Parish Bulletin - Holy Angels` Roman Catholic Church

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Transcript Parish Bulletin - Holy Angels` Roman Catholic Church

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4th Sunday of Easter
April 17, 2016
My sheep hear my voice; I
know them, and they follow me.
This fourth Sunday of the Easter season is often
called “Good Shepherd Sunday,” from the
comforting imagery of Jesus as the shepherd who
will lead his sheep to eternal life. Jesus protects and
provides for his flock, even to the point of laying
down his life so we may live more abundantly. By
his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ “opened”
heaven to us. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus
teaches what we must do to be saved, to join him in
the kingdom of heaven.
This Easter season I challenge us to respond in three
ways to Jesus as the Good Shepherd:
First, get to know the voice of Jesus by getting into
the discipline of reading from the Gospels every
Second, pray for those who shepherd the Church.
Pray for our priests, bishops, religious and lay
ministers who are responsible for the pastoral care
of the people of God.
Finally, do not forget your responsibility to
shepherd others into the kingdom of God. Parents,
you love your children and shepherd their health,
behavior, education and advancement in maturity.
Make sure you provide for their formation and
education as Catholic Christians as well.
Every one of us can make an effort to speak more
freely about the person of Jesus, the Good
Shepherd, and how he has been a comfort and a
guide to us. As we speak about our faith, we offer
others the opportunity to join that great multitude in
the kingdom of heaven.
1) Pilgrimage Tour to the Holy Land, Petra and
Rome – October 27 to November 10, 2016 – 15
days $3,390 plus tax. If you wish to join Fr.
Mariusz on this tour to the Holy Land please pick
up a brochure at the back of the church and register.
Dates to Remember:
April 24, 2016
May 1, 2016
First Communion
May 15, 2016
June 19, 2016
St. Anthony Festa
July 19, 2016
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Sept. 21,22,23
Padre Pio Triduo
2) SHARELIFE:: Blessed are….the poor in
spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Our
2nd ShareLife collection is today April 17th. We
need your help to reach our goal this year of
$65,000.00. Please be generous!
3) Our Lady of Sorrows parish is organizing a bus
tour to Ottawa to participate in the National March
for Life on Thursday, May 12th. More than
100,000 preborn children are killed via abortion in
Canada every year. If you would like to participate
the cost is $50.00. Please contact Phil Passarelli at
[email protected] or 416-219-1814 to reserve
your spot.
4) Hike for Dorothy Ley Hospice Sunday, May 1,
2016. To register to online at or
call 416-626-1006 ext. 236.
5) Thank you to Maureen La Penna and all her
volunteers who worked at the Garage Sale. The
proceeds from this event were $2,561.00. Also,
thank you to Ron Craddock and the volunteers for
providing the food for this event. They raised
6) Mary, Mother of God School now registering for
September 2016/2017. We are an affordable,
private school (Grades K – 12) deeply rooted in the
Roncesvalles/Parkdale area. For more information
visit website at
or call 416-521-7897.
7) Please do not use envelopes from other years.
The number you had in the past may have been
given to another parishioner if you have been absent
for some time. If you are not sure call the office or
take a blank box of envelopes.
Offertory April 3 $3,490.25 Repairs $95.00
ShareLife $885.00 Easter $105.00
Mass Intentions Apr. 18 to April 24
Monday,Apr. 18
8:00 AM † Giuseppe Rosa Di Franco/ Leonardo e
Domenica Di Franco
† Giuseppina Stendardo/ Figlia Maria
7:00 PM † Amelia Gabriele/ Francesco Gabriele
† Carmela e Lucia Filigno/ Rosa e Filippo
Tuesday, Apr. 19
8:00 AM † Michele Policelli/ Angelina e Figli
† Onore San Giuseppe/ Maria Di Principe
7:00 PM † In.M.Carmela e Lucia Filigno/ Rosa
† In.M.Domenic Sabatino/Moglie Matilde
e Figlia
Wednesday, Apr. 20
8:00 AM † Nicola e Felicia Fatiga/ Caterina Pileggi
7:00 PM † Domenico Sabatino/ Moglie e Figlia
† Mike Pilotti / Clorinda Pilotti
† Teresa Tassone/ Famigliari
Thursday, Apr. 21
8:00 AM † Pasquale Micco / Famiglia Visca
7:00 PM † Lucia Figliola Falcone/ Filomena Raso
† Andreana Pietro / Solimine Saveria
Friday, April 22
8:00 AM Thanksgiving for Baby Raylen/Lewis De Sousa
7:00 PM † Giovanni Ciccocelli / Moglie e Figli
Saturday, April 23
8:00 AM
Parishioners Intentions
9:00 AM † Assunta Basso / Figlio
7:00 PM † Enrico Sciammanna/ Moglie e Figli
† Carmela Filigno / Rosa Cacciacarro
Sunday, April 24
7:30 AM † Angelo Alfonsi / Rosa Alfonsi
† Padre Alfonso / Pat Polidori
†Dorina Polidori / Marito e Fam.
9:00 AM † Franco Palazzese / Moglie e Figli
† Luciani Giovina / Luisa Visca
10:30 AM † Domenico Sabatino / Moglie e Figlia
† Giuseppe e Giulia Scatozza/ Famiglia
† Giovanni Papalone / Famigliari
12:00 PM † Filippo Di Iorio / Moglie e Famigliari
† Sebastiano Alcamo / Michela Alcamo
7:00 PM † Eleonara & Wincenty Karpinski/ Bulszysnki
Oggi e’ la Domenica del Buon Pastore.
Gesu’ e’ il buon pastore che costodisce e
protegge e ci conosce per nome.
Gesu’ ci rende partecipi della Sua Missione
attraverso la vocazione che da’ a ciascuno di
In questa Domenica il Santo Padre ci invita a
pregare per le vocazioni alla vita Sacerdotale e
Oggi seconda raccolta per la Share Life.
Ringraziamo tutti quelli che hanno collaborato
per questa importante campagna della Diocesi.
Un sentito ringraziamento a tutti coloro che
hanno collaborato al Bazaar parrocchiale.
Il ricavato e’ stato di 2.561 dollari.
Il Pranzo 286.50.
Domenica 24 Aprile Tesseramento delle Donne
di Azione Cattolica.
Il Comitato di San Antonio comincia a visitare
le case per raccogliere I fondi per la Festa. Siate
generosi ed ospitali.
Ricordo che la Tredicina iniziera’ il 6 Giugno e
la festa sara’ Domenica 19 Giugno.
La campagna “ Le monete per la vita” volge al
termine. Riportate per favore le vostre offerte
durante il mese di Aprile.
La Santa Messa in onore di San Padre Pio si
celebrera’ Martedi’ 19 Aprile alle ore 7.00
La lampada del SS. Sacramento del mese di
Aprile 2016 e’ stata offerta da Cacciacarro
Blessed are… the poor in spirit, for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven. Jesus encourages us
to show mercy to others. Help us celebrate
our year of mercy by giving generously.
Your reward will be great in heaven!