Transcript Oktoberfest Nadine Basic Spoken German I
Nadine Basic Spoken German I
Table of Contents
• History of Oktoberfest • Foods and drinks at Oktoberfest • Attractions at Oktoberfest • Statistic’s and Facts • Germany’s Oktoberfest vs. Newport’s Oktoberfest
What is Oktoberfest?
Oktoberfest is a traditional, annual autumn beer festival held in Munich, Germany.
It is usually celebrated for 16 days.
Starts during the last two weeks of September and ends on the first Sunday in October.
The Marriage That Started It All
• Started October of 1810 in celebration of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria, & princess Therese of Saxony – Hildburghausen’s marriage.
• Celebrations lasted for five days.
• Celebrations concluded with a horse race on the meadow outside of town.
• People liked it so much that they decided to have it again each year.
History of Oktoberfest
• In 1811 they added the first Agricultural Show.
• The horse races are no longer held today, but the Agricultural Show is held every three years. • The beginnings of a fair ground - a carousel and 2 swings - were set up in 1818.
• In 1896, the beer stands were replaced by the beer tents and halls.
• The festival grounds are now called Theresienwiese (“Theresa’s fields”) in honor of the bride.
O’Zapft is!
The festivities start with the grand entry of Oktoberfest landlords and breweries.
Then there’s an Oktoberfest Costume and Riflemen’s Parade.
The official opening of Oktoberfest is at 12 when the mayor of the city pierces the first keg at the Schottenhamel tent.
Festival Halls
Beer stands were replaced by beer tents and beer halls in 1896.
There are 14 big tents and some small tents.
“Only Munich beer from the efficient and proven traditional Munich breweries which satisfies the Munich purity standards of 1487 and the German purity standards of 1906 may be served.”
• • • • • • Hippodrom • Armbrustschützen – Festhalle Hofbräu-Festzelt Hacker – Festzelt Schottenhamel Winzerer Fahndl Schützen – Festzelt
Big Beer Tents
• • • Käfer’s Wies’n-Schänke Weinzelt Löwenbräu – Festhalle • • • Bräurosl • Augustiner – Festhalle Spatenbräu – Festhalle Fischer - Vroni Each tent has their own “theme” The Schottenhamel tent is the largest tent with 10,000 seats.
It is suggested to reserve seats before hand for any of the tents.
Youtube video :
NR=1&v=DTUHQ928mBQ&fea ture=endscreen Oktoberfest crossbrow competition has been held at this tent since 1895.
Sits 5,830 people on the inside 1,600 people on the outside.
The brewery behind this tent is Paulaner.
Food & Drinks
• • • • • • • • • • • Wurst or Sausage with Sauerkraut Roasted chicken Potatoes Pretzels Rolls Roasted Ducks Alcoholic drinks & non-alcoholic drinks Pork Kaiserschmarnn Radish & horse radish Lebkuchen herzen In 2011 Oktoberfest there were “ 7.9 liters of beer were drunk. Roughly 522.821 chicken, 124.520 pairs of pork sausages and 118 whole oxen and 92 calves roasted on spits were consumed, to mention only some figures.”
Attractions & Fairground
There is a wide range of entertainment businesses, carousels, shooting and throwing galleries.
The flea circus, old Russian wheel, Punch-and-Judy-Show.
Modern attractions such as roller coasters, bumper cars, water rides, ferris wheel, and swings.
Old fashion merry-go-round, “Krinoline”
Statistics & Facts
• The most popular song in the beer tents was a draw between “Brenna tuats guat” by Hubert von Goisern and the Toten Hosen’s “Tage wie diese” • 130,000 letters and postcards were sent out of the Oktoberfest post office to around the world • • In the lost and found, “apart from 950 passports, 570 wallets, 480 mobile phones, 280 bags, 80 cameras, and 100 pieces of jewerly and watches there were two wedding rings, two license plates, two bugles, a baby monitor, ping pong paddle, playboy magazine, and a dog.” About 6 million people from around the world visit this festival • • In 2012 the Oktoberfest was celebrated for the 179 th time.
24 Oktoberfests were cancelled due to years during and after the war, and because of cholera epidemics in 1854 and 1873.
• People usually dress up in traditional German clothing : Men wear Lederhosen while Women wear a Dirndl.
Munich vs. Newport’s Oktoberfest
Newport • Takes place over two days (a weekend) in October.
• Sells German and American brews.
• Smaller amount of visitors.
• First tapping of the keg is done by a popular member of the community, but not by the mayor.
• There is no fair ground.
Munich • Takes place over a few weeks.
• Sells beer that is only made in Munich.
• 6.2 million visitors.
• First tapping of the keg (official start of Oktoberfest) is done by the mayor.
• There is a fairground.
Works Cited
Bernstein, Eckhard. Culture and Customs of Germany . Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2004. Print. "INTERNATIONAL OKTOBERFEST." Event Venue in Newport Rhode Island INTERNATIONAL OKTOBERFEST Comments . Newport Waterfront Events, 2011. Web. 04 Dec. 2012.
Web. Nov. 2012.
. N.p., Aug. 2012. Web. Nov. 2012.
. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2012.