took a walk along the path.
A. Cold as it was
B. Coldly as it was
C. Cold as was it
D. As cold it
25. ____ , he couldn’t manage to support his
A. Hardly as he was working
B. Hard as he was working
C. Hardly working as he was
D. Hard as he worked
36. Now____ your turn to keep guard.
A. there is B. is going
C. comes D. does come
27. Soon we arrived at a farmhouse, in front
of which_________.
A. a little boy sat
B. sat a little boy
C. did a little boy sit D. a little boy did sit
28.The door opened and ______ our teacher.
A. came in
B. in came
C. in did enter
D. did in come
29. Autumn coming, down____.
A. do the leaves fall B. the leaves fall
C. falling the leaves D. fall the leaves
30. ___ her old brown jacket.
A. Up went
B. Went up did
C. Did up go
D. go did up
31. In the distance_______.
A. has a canoe
B. was a canoe
C. a canoe was there
D. where has a
32.Before the fisherman_____.
A. where stood a terrible Genie
B. a terrible Genie stood
C. stood a terrible Genie
D. stood there a terrible Genie
1.A red flag flies on the top of the hill.
There flies a red flag on the top of
the hill.
2.More than 50 students sit in the
In the classroom sit more than 50
3.He came down.
Down he came.
4.Jack came down.
Down came Jack.
5. We can succeed only by working
Only by working hard can we
6. He didn’t say a single word at the
Not a single word did he say at the
7. He hardly knew anything about it
Hardly did he know anything about
it then.
8.He was so careless that he made
many mistakes in the exam.
So careless was he that he made
many mistakes in the exam.
9.He is such a good boy that everyone
likes him.
Such a good boy is he that everyone
likes him.
10. He didn’t wake up until 8 o’clock.
Not until 8 o’clock did he wake up.
11.Work harder and you will make
greater progress.
The harder you work, the greater
progress you will make.
12.Although he is the youngest, he
does the best in his subjects.
Youngest as he is, he does the best in
his subjects.
13. If I had known about it, I
wouldn’t have come.
Had I known about it, I wouldn’t
have come.
14. If it should be sunny tomorrow, I
would play basketball with you.
Should it be sunny tomorrow, I
would play basketball with you.