Chapter 25 Notes

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Human Geography of South Asia: A Region of Contrasts



India- ancient culture, over 4,000 years old Blending of many different cultures & traditions Many invaders & empires came to power in the region


By the 1500’s Europeans were trading with India for spices & cloth.

Great Britain began to dominate this trade, through its company the British East India Company. East India Company Flag


By 1857 Great Britain controlled all of India. This period is known as the Raj (lasted for 90 years)


Eventually Indians began to resist the British occupation.

They were led by Mohandas Gandhi Advocate of mass nonviolent resistance • Protest movement that does not use violence to achieve its goals


Gandhi cont. Advocated an end to the Caste system British educated lawyer Imprisoned many times Commonly used hunger fasts as a resistance tool Forced the British from India in August, 1947 • Inspiration for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s tactics in the Civil Rights movement


India is the world’s largest democracy ͌ 1.2 billion people (2 ND largest in world) Strongly Hindu country but Over 160 million Muslims • Source of conflict?

One of the new 7 wonders of the world


Land Reform- more balanced distribution of land among farmers Proposal to redistribute land. Done because 25% of farmland is in the hands of a powerful 5% of farm families.


Green Revolution- increasing of crop yields by introducing higher-yielding grain varieties & teaching better farming techniques to farmers. Introduced in late 1960’s & early 1970’s Dramatically improved the amount of food available for the poor.


Modern Life Most marriages are arranged Divorce is rare Very common for extended family to all live under one roof. Most are vegetarians Has largest film industry in the world • Bollywood Public affection is discouraged


Languages of India 18 major languages More than 1,000 are spoken English is common in business areas. Hindi is the official language


Hinduism 80% of population Reincarnation Karma- moral consequences of a person’s actions (help to determine how a person is reincarnated)


Caste system- system of social classes Born into a specific caste Only marry within your caste Only move to a different caste through reincarnation


Pakistan & Bangladesh

Indus Valley Civilization- largest of the world’s first civilizations Began around 2500 B.C.



India West Pakistan East Pakistan Independence & Division-

Britain divided up India into a Hindu nation (India) and a Muslim nation (East & West Pakistan)

Pakistan & Bangladesh

Partition- division of British India Led to much violence between Hindu’s & Muslims 1 million died 10 million moved to new areas By 1971 a civil war broke out and the new nation of Bangladesh was formed.

Pakistan & Bangladesh

Kashmir- small territory in northern India that both Pakistan & India claim as their own Muslim population but had Hindu Maharaja at time of partition Joined India 3 Wars over the territory Both sides (India and Pakistan) have nuclear weapons

Pakistan & Bangladesh

Microcredit- very small loans that are made available to entrepreneurs Entrepreneur- people who start & build a business Effective way of getting poor workers out of poverty

Pakistan & Bangladesh

Pakistan & Bangladesh- most are Muslim Ramadan- month-long period of fasting from sunrise to sunset.

Nepal & Bhutan

Nepal & Bhutan Geographically isolated, because of their mountainous terrain Difficult to conquer &/or visit in its history

Nepal & Bhutan

Nepal & Bhutan Both are Constitutional Monarchies • Kingdom in which the ruler’s powers are limited by a constitution • Both are very poor & have limited resources

Nepal & Bhutan

Sherpas- people of Nepal of Tibetan ancestry Renowned mtn. climbers & pack carriers

Nepal & Bhutan

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)- born on the borders of Nepal & India in the 6 th century Founder of Buddhism

Nepal & Bhutan

Buddhists in Bhutan use Mandalas Geometric designs that are symbols of the universe & aid in meditation.

Sri Lanka & the Maldives

Sinhalese- Buddhist people from India that settled in Sri Lanka (majority) Tamils- Hindu people from southern India that settled in Sri Lanka (minority) Civil War has been taking place on & off since the 1980’s between these groups

Sri Lanka & the Maldives

The Maldives Population of about 400,000 on over 1200 islands Ruled by Sultans- Muslim Rulers