Ian McEwan Amsterdam - Marani Developments

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Ian McEwan
Title: Amsterdam
Author: Ian McEwan
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 194
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0385496486
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6 MB
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When good-time, fortysomething Molly Lane dies of an unspecified degenerative illness, her
many friends and numerous lovers are led to think about their own mortality. Vernon Halliday,
editor of the upmarket newspaper the Judge, persuades his old friend Clive Linley, a selfindulgent composer of some reputation, to enter into a euthanasia pact with him. Should either
of them be stricken with such an illness, the other will bring about his death. From this point
onward we are in little doubt as to Amsterdam's outcome--it's only a matter of who will kill
whom. In the meantime, compromising photographs of Molly's most distinguished lover, foreign
secretary Julian Garmony, have found their way into the hands of the press, and as rumors
circulate he teeters on the edge of disgrace. However, this is McEwan, so it is no surprise to find
that the rather unsavory Garmony comes out on top. Ian McEwan is master of the writer's craft,
and while this is the sort of novel that wins prizes, his characters remain curiously soulless
amidst the twists and turns of plot. --Lisa Jardine
Insightful reviews
Arun Divakar: The richly air conditioned and plushly carpetted conference halls, bottles of water
and pieces of chocolate on the table, writing pads & pens, the rich buffet lunch, tea & coffee in a
timely fashion.
I can sum up many a professional training session at best in these words. In most cases, what
happens afterwards is that on getting home and reflecting a bit on the days spent, I invariably
end up remembering close to nothing from those glitzy presentations nor the content. I am
sometimes left to wonder at the sheer pointlessness of it all. These mirror my feelings after this
book. Why Mr. McEwan ? What was the bloody point in this story ?
There are four principal characters in the story and the entire thing could have been wrapped up
in well under 100 pages. The author however chooses to elongate this into a novella that tries to
push into the novel genre. The end result being that it's like underwear that is neither here nor
there ! One of the major characters-cum-plot drivers is dead at the time of the opening of the
book and we are given passing references to her details. It's like that frustrating experience
when someone points out Oh Oh ! Look who's there ! and you turn around to see the back of a
white shirt disappearing into the crowd. This main character is more of a caricature and is quite
absurd in what she does and how she does it. The book blurb calls this a contemporary morality
tale but it's more of a befuddling sludge of nothingness ! The male protagonists get a lot of
background built up around them and a load of verbal furniture get strewn around in the rooms
that they inhabit as characters to be finally let down in a disastrous climax. There was an
attempt to build a twist into the climax but frankly I had given up interest in the book a long time
The two stars are for McEwan's writing prowess for I find a lot of good writing in an otherwise
unremarkable book.
Steve: How can someone who writes so well (like McEwan) make me so ambivalent about his
prize winning book? By drawing darker, more degenerate characters than I would ever hope to
know. I just didn't buy that people McEwan imbued with human thoughts and emotions to begin
with could turn out to be so void of humanity in the end.
Connie (Ava Catherine): I enjoyed the psychological tension Ian McEwan so deftly stoked in
Amsterdam. How can a situation accelerate into chaos and loss so swiftly? Nothing is as it
I enjoy McEwan's writing, the way he so cleverly crafts a story without excess verbiage. Letting
the author unfold the tightly woven plot is truly a delightful reading experience.
Tanuj Solanki: standard Read.McEwan belabored prose and over-engineered plot -- an total
swindling the reader into aceepting the ultimate farce -- arise brief relatively pathetically. every
one sentence includes a definite beauty, yet as an entire the unconventional is colossally
unconvincing. by no means as soon as does the reader care, imagine about, or perhaps think
in, what McEwan is using him into. I comprehend now why McEwan has been panned for his
'construction'. 'Amsterdam' - no longer too kindly for its writer - appears to be like a unique
considered by means of a master, yet introduced into the world of phrases by means of a miles
lesser mortal. the full work, the entire construciton at the back of it, exists for the tip and the top
by myself - an finish that the reader particularly does not provide a fuck about.I ask yourself how
Coetzee should have felt profitable the Booker a yr after 'Amsterdam'. Its a pity that 'Disgrace'
and 'Amsterdam' will stand side-by-side within the Booker list.'Amsterdam' is a unconditionally
avoidable piece of literature. Please learn 'Atonement' back when you rather need to learn
Gloria Mundi: i wished anything beginning with A to learn for the A to Z publication problem and
this has been sitting on my shelf considering I went via a frenzy of shopping for booker
shortlisted novels numerous years ago, again whilst i used to be nonetheless prepared to
provoke myself and fellow commuters with my interpreting choices.The books begins with a
funeral of Molly Lane, a member of that satisfied breed of fantastic girls who has a horde of ex
and present fanatics with all of whom she is still friends. We by no means examine a lot else
approximately her yet she isn't important, considering she is purely a plot equipment and the
folk who subject are the 3 ex-lovers who attend her funeral. each certainly one of them is a selfabsorbed, self-aggrandising egocentric snob and so they set on their direction in the direction of
a answer that's either hilarious and tragic.I was once surprised, simply because I loved this
quite a bit greater than i assumed I would. I settled on 3 stars yet it truly is someplace in among
3 and four. i did not count on it to be humorous but it was. now not in an noticeable chortle out
loud type of means however the extra i believe approximately it the funnier it is. it is a nice
instance of an stress-free examine despicable humans and it truly is lower than 2 hundred
pages long.
Anastasia: Più modesto rispetto advert altri letti di McEwan. Nello spessore di certo (non è che
Chesil seashore fosse più dilatato, in realtà, ma period decisamente più potente) e ho avuto l. a.
sensazione che lo fosse natural nelle possibilità effettive dei contenuti, e ho natural l. a.
sensazione che le possibilità effettive dei contenuti siano ridotte proprio consistent with through
del trattamento dato nel giro di one hundred seventy pagine.La brevità non è sinonimo di
trascuratezza o quel doloroso "potevi fare di più", ma in questo caso l. a. parte più istintiva di me
mi suggerisce che forse se si fosse dato più spazio sarebbe stato meglio.La lettura è stata
piacevole anche così e non sono nemmeno sicura che sia veramente questo il problema, l. a.
parte istintiva mi suggerirebbe anche un'alternativa: c'è un che di meno potente, più spento
rispetto a bombe advert orologeria come Espiazione. In questo senso è stato curioso leggere
chi ha optato consistent with l'aggettivo "apatico", non lo sento come pienamente calzante, ma
suggerisce una certa mancanza di spinta molto simile anche nelle mie sensazioni al riguardo.
Meno avvincente di Miele, anche se non manca di interessare: McEwan ha talento e
nonostante questo incontro non sia stato coinvolgente come gli altri, l. a. storia ha saputo
giocarsi certe carte comunque niente male. Niente male infatti il "circolo vizioso" che si crea e
che esplode così inaspettamente (o forse si sentiva nell'aria?), come è sorprendente anche
vedere un lato diverso dello scrittore, che inscena un siparietto più cinico di altri.Se George e
Julian si presentano fin da subito come personaggi sgradevoli, natural i protagonisti "duellanti"
(intelligente los angeles copertina italiana!) piano piano si rivelano non meglio di loro, se non
addirittura più sgradevoli ancora. Clive e Vernon dietro l. a. maschera di personaggi
potenzialmente positivi, persino interessanti nei loro moti interiori, più vengono offerte
opportunità in line with una svolta, più si rivelano according to quel che sono; dietro agli
intellettuali chiacchiericci di Clive e dietro alle turbe interiori di Vernon e dietro alla loro così
durevole amicizia. Paradossalmente alla positive dei giochi quello meno peggio è proprio il
politico senza scrupoli preso nel mirino sin da subito. Mi è piaciuto questo taglio meno attento al
sentimento, più svagato e freddo allo stesso tempo: sembrava quasi che tra le righe spuntasse
il non detto di McEwan, un certo occhio parodistico ai dispiegamenti delle emozioni dei
personaggi. Non sono destinati di certo advert affascinare, ma a guadagnarsi guy mano il
disprezzo o comunque un certo sorrisetto compassionevole da parte di chi legge e allo stesso
pace piace anche according to questo. Ha un ritmo che nonostante sia abbastanza spedito, non
mi sembra che abbia guadagnato los angeles stessa voglia di sapere di altre letture altrettanto
compresse come Chesil Beach. Si mantiene in un cortese equilibrio fra una tiepida positività
nella trasmissione dei contenuti che solo occasionalmente mi ha realmente catturato nella sua
rete.Una sorta di balletto eseguito con passi curiosi, non errati, con un loro perché affascinante
una volta che lo si analizza nel complesso, ma ciò che se ne ottiene una volta che si esce dallo
spettacolo è chiaramente un assenso tiepido, insicuro e lievemente esitante che sarebbe
sbagliato non puntualizzare e portare a galla.
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