Physical Geography of South Asia Mr. Belter

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Transcript Physical Geography of South Asia Mr. Belter

Physical Geography
of South Asia
Mr. Belter
Landforms and
• Main Idea The geography of South Asia
varies from towering mountains to lowland
river plains.
• Geography and You How
would you like to feel
truly “on top of the world”? You could if you
climbed Mount Everest, the highest peak on
Earth. Read to learn about this mountain in
South Asia and the region’s other physical
• South Asia is made up of seven countries.
India is the largest among them, covering
three-fourths of the region. South Asia
also includes Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka (SREE
LAHNG∙kuh), and Maldives
(MAWL∙DEEVZ). Most of these countries
are located on the Indian subcontinent. A
subcontinent is a large landmass that is a
part of a continent.
Northern Mountains
• Three huge walls of mountains form South
Asia’s northern boundary and separate the
subcontinent from the rest of Asia. These
mountain systems are the Hindu Kush, the
Karakoram (KAH∙rah∙KOHR∙ahm), and the
Himalaya (HIH∙muh∙LAY∙uh). The Himalaya
range is the highest mountain system in the
world. Among the snowcapped peaks of Nepal is
Mount Everest, which, at 29,028 feet (8,848 m)
is the tallest mountain in the world.
Northern Plains
• South of South Asia’s massive mountains
are wide, fertile plains. These areas are
watered by the region’s three great
rivers—the Indus, the Ganges
(GAN∙JEEZ), and the Brahmaputra
(BRAHM∙uh∙POO∙ truh). The people of the
region have long depended on these rivers
for farming, transportation, and trade.
• The Indus River begins north of the Himalaya in
Tibet, China, and flows southwest through
Pakistan to the Arabian Sea. The Ganges flows
from the Himalaya in a different direction—
southeast through India’s Ganges Plain. This
vast lowland area boasts some of the country’s
richest soil and is home to about 40 percent of
India’s population. In eastern India, the Ganges
River turns south through Bangladesh. There it
combines with the Brahmaputra River to form
the world’s largest delta. A delta is a soil deposit
at the mouth of a river.
Southern Landforms
• The landscape in the south is quite
different from that in the north. At the base
of the subcontinent are two chains of
eroded coastal mountains—the Eastern
Ghats and the Western Ghats. Between
them lies a highland area known as the
Deccan Plateau. The Western Ghats block
seasonal rains from reaching this plateau,
leaving it extremely dry.
Islands of South Asia
• South Asia includes two island nations: Sri
Lanka and Maldives. Sri Lanka, the larger
of the two nations, lies off the southeast
coast of India. Shaped like a teardrop, the
country has a small pocket of highlands in
the interior. This area is made up of
ridges, valleys, and steep cliffs that offer
spectacular scenery. Coastal lowlands
encircle these highlands and cover more
than 80 percent of the island.
which lies off India’s western coast, is one of the smallest
countries in the world. Maldives includes more than 1,300
islands, though people live on only about 200 of them.
Many of the islands are atolls, circular-shaped islands
made of coral. Coral is a rocklike material formed from the
skeletons of tiny sea creatures. As coral deposits build up,
many of them eventually become covered by soil and
sand to make islands. Atolls have a shallow body of water
in the center called a lagoon. The outer ring of the island
protects the lagoon from the sea.
Natural Resources
• South Asia is not a land of plenty. Even good farmland is
scarce outside of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
Although most South Asians grow crops or tend
livestock, plots of land are small, and many farmers
barely earn a living. India is luckier than its neighbors. As
South Asia’s largest country, it not only has productive
land, but it also has most of the region’s mineral
resources. These include iron ore, manganese, and
chromite, which are all used in making steel. Pakistan,
too, has some valuable minerals, especially limestone,
which is an ingredient for making cement.
• Main Idea South Asia’s growing population
is creating more demand for food and fuel and
threatening the region’s environment.
• Geography and You Have
you ever been on a street
or in a stadium crowded with people? What kind of
an experience was that? Read to find out how the
masses of people in South Asia affect the
• Few places on the planet are more densely settled than
South Asia. The region is home to more than 20 percent
of the world’s people, but they live on only 3 percent of
the world’s land. To add to the pressure, South Asia’s
population is increasing.
• This growth seriously affects the environment. For one
thing, greater numbers of people mean greater demand
for animal products. Farmers then raise more livestock.
This leads to overgrazing, which causes grasslands to
dry up. It is not just land that is at risk, though. South
Asia’s growing population also threatens the water, the
forests, and the air.
• Because South Asia has such a huge
concentration of people, supplies of
freshwater are low. The climate, which
brings long dry seasons to much of the
region, contributes to water shortages. In
addition, farmers, the largest consumers of
water, often use wasteful irrigation methods.
Much water is also wasted in cities because
of old, leaky distribution pipes.
• To meet the demand for water, South Asian countries
are tapping underground aquifers. In urban areas,
however, as fresh water is being pumped out, saltwater
enters the aquifers. The higher salt content makes the
water less useful. This problem is particularly troublesome
in the cities of Dhaka in Bangladesh and Karachi in
Pakistan. Water pollution is increasing, too. The Ganges
River is among the most polluted waterways in the world.
The water it brings to urban areas is dirtied by sewage,
runoff from factories, and waste products. Rural water
supplies are often no cleaner. Even rural Nepal has
seriously polluted rivers. Many farmers apply fertilizers to
fields to increase crop yields. Runoff from fertilizers then
makes the drinking water unsafe.
• Only a small part of South Asia is forested.
Most of the land was cleared centuries
ago. However, many of the forests that
remain are now being cut down to provide
building materials as well as wood for fuel.
Rural people throughout South Asia rely
on wood for heating their homes and for
cooking. For example, almost 70 percent
of the energy used in Nepal comes from
burning wood.
Air Pollution
• Air pollution is another challenge that affects parts of
South Asia. The number of cars in the region’s cities has
risen rapidly in recent decades. More automobiles mean
the release of more exhaust fumes that make the air in
urban areas dangerous to breathe. Air pollution is
affecting rural areas as well. Many villagers cook and
heat their homes by burning wood, kerosene, charcoal,
or animal dung. These substances release smoke and
chemicals that are harmful in closed spaces. As a result,
many people develop breathing problems, and some die
of lung diseases. livelihoods.
Air Pollution
• Air pollution from South Asia (and from
Southeast Asia as well) is so severe that a
brown cloud of chemicals, ash, and dust
has formed over the Indian Ocean. The
cloud decreases the sunlight reaching the
Earth’s surface there by 10 percent.
Scientists worry that this clouding may be
changing the region’s climate and
disrupting rain patterns. That, in turn, may
cut crop yields and threaten people’s
• Main Idea Seasonal dry and wet winds
are the major factor shaping South
Asia’s climate.
• Geography and You How does the
environment where you live change from
season to season? The pattern in your
area is probably quite different from that in
South Asia, as you will read in this section.
Natural Disasters
• The monsoon winds likewise have mixed
effects. The rains they shower on
Bangladesh and the Ganges Plain help
crops there grow well. However, areas
outside the monsoon’s path—such as the
Deccan Plateau and western Pakistan—
may receive little or no yearly rainfall. If
there is no rain, or not enough, some
areas become scorched, or burnt, by
• Another kind of weather disaster often strikes South
Asia. A cyclone is an intense tropical storm with high
winds and heavy rains. Cyclones are similar to hurricanes
in the Atlantic Ocean and typhoons in the north Pacific
Ocean. In South Asia, cyclones can be followed by deadly
tidal waves that surge from the Bay of Bengal. In 1999 a
cyclone struck India’s northeast coast with winds of more
than 160 miles (257 km) per hour. Waves reached over 20
feet (6 m) high. The storm killed nearly 10,000 people and
left about 15 million people homeless.
• Tropical Areas Much of south central
India has a tropical dry climate. The
region’s grasslands and deciduous forests
grow green in the short wet season and
turn brown in the long dry season.
Bangladesh and southern Sri Lanka, by
contrast, have a tropical wet climate with
warm temperatures year-round.
Thar Desert
• Dry and Temperate Climates The wet
monsoons, of course, do not reach all of
South Asia. As a result, some areas have
dry climates. Along the lower Indus River,
the land is dry and windswept. Farmers
must use irrigation to grow wheat and
other crops. To the east of the Indus River
lie the sand dunes and gravel plains of the
Thar Desert.
• Highland climates are found along South Asia’s
northern edge, where towering mountains rise.
Above 16,000 feet (4,877 m), temperatures are
always below freezing. As a result, snow never
disappears, and little vegetation can survive.
Farther down the mountain slopes, the climate
turns more temperate. In Nepal’s Kathmandu
Valley, January temperatures average a mild
50°F (10°C). The average July temperature is a
pleasant 78°F (26°C).
History and
• Hindus believe that the water of the
Brahmaputra River cleanses the body and
the soul. Located near Bangladesh’s
capital, Dhaka, the Brahmaputra River is
where, on a specific day, thousands of
Hindu believers take baths to receive
blessings. People believe that on this holy
day, the river contains all the blessings of
all the holy places in the world.
Early History
• Indus River Valley By 2500 b.c., people in the Indus
River valley had built what may have been South Asia’s
first cities: Harappa (huh∙RA∙puh) and Mohenjo Daro
(moh∙HEHN∙joh DAHR∙oh), which are shown in Figure 1
on the next page. These cities, with brick buildings, were
well planned. They had carefully laid-out streets,
ceremonial gateways, and buildings to store grain. The
cities also had plumbing, sewers, and other technology
that would not be matched again for centuries. As the
population grew, farming, small industries, and trade
brought wealth to the Indus Valley. The people made
copper and bronze tools, clay pottery, and cotton cloth.
They also developed a writing system.
• About 1500 b.c., nomadic herders known
as Aryans were settling in parts of
northern South Asia. The Aryans
developed a spoken language called
Sanskrit (SAN∙skriht). They passed on
hymns and religious teachings by word of
mouth. When Sanskrit later became a
written language, these traditions were
recorded in sacred, or holy, texts called
the Vedas.
• The Vedas show that the Aryans were
organized into four varnas, or broad social
groups. Priests had the highest status.
Warriors came next, followed by farmers.
At the bottom were unskilled laborers and
servants. At first, people of different
groups could marry each other and
change jobs.
• is one of the world’s oldest religions and
the third largest. It developed gradually as
the beliefs of the ancient Aryans mixed
with the beliefs of other peoples in the
region. This blending might explain why
Hindus worship thousands of deities. They
tend to think of all deities, however, as
different parts of one eternal spirit. This
eternal spirit is called Brahman
• Hindus believe that every living being has
a soul that wants to be reunited with
Brahman. To achieve this reunion, a soul
must repeatedly undergo reincarnation
(ree·ihn·kahr·NAY·shuhn)—being born
into a new body after dying. Thus Hindus
believe that a soul passes through many
lives, becoming purer each time, before
reaching Brahman.
• To ensure that their next lives are better, Hindus
believe they must perform their duty, or dharma
(DUHR·muh). Each caste has its own dharma.
For example, a farmer has different duties than a
priest, and a woman has different duties than a
man. The consequences, or effects, of how a
person lives are known as karma (KAHR·muh).
Hindus believe that if they do their duty, they will
have good karma. This will move them closer to
Brahman in the next life.
• A Caste is a social group that someone is
born into and cannot change.
• In the 500s b.c., Buddhism arose in South
Asia. It was founded by a young prince
named Siddhartha Gautama
(sih∙DAHR∙tuh GOW∙tuh∙muh). Born in a
small kingdom near the Himalaya,
Gautama gave up wealth and family in
search of truth. After many years, he found
what he was seeking. He became known
as the Buddha, or “Enlightened One.”
• The Buddha taught that people suffer because
they are too attached to material things, which
are not lasting. He believed that people can be
released from these attachments by following
the Eightfold Path. The eight steps include
thinking clearly, working hard, and showing deep
concern for all living things. By following the
eight steps, people can escape suffering and
reach nirvana (nihr·VAH·nuh), a state of
endless peace and joy.
South Asian Empires
• In addition to new religions, powerful
empires also arose in early South Asia. In
the 300s B.C., a family called the Maurya
(MAUR∙yuh) founded the Mauryan Empire.
The most famous Mauryan ruler, As´oka
(uh∙SOH∙kuh), brought much of the
subcontinent under his control. About 260
B.C., As´oka dedicated his life to peace
and became a Buddhist.
Gupta Empire
• About A.D. 320, a ruler named Chandragupta I
(CHUHN∙druh∙GUP∙tuh) set up the Gupta
Empire in northern India. Under the empire’s
Hindu rulers, trade increased and ideas were
exchanged with other parts of the world. As a
result, science, mathematics, medicine, and the
arts thrived. South Asian mathematicians
developed the numerals 1 to 9 that we still use
today. These symbols were later adopted by
Muslim Arab traders, who brought them to
• During the early 1500s, Muslim warriors, known
as the Moguls (MOH∙guhlz), who came from the
mountains north of India, formed an empire in
South Asia. Akbar (AK∙buhr), the greatest Mogul
ruler, added new lands to the empire, lowered
taxes, and supported the arts. He brought peace
to his empire by treating all of his people fairly.
The majority of Hindus were allowed to worship
freely and to serve in the government.
Modern South Asia
• Main Idea After a period of British rule,
South Asians set up independent
countries during the 1900s.
• Geography and You Think about how
you might feel if someone made all your
choices and decisions for you. Under
British rule, South Asians had no control
over their own lands. Read to learn how
South Asians eventually won their
the East India Company
• During the 1600s, English traders from the East
India Company arrived in India. They built a
string of trading posts along the coasts, with
forts to protect them. In 1707 the English and the
Scots joined together to form the United
Kingdom. Both peoples— known as the British—
created the British Empire. Through trade and
military might, the British became the dominant
power in South Asia. By the mid-1800s, they had
colonized most of the subcontinent.
British Rule
• For many years, the task of governing South
Asia was left to the British East India Company.
As the company introduced European ideas and
practices, resentment grew. Many local people
felt that the British were trying to change their
culture. In 1857 Indian soldiers in the company’s
army rebelled against their British officers. The
revolt spread across northern India. Britain sent
more troops and put down the rebellion. Soon
afterward, the British government took direct
control of India.
• Over the years, the British brought many
positive changes to the region. They set
up a well-run government and founded
schools. They built railroads, bridges, and
ports. They also introduced the telegraph
and a postal service throughout India.
New Nations
• By the early 1900s, independence movements had
spread across South Asia. The most popular Indian
leader was Mohandas Gandhi (MOH∙huhn∙dahs
GAHN∙dee). Gandhi opposed violence in all forms.
Instead, he protested British rule using nonviolent civil
disobedience—the refusal to obey unjust laws using
peaceful protests. Gandhi and his followers held strikes
and boycotted, or refused to buy, British goods. Their
goal was to bring independence to the subcontinent.
Gandhi’s movement won widespread support among
Hindus. Muslims, however, feared that the much-larger
Hindu population might mistreat them in an independent
After World War II,
• Britain realized that it could not keep control of South
Asia. Giving the people independence was difficult,
though, because of the bitter divisions between Hindus
and Muslims. In 1947 the British government divided
India into two independent countries. Areas that were
mostly Hindu became the country of India. Areas that
were mostly Muslim became the country of Pakistan
(PA∙kih∙stan). Pakistan was made up of two areas
geographically separated by India. West Pakistan was
northwest of India, and East Pakistan was to the
• Following this division, many Hindus in
Pakistan fled to India, while many Muslims
in India fled to Pakistan. Fighting erupted
and as many as 500,000 people were
killed. Tensions soon surfaced between
the two parts of Pakistan too. In 1971 East
Pakistan declared its independence. After
a brief civil war, it became the new country
of Bangladesh. Pakistan now includes only
the lands northwest of India.
Sri Lanka
• Meanwhile, other political changes were
occurring in South Asia. In 1948 Britain
gave independence to the island of
Ceylon. This country later took back its
ancient name of Sri Lanka. Maldives, a
group of islands in the Indian Ocean, won
independence from Britain in 1965. Nepal
and Bhutan, two countries in the Himalaya
area, had always been free of European
Conflict in South Asia
• Tensions between India and Pakistan continue
today. Religious differences play a part in this
conflict. Another dispute involves land, with both
countries claiming ownership of the region of
Kashmir (KASH∙mihr) in the Himalaya and
Karakoram mountains. India and Pakistan have
fought several wars over this matter. Terrorists
from Kashmir also have carried out attacks in
India. Because both nations have nuclear
weapons, people worry about the outbreak of a
nuclear war.
Cultures and
• In Jaipur, India, elephants are decorated with
bright colored paint, fancy cloth, and jewelry for
the Elephant Festival. The festival is held on the
day before the celebration of Holi. This is the
Indian festival of colors when people welcome
the coming of spring. Spectators watch elephant
races and polo matches and even an elephant
tug-of-war, in which elephants compete against
men. Read the next section to learn more about
the people and cultures of South Asia.
The People of
South Asia
• South Asia is home to nearly 1.5 billion
people. The region includes three of the
world’s seven most populous nations—
India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
Ongoing, or continuing, population growth
presents major challenges for South Asia.
Population Squeeze
• The population of South Asia grew
dramatically during the last century. One
reason for this growth was improved
medical and health care, which lowered
death rates. Another factor was continued
high birthrates. In the 1990s alone, India’s
population rose by 175 million people.
Although growth rates have slowed in
recent years, the number of people in
South Asia is still climbing steadily.
population densities
• Of course, while the population swells, South
Asia’s land area stays the same size. As a
result, population densities in the region are very
high. India averages 869 people per square mile
(2,250 per sq. km). In comparison, the United
States averages 80 people per square mile (31
per sq. km). Crowding is even worse in
Bangladesh, South Asia’s most densely
populated nation. Bangladesh has a whopping
2,594 people per square mile (6,718 per sq.
km). Compare to OKlahoma
What do we call this type of
Urban and Rural Life The growing cities of South Asia buzz with human
activity. Sidewalks and shops are packed with people buying and selling
items. People, animals, carts, bicycles, and cars move through crowded city
streets. Towering skyscrapers and modern apartments are signs of urban
wealth and the growing middle class. At the same time, poverty is
widespread in South Asia. Large numbers of people live in inadequate
housing or are homeless. Children, many homeless or orphaned, are forced
to beg in the streets for money to buy food. Unemployment, pollution,
disease, crime, and lack of clean water are common problems in the
region’s urban slums. People living in South Asia’s rural areas also face
challenges. Farmland is limited in mountainous Nepal and Bhutan and on
the sandy islands of the Maldives. Elsewhere in the region, overcrowding
has reduced the size of the land plots that farmers can work. In addition,
inefficient farming methods lead to low crop yields. As a result, millions of
people barely grow enough food to feed their own families. Rural villages in
South Asia may also lack safe drinking water and electricity.
• Buddhism, which spread from India
beginning in the 400s b.c. as shown in
Figure 2 on the previous page, is no
longer a major religion in that country. It
remains strong, though, in Sri Lanka,
Nepal, and Bhutan. In Bhutan, dzongs, or
Buddhist centers of prayer and study,
have been important in shaping the
country’s arts and culture.
• The people of South Asia practice a
number of other religions. Sikhism
(SEE·kih·zuhm) was founded in the early
1500s. It teaches belief in one God and
stresses doing good deeds as the way to
escape the cycle of reincarnation and join
with God. Most of South Asia’s Sikhs live
in northwestern India. Many of them want
an independent Sikh state there.
• Another religion, Jainism, has about 4
million followers in India and perhaps
100,000 elsewhere in South Asia. Jains try
to reach spiritual purity by rejecting all
violence. They aim to protect every living
creature. Small Christian communities
exist in some urban areas of India.
The Arts
• Since early times, the arts have reflected a
strong religious influence. Painters have been
inspired by sacred writings. Hindu, Buddhist, and
Sikh architects built beautiful temples across the
region. Many of these holy places hold elaborate
carvings and sculptures of Hindu deities or the
Buddha. Muslims, too, built beautiful mosques,
forts, and palaces in South Asia. These buildings
include the famous Taj Mahal in Agra, India.
Made of gleaming white marble, the Taj Mahal
was built by a Muslim ruler as a tomb for his
beloved wife.
• Music is another important art form in
South Asia. Classical Indian music usually
features the sitar (sih·TAHR), a
longnecked instrument with 7 strings on
the outside and 10 inside the neck. The
sitar helps give Indian music a distinctive
sound. Contemporary, or present-day,
South Asian music reflects the growing
influence of Western styles. Rock music,
for example, has recently gained
popularity in Pakistan.
• http://www.youtu
• The city of Mumbai, nicknamed
“Bollywood,” is the center of the Indian film
industry. Traditional Bollywood movies are
known for their grand spectacles with wild
plots and lots of singing and dancing.
Daily Life
• The life of South Asians centers on the
family. Marriage in South Asian countries
is commonly viewed as the joining of two
families. As a result, parents often arrange
marriages for their children by choosing
partners they consider suitable. After a
woman marries, she becomes part of her
husband’s family. In India and Pakistan,
several generations often live together in
the same house.
• Western-style clothing is popular in South
Asian cities, but many people still dress in
traditional garments. Indian women, for
example, wear colorful saris. A sari
(SAHR·ee) is a long, rectangular piece of
cloth that is draped gracefully around the
body. Women complement their outfits
with earrings, bangle bracelets, and other
South Asia
• A Federal System
India, like the United States, is a federal republic.
In other words, power is shared between a
national government and various state
governments. The national government, located in
the capital city of New Delhi, has certain clearly
defined responsibilities. These include defending
the country and dealing with other countries. The
states have their own duties, such as carrying out
energy policies and providing police protection.
Structure of the Government
• India’s national government has much in
common with our own. There are three
branches of government—executive,
legislative, and judicial—that operate
under the principle of separation of
powers. This means that each branch of
government has specific rights and
responsibilities that the other branches
cannot interfere with.
India’s Economy
• After India became independent, the government worked
to improve the economy. At first the government brought
much of the country’s industry under its control. It also
increased the amount of land that could be farmed.
During the 1970s, the economy slowed. In hopes of
boosting growth, India began moving toward a free
market economy. The government reduced its controls,
and businesses were shifted to private ownership.
Foreign investment was also encouraged in order to
create jobs. Today India has one of the world’s most
rapidly growing economies. Even so, with such a large
population, not enough jobs exist and many residents
remain poor.
Agriculture and Related
• Farming is an important economic activity in
India. Nearly 75 percent of Indian workers are
farmers, and more than half of India’s land is
used for farming. Today India produces most of
the food it needs. It has benefited greatly from
the green revolution, a set of changes that
modernized agriculture and greatly increased
food production in the 1970s. New strains of
wheat, rice, and corn were developed that
produce more grains. The government also built
dams to store water for irrigation during the dry
• Indian farmers raise a variety of crops,
including rice, wheat, cotton, tea,
sugarcane, and jute. Jute is a plant fiber
used for making rope, burlap bags, and
carpet backing.
• There are two types of manufacturing
industries in India: cottage industries and
factory-based industries. Cottage
industries involve people working in their
homes and using their own equipment to
make goods. They craft pottery, spin and
weave cloth, or create metal or wooden
items. These items can then be sold to
individuals or to companies for resale or
• India’s service industries are growing faster than any
other part of the economy. Computer software services,
in particular, are booming, especially in southern Indian
cities such as Hyderabad and Bengaluru (Bangalore).
Many of India’s software developers and tech support
people work for American companies. In a practice
known as outsourcing, many American businesses hire
overseas workers to do certain jobs. Outsourcing work to
India is popular because wages there are low and
because the country has large numbers of workers who
are educated, skilled, and fluent in English.
• Pakistan is a long, wide country wedged
between Afghanistan, Iran, and India. Tall
mountains rise in the far north, and the
Indus River valley is located to the south.
This area provides the fertile land Pakistan
needs to support its growing population.
The People
• With more than 160 million people, Pakistan is
one of the world’s most populous nations. Its
population continues to grow rapidly too.
Although Pakistan’s death rate has declined, its
birthrate is still very high. Almost all the people
of Pakistan are Muslim. Their religion gives them
a common bond, but it does not always bridge
their cultural differences. Pakistanis come from
many ethnic groups, and each one has its own
language, territory, and identity.
The Economy
• For many years, Pakistan’s government
had a strong role in the economy. In the
1970s, Pakistan’s industries were
nationalized, or put under government
control. Since the 1990s, however, many
government-owned industries have been
sold to private owners. The government
maintains control over certain parts of the
economy, such as banks, hospitals, and
About half of Pakistan’s people
are farmers
• . A large irrigation system helps them grow
crops such as sugarcane, wheat, rice, and
cotton. Cotton cloth and clothing are
among the country’s major exports.
Manufacturing and service industries are
another important part of the economy.
Many people also work in cottage
industries making metalware, pottery, and
Government and Foreign
• Like India, Pakistan is a federal republic.
Democracy, however, is limited in Pakistan.
Since independence, the military has often
forced elected leaders out of office and seized,
or taken, power. This happened most recently in
1999, when General Pervez Musharraf
(puhr∙VAYS moo∙SHAHR∙uhf) took over the
government. Three years later, Pakistan’s
people overwhelmingly voted to keep him as
• Bangladesh, established in 1971, is the
“youngster” in South Asia. It is struggling for
success as an independent nation, but with a
large population and few resources, it has not
been easy. Bangladesh sits surrounded by India
on three sides, with the Bay of Bengal to the
south. In area, Bangladesh is slightly larger than
Wisconsin, but it holds 144 million people—
about half the population of the entire United
States. As a result, Bangladesh is one of the
most densely populated countries in the world.
The People
• Bangladesh’s people are largely Muslim.
They are also overwhelmingly poor. About
75 percent of the people live in rural
The Economy
• Most people in Bangladesh earn their
living by farming. The warm climate, fertile
soil, and plentiful water make it possible to
plant and harvest three times a year. Rice
is the country’s most important crop. Other
crops include sugarcane, jute, wheat, and
Nepal and Bhutan
• Nepal and Bhutan are small, mountainous
kingdoms to the north of India. Both are
still largely rural and struggling to build
stronger economies.
• Nepal forms a steep stairway to the
Himalaya. In the north are 8 of the world’s
10 highest mountains, including Mount
Everest. Hills, valleys, and a fertile river
plain are also part of the landscape.
• More than 85 percent of Nepal’s people
live in rural villages. Kathmandu
(kat·man·DOO), the capital, is the only
major city. Many ethnic groups make up
the population. Hinduism is Nepal’s official
religion, but Buddhism is practiced as well.
consumer goods—products
• Tourism and trade, however, help the
economy. For centuries, Nepal had no
links to other countries because the
mountains formed a strong barrier. Today,
there are roads and air service to India
and Pakistan. Nepal exports clothing and
carpets, and it imports gasoline,
machinery, and consumer goods—
products that people buy for personal use.
Island Republics
• South Asia includes two island republics:
Sri Lanka and Maldives. Both lie south of
India in the Indian Ocean.
• Sri Lanka Sri Lanka lies off the
southeastern coast of India. Much of the
country is rolling lowlands, with white
sandy beaches that attract tourists.
Highlands cover the center, and tourists
come here, too, to hike on nature trails
that are rich with wildlife.
civil war
• Sri Lanka’s people are made up of two main groups. The
Sinhalese (sihng∙guh∙LEEZ), who form about 74 percent
of the population, live in the south and west and are
mostly Buddhist. The Tamils (TA∙muhlz), who make up
about 17 percent of the population, live in other parts of
the country and are mainly Hindu. Since 1983, the
Tamils and the Sinhalese have been fighting a violent
civil war. The minority Tamils claim they have not been
treated justly by the majority Sinhalese. They want to set
up a separate Tamil nation in northern Sri Lanka.
Thousands have died in the fighting.
• Adding to its troubles, Sri Lanka suffered its
worst natural disaster in December 2004. A
tsunami, or huge ocean wave, was released by
a powerful earthquake near Indonesia on the
eastern edge of the Indian Ocean. The tsunami
struck Sri Lanka two hours later, killing more
than 30,000 people and leaving 850,000
homeless. Tourist areas were damaged and
much of the country’s fishing fleet was
Countries of South Asia
6. Bhutan
1. Pakistan
7. Nepal
2. India
5. Bangladesh
3. Maldives
4. Sri Lanka
While South Asia is bordered by bodies of water in
the east, west, and south, what are the borders to
the north?
1. Afghanistan
2. China
3. Myanmar (Burma)
Physical Geography
• South Asia is a subcontinent
– A large landmass
forming a distinct part
of a continent.
Physical Geography
The region is a land of
extremes, from the
tallest mountains in
the world to some of
the driest deserts to
areas inundated by
the monsoon rains.
Physical Geography
• With headwaters in the
Himalayan Mountains,
three of the world’s great
rivers flow through this
• Indus (Pakistan)
• Brahmaputra (Bangladesh)
• Ganges (India)
Physical Geography
• Himalayan Mountains
– Mt. Everest: tallest
mountain in the world
(29,000+ ft.)
• That’s almost 5.5 miles!
– Himalayas separate South
Asia from the rest of the
• The Himalayas are a
result of tectonic activity.
– India “crashed” into Asia,
creating the crumpled
~203 people have died climbing Everest.
Physical Geography
• Monsoons
– Seasonal winds
– Crucial for life on the
• Beneficial and
• Most of South Asia
was formerly known
as “British India”.
– Today it is made
up of ….
• In 1947, India
became independent
from Britain.
• What other country
independence in this
• Mohandas Gandhi
– Led an independence
movement in India.
– Encouraged “nonviolent resistance”
which greatly
influenced what
• Why did British India
divide like it is today?
Religious conflict
between Hindus and
Muslims dictated that
“British India” be divided
into predominantly Hindu
(India), *Muslim
(Pakistan) and *Muslim
• Four of the world’s
major religions are
practiced in this
• There has been
conflict between
Hindus and Muslims
and between Hindus
and Sikhs.
• South and East Asia
account for over 50%
of the world’s
• 3 billion+ people.
- India alone
accounts for nearly
20% of the world’s
- 1 billion
- It is estimated that
within 50 years India will
pass China as the world’s
most populous country.
What can you tell about
the future of these
countries by their
population pyramids?
World Clock
• Despite the large
number of people,
India has still not
exceeded it’s carrying
– They are not
– They can feed their
• Most of the villages
have been left behind
when compared to
modern cities like
Mumbai (Bombay),
Bangalore, and
• India has not
exceeded its carrying
capacity because of
the Green Revolution.
– A breakthrough in
agricultural technology
that allows India to
produce enough food
for its population.
The Green Revolution
• The Green Revolution
allowed farmers to use
genetic engineering to
produce more crops
• The main researcher
behind the Green
Revolution was Norman
Borlaug of Texas A&M
Government and Economies
• India is the world’s
largest democracy.
• They practice
“universal suffrage”.
Government and Economies
• They speak many different languages in South
Asia, but the “lingua franca” is English.
• Why?
Government and Economies
The economy of India today is growing rapidly.
*Note the gross domestic product and compare
with the USA.
Government and Economies
• Tata Nano car,
released last year in
• It costs ~$2000.
Government and Economies
While much of the economy of
India is growing, there are still
hundreds of millions who are mired
in poverty.
Slumdog Millionaire?
Government and Economies
• The “caste system”.
• Acquired status: you
just get it, there is no
hope for movement
up the ladder.
Government and Economies
• Outsourcing!
• Many technical jobs, such
as call centers, have
moved to India.
– How is time an important
factor here?
• Many qualified, educated
Indians will work for much
less than Americans.
Government and Economies
• India produces more
films than any other
• “Bollywood”
(Mumbai/Bombay) is
the capital of their film
Government and Economies
Most of India lacks adequate infrastructure, but the
country has more miles of train tracks than any other
in the world. This is a remnant of British rule.
Government and Economies
• Pakistan
• Has fallen behind India
economically because of
unstable government and
religious fundamentalism.
• There is a history of
conflict between India
and Pakistan.
Government and Economies
• Education is available
in Pakistan, though
many attend
“madrasas” (religious
Government and Economies
• While Bangladesh is
a country of contrasts,
it is still a heavily
agrarian society that
lives on the whim of
cyclones and
Government and Economies
• The Grameen Bank, started in Bangladesh
gives small loans to women to start small
businesses. This method was very successful
and copied worldwide.
Grameen banks
• These loans have allowed women to become
self-sufficient and participate in the global
Government and Economies
• Bangladesh is one of
the most densely
populated countries in
the world.
Government and Economies
• Sri Lanka (the “tear drop
of South Asia”) is one of
the largest growers of tea
in the world.
• Like most of South Asia,
Sri Lanka is a blend of
the old and the new.
• A civil war has plagued
this region for many
years. (Tamil Tigers)
Bike military unit.
Government and Economies
• South Asia has many roots in British culture.
• Games such as cricket transcend conflicts that
have broken out in the past.
Rinku Singh and Dinesh Kumar Patel