Ian McEwan Pokuta

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Transcript Ian McEwan Pokuta

Ian McEwan
Title: Pokuta
Author: Ian McEwan
Format: Hardcover
Language: Polish
Pages: 398
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 8373594116
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.8 MB
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W pewien upalny ranek 1935 roku trzynastoletnia Briony Tallis jest przypadkowym ?wiadkiem
sceny mi?osnej pomi?dzy m?odym Robbiem a swoj? starsz? siostr?. Wyobra?nia dziewczynki
podsuwa jej ró?ne interpretacje tego wydarzenia, co prowadzi do tragedii. Nast?puje rozk?ad
rodziny, a niewinny cz?owiek trafia do wi?zienia. Wybucha wojna. Briony zostaje piel?gniark?,
stawia pierwsze kroki jako pisarka. Zdaje sobie spraw? z wyrz?dzonego przez siebie z?a.
Pisarstwo staje si? jej pokut?, a kolejne wersje opowie?ci coraz bardziej przybli?aj? j? do
prawdy owych kilku upalnych dni. Ale czy w tym wypadku pokuta mo?e oznacza? odkupienie?
Insightful reviews
Scarlet: This. Book. Drove. Me. Nuts.
Did I sabotage the book by opting to watch the movie first?
Or would it have turned out this way regardless?
I'll never know.
I like the idea of this book. Ian McEwan's definition of atonement is as dazzling as it is strange. I
also love the prose. So rich and refined. For these reasons alone, I'm giving Atonement 3 stars.
The rest of this review, I'm afraid, is a jumbled explanation for why this book made me so mad.
I thought the purpose of this book was to tell a story. A story about how a misunderstanding
borne out of innocence could tragically alter so many lives. But did it really do that??
It tried to, at least in the beginning. But even then, I did not for a minute believe that it was really
happening, that all these people actually existed. It felt like the script of a play - everything was
carefully rehearsed and choreographed. Every character from Briony to Cecelia, from Robbie to
Leon, was like a caricature, like Arabella in The Trials of Arabella.
Then somewhere past the halfway mark, the story just stopped and Atonement turned into a
documentary on the horrors of WW2. Civilians were getting blown to bits, soldiers were being
left to die, villages were turning to rubble... I'm not saying it was pointless but it was way
overdone. If these characters felt vague before, they ceased to exist for me then - lost in the
mess of war tales.
So you see, very little actually happened in the course of 350 pages. So much of it was devoted
to overtly descriptive passages that were, for lack of a better word, boring.
And then there's the twist at the end, of course.
(NOTE: Do not peek at the spoiler if you intend to read the book someday.)
(view spoiler)
I've spent hours thinking on these lines but each passing minute has only added to my
So I'm settling for 3.
P.s. I personally prefer the movie. It doesn't screw with your head so much :/["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>[
Giovanna: 4.25
Rimpiango di non aver letto prima Espiazione. Ci ho messo un po' a decidermi, ma credo che
questo libro aspettasse soltanto di essere letto. Questo e molti altri di McEwan, perché non
prevedo di smettere tanto presto.
Lo stile di McEwan è...fine. Elegante, particolareggiato e se all'inizio ho fatto un po' di fatica
credo sia stata solo la necessità di abituarsi a una maestria che non si vede tanto spesso.
La vicenda mi ha catturata quasi immediatamente, nonostante la piccola Briony abbia suscitato
da subito la mia antipatia. E, nonostante ciò, la prima parte, così piena delle sciocchezze
infantili di Briony, è stata in grado di catturarmi e di incuriosirmi in maniera quasi ossessiva. Io
dovevo sapere che sarebbe successo. Giuro, le pagine si giravano da sole.
La seconda parte è stata un po' più ostica per me. È molto più straziante della prima, ma allo
stesso tempo è piuttosto statica. La terza ed ultima parte è la mia preferita. Seguire Briony,
costretta a convivere con il proprio senso di colpa, è stato davvero l'apice del romanzo. La
conclusione è, inutile nascondersi, amara. Però è quel tipo di amarezza che si accoglie con un
sorriso storto, quasi come se sapessimo che non sarebbe potuta finire in un altro modo.
Sarah: It's like To Kill A Mockingbird. Only, instead of a flawed but relatable protagonist, we
have a protagonist vilified beyond all reason. Instead of a persecuted minority, we have a horny
young man. And instead of Atticus Finch, we have...Ian McEwan. And never, in the history of
literature, has anyone worked quite this hard to invalidate the accusatory gaze of young girls.
The "sinner" here is young Briony. And her sin is pride. We see her exposed to sexist and
obscene language, violent sex, and a rape --all in one day! And why did she she make such a
Well, according to McEwan, it's because she's the worst thing in the world: a little girl (with little
girl problems) who simply can't understand the "grownup" world. ("Grownup," in this context,
refers almost exclusively to the pursuit of id impulses.) Everything the poor girl does is made to
seem (somehow) insidious: the way she lines up her toys, the way she plays pretend, the way
her own mind controls her own hand. (The power!)
But who are McEwan's martyrs? you query. Where there's heavy handed allegory, there are
bound to be martyrs, you say.
Ah! That would be Robbie and Cecilia. You see, Robbie and Cecilia's sin is lust, the one (and
only) sin that must always be defended in literature, the sin McEwan is (apparently) most
defensive about. Naturally, some of that lust is projected onto the young girl--reverse moralists
are so hypocritical!--but it's Robbie and Cecilia who are truly wronged. Indeed, no fictional
character has been this wronged by the moral majority since Jude (the Obscure). But even
Thomas Hardy had the presence of mind not to shrilly condemn young girls. McEwan
undermined his point in overstating it.
In McEwan's universe, the only real sin is being too uptight (or "sheltered"). No counterpoint is
offered. Nor is there any real understanding of sexual trauma and its behavioral manifestations.
No sexual history is provided the characters, certainly nothing to account for the behavior in
evidence! (To Kill a Mockingbird, mentioned earlier, does provide that history.) McEwan's
characters are born the day we meet them...and only to serve his argument.
In short, this is a defensive book. It's nothing more than a defensive book. Chance doesn't work
this way. Trauma doesn't work this way. Sexuality doesn't work this way. Nothing works this
One gets the distinct impression that McEwan has projected his own narcissism and guilt onto
one character (the accuser) and his actual misdeeds onto another (the "unjustly" persecuted).
Because his aims are self-indulgent, he doesn't accomplish much beyond this smug reversal. It
never quite makes for a cohesive whole. (Nearly, though!)
In a foreshadowing of later events, everyone fusses over a cousin who says she has been badly
bruised by her two brothers. When the unjustly maligned little boys run away, it's predicted that
the little drama queen will somehow find a way to regain the spotlight. She does...in getting
raped. We never learn her thoughts or feelings about this incident, and her rapist is given a
nebulous presence, at best, in the novel.
Throughout the story, the victim is portrayed as a snob. She's so snobby, in fact, that she
marries her rapist...in the name of monogamy. (Yes, Ian, we see what you did there.)
Significantly, Cecilia too is portrayed as a snob...until she puts out.
To summarize:
Briony is the sort of uppity prig who accuses "good" men like Ian McEwan Robbie of being bad
As we can clearly see, there are far worse men. See?
Oh, the victim? Complicit. Moving on...
And Cecilia just needed a good f...
It's a shame, because the prose, itself, is good. The premise had a lot of potential for nuance
and ambiguity. But McEwan forgoes any subtlety in his tireless crusade against...little girls. Little
girls who tell on men. Little girls whose motives and perceptions simply can't be trusted.
And all to make some asinine declaration about "true" art?
In the end, we find that Briony is, herself, the narrator of this tale and her own literary career
allows McEwan to covertly praise his own writing, so reminiscent of Woolf (in his opinion). (Um,
no, Ian. Woolf was a good writer.)
Is he serious? Is he trying to be a pompous ass? Was this an Andy Kaufman bit all along?
Oh, also: War is bad. I make that an aside, because the actual causes, ramifications, and
atrocities of war are clearly less important to McEwan than his own pen and man meat. But it's
war that truly makes a man of you. If only I were a man and could understand the "real"
world!...instead of writing fairy stories...playing with my miniatures...and stripping for the
neighbor boys all day.
Something tells me McEwan has a long and studied history of reframing. But the fact remains: If
it's not cohesive, it's not true.
This is cleverness. Not truth.
Amy Galaviz: **NOTE: Spoilers included: i admire the adventure of examining a booklet after
which seeing the movie, that is why I learn this book. either the ebook and the motion picture
are hugely acclaimed, so what can be a greater choice? I haven’t but noticeable the motion
picture due to the fact that I simply accomplished the e-book today, yet possibly I must have
learn "No nation For outdated Men" instead. a hundred pages into this book, i needed to only
supply up. It felt like anything that might were pressured on me by way of highschool English
teachers, with the entire descriptive, flowery language approximately British aristocratic
characters, scenery, and structure in 1935 that I simply couldn’t carry myself to care about.
have been it no longer for the data that Briony was once going to devote against the law (based
at the again of the book), i'd have certainly positioned it down. Even so, i presumed the crime
could were anything worse than perjury – taking nearly 170+ pages to accumulate to the crime
larger rattling good be murder! (joking) – yet nonetheless, her crime tore her family members
apart, which was once bad. yet still, taking over 170+ pages to explain one afternoon (as many
folks in this website have noted) was once unnecessary. or even even though the writing kind
was once beautiful, elegant, etc., it gave the look of not anything quite *happened;* it was once
more often than not thoughts, memories, and actual descriptions, a lot of that have been beside
the point to the particular plot. might be that’s simply my choice for studying books during which
the characters truly DO anything and seek advice from every one other. I mean, don’t get me
wrong, a bit description is fine and necessary, yet this simply took it to the extreme. i do know
McEwan used to be simply attempting to express the intensity of the characters at play, hence
getting the reader to care extra approximately them and make the impression of what used to
be approximately to take place extra forceful, yet he overdid it to the purpose of constructing me
no longer care at all. I didn’t imagine the plot of this booklet relatively wanted such in-depth
description.However, elements 2 & three replaced gears and certainly picked up; it was once
like examining a very various book! I loved examining approximately Robbie’s stressful get
away from France throughout the conflict of Dunkirk, and Briony’s event as a nurse tending to
the wounded/dead of global struggle II. either sections have been a fresh distinction to the
superficial, snobbish believe of the 1st portion of the e-book (not that battle is refreshing).
something i assumed the ebook used to be lacking and will have elaborated on extra instead of
the tedious half 1 used to be the fast aftermath of Briony’s crime. After the crime occurs, the
plot instantly jumps to Robbie in France throughout the war, and we're advised little or no of
what occurred within the three yr time period among the crime itself, Robbie’s felony sentence,
and his eventual deployment. we all know that Robbie had aspired to visit scientific school, yet
used to be the end result of the unconventional due to the Briony’s crime or international battle
II? no matter if Briony devoted no crime, wasn’t Robbie’s being drafted to the struggle and
eventual separation from Cecilia inevitable?Despite being not sure if the novel’s final result was
once the results of conflict or a formative years crime, in contrast to what a few posters in this
website have written, i really cherished the ending. I cherished the revelation that the tale was
once a singular inside a novel, and an try out at atonement that by no means occurs in
(Briony’s fictional) reality. If Briony had went directly to seek advice from her family, lawyers,
and legally retracted her fake statement, after which Cecilia and Robbie lived fortunately ever
after and forgave Briony, the radical might were basically a glorified model of Briony’s juvenile
the pains of Arabella. might be it’s simply me, yet happy, neat endings in movies, books, etc.
occasionally simply get old. lifestyles seriously isn't that perfect, and the actual fact is, probably
harmless activities within the current could lead to results that could by no means be
redeemed.Overall, the size and weightiness of the 1st a part of the ebook is why I basically
gave it 2 stars, but when that part have been condensed into, say, 50 pages or less, i'd have
given it five stars.
Angi M: **WARNING: do not learn this for those who don't desire the finishing spoiled!**This
book...I hate it! it really is beautiful, each note of it really is gorgeous, yet it really is as though
the writer spends all this time painstakingly crafting a truly detailed, elaborate vessel for you (I'm
deliberating a ship :))and then previous to your journey's over he snatches it out from below you
& you sink. Why visit such lengths describing the lovers, and the war, and Briony & the nursing
while in spite of everything none of it even matters? the matter with Atonement is that there's no
atonement, which, of course, is the point. This publication used to be defined to me as 'haunting'
and it certainly is- haunting & depressing. a narrative does not must have a cheerful finishing to
be good, I mean, it is a nice book, really, yet I felt rather empty & hole whilst it used to be over.
The half on the finish whilst the writer says that the tale is the one half that concerns b/c not
anyone will ever have in mind the genuine humans or the particular occasions besides was
once crushing! it really is true, I know, and that i do not particularly have an issue w/
realism...but i've got an immense challenge with death. It freaks me out. i've got a very
dangerous worry of it. specially unjust death. It simply pisses me off greater than i will be able to
explain. probably i have simply been feeling too poetic lately, hearing an excessive amount of
sensitive-artist music, yet i will not stand that Briony kills 2 humans after which simply conjures
them again up from the useless as though it by no means occurred and not anyone else even
mentions it. It makes me imagine an excessive amount of approximately genuine events,
politics, & things. i do not are looking to run out of time, i've got issues i need to do here, and
that i don't need to be reminded that if truth be told it isn't important no matter if I run out of time
or no longer simply because ultimately there's not going to be somebody left who ever knew
me, or my family, or an individual we ever knew. Ugh. i am making myself unwell w/ this. i am
instructed the motion picture is de facto stable b/c it truly is appealing w/out being really as
harsh on the end. i feel i have to see it so i will cease brooding about the book. it is waking me
up at night, or relatively it truly is waking me up within the morning understanding that i have
been considering all of it night. I hate it, however it quite is good.
Michela: "Espiazione" -Ian McEwan (2001) l. a. nostra storia ha inizio in un caldo pomeriggio
d’estate del 1935, nella cornice di una vecchia villa inglese.In questa giornata afosa e
opprimente entriamo nella vita della famiglia Tallis e assistiamo ai preparativi della cena
information in onore del ritorno del figlio Leon, e di un suo amico,Paul Marshall. Sembra di
assistere ai preparativi di “Mrs Dalloway” di Virgina Woolf, alla stessa maniera, l’incontro si
concluderà in maniera drammatica. Briony ha thirteen anni, un’ immaginazione sfrenata e una
passione in step with l. a. letteratura. Vede dalla finestra una scena tra sua sorella Cecilia e
Robbie, il figlio della cameriera che è cresciuto con loro, legge una lettera di Robbie che non è
destinata a lei, coglie di sorpresa Robbie e los angeles sorella in un amplesso in biblioteca e,
quando nel buio del giardino vede una figura maschile che si allontana dalla cugina, los angeles
sua fervida immaginazione ha già creato una storia dove è lui il colpevole. L’unico problema è
che l. a. storia creata non rimarrà solo nella sua testa, ma formulerà accuse reali che los
angeles sua ingenua mente di tredicenne non riesce a quantificare.-Dunque l’hai visto-So che
period lui-Lascia perdere quello che sai. Stai dicendo che l’hai visto.- Si l’ho visto. Si porterà
dietro questa colpa consistent with fifty nine anni, e a niente varrà riscrivere l’intera vicenda
sottoforma di romanzo, in line with poter cosi cambiare il finale ed espiare una colpa che non ha
ricevuto perdono nella vita reale. Una scrittura intesa come riparazione? “Il problema in questi
cinquantanove anni è stato un altro: come può una scrittrice espiare le proprie colpe quando il
suo potere assoluto di decidere i destini altrui los angeles rende simile a Dio? Non esiste
nessuno, nessuna entità superiore a cui possa fare appello, in keeping with riconciliarsi, in
keeping with ottenere il perdono. Non c’è nulla al di fuori di lei. E’ l. a. sua fantasia a sancire i
limiti e i termini della storia. Non c’è espiazione consistent with Dio, nè according to il
romanziere, nemmeno se fossero atei.” Bellissime le pagine della guerra, in cui ogni colpa
viene azzerata perché è impossibile distinguere chi è colpevole e chi innocente, bellissime e
catartiche le pagine di Briony in ospedale, quando da infermiera tirocinante cura i soldati di
ritorno dalla Francia, e bellissime le pagine in cui Briony, ormai famosa scrittrice, si chiede se
sia possibile l’espiazione in line with chi, come lei, ha l’arbitrio di cambiare l. a. vita e il destino
dei suoi personaggi, modificando los angeles storia, scrivendo un finale felice dove invece c’è
stata solo tragedia. “Espiazione” è stato un libro penetrante e sconvolgente, amaro e dolce,
commovente fino all’ultima pagina dove un finale spiazzante mi ha fatto versare qualche
lacrima. Non riesco a dire altro, solo: LEGGETELO. "Gli amanti sopravvivono felici. Finchè
resterà anche una sola copia, un unico dattiloscritto della mia stesura finale…sopravviveranno in
keeping with amarsi”
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