Stephen King Carrie

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Transcript Stephen King Carrie

Stephen King
Title: Carrie
Author: Stephen King
Format: Paperback
Language: French
Pages: 288
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 2226069801
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.7 MB
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Élevée par une mère fondamentaliste intégriste, Carrietta White, adolescente et collégienne
dans le Maine, découvre dans un moment de douleur terrible qu'elle détient des pouvoirs
télékinésiques d'une rare force. Rejetant les obsessions religieuses et l'éducation sévère de sa
mère, Carrie tentera désespérément de s'intégrer au groupe de jeunes gens composé de beaux
joueurs de football et de joli pom-pom girls du collège. Elle croira même, un court instant, avoir
réussi. Malheureusement pour la ville de Chamberlain, un concours de circonstances va
pousser Carrie à se servir de son don pour se venger des humiliations que lui auront fait subir
ses camarades de classe.
Premier roman publié de Stephen King, Carrie reste un chef d'œuvre du fantastique. Rapide,
rythmé, le récit avance comme un bulldozer vers un dénouement annoncé comme inéluctable,
et que l'on sent s'approcher comme un cauchemar. D'autant plus effrayant que très près du
réel. --Lisa B.
Insightful reviews
Eyehavenofilter : I just re-read this, because I noticed that thre is a new version of the movie
and Im horrified, so I decided to re-review!
Redeux 2012
Stephen Kings Recipe for Disaster
1 telekenetically talented teeanged outcast
1 sexually repressed , religious fanatic, over bearing, abusive mother
3 to 4 teenaged sex obsessed highschool girl bullies
1 part time friend
mix carefully and wait for first signs of puberty during addition of a sprinkling of water.
beat furiously until tears and hysteria bring on full power of telekenetic power.
set aside and add more abuse from mother as hormones rage.
add a pinch of guilt from part time friend
add 2 boy friends,
1 kind good guy
1, not so much, bad guy
Set up a date for the prom with good guy
and a bucket of blood for bad guy
fix the vote for queen of the prom
let the games begin
dump the bucket of blood and let the flames rise
cook everyone ( oops!)
sit back and relax to Carly Simons " Nobody does it Better"
and enjoy the teenapocolypse!
Thank you Stephen King for a Lovely desert.
-I remember reading this and thinking, those "be-aw-thches " all got what they deserved. This is
a case of bullying gone er... Right? I don't know but "you mess with the bull ya get the horns."
Every kid who gets attacked by all the cool kids feels like they wish they could do this... Now it's
not the right thing to do... But it's jus a book! Carrie is the odd girl, the skinny, plain Jane girl,
who doesn't have anything going for her. As a matter of fact everything is going against her. A "
holy roller " mother, a flat freckle face and she hasn't even reached puberty. Nor does she have
a clue what that entails. And when it does appear... Horrifically ....she is sadistically tortured by
her classmates when she is the most vulnerable, naked in the shower after gym class.
When she finally makes it home, she in again humiliated by her own mother. Her sexuality
attacked, told she is dirty , and made to repent for her" wickedness" . Now that would confuse
and freak out anyone. But it seems to put Carrie in touch with her powerful side.
This is where all " hell " breaks lose. No matter what other humiliation her classmates have in
store for her, she can handle it.
They have no idea, of the the real meaning of Shakespeare's line " he'll have no fury like a
woman scorned" , but they will find out, on prom night.
There have been many copycat stories, but there is only one original.....Carrie!
“People don't get better, they just get smarter. When you get smarter you don't stop
pulling the wings off flies, you just think of better reasons for doing it.”
This is pizza, the freaky flavor.
I loved how intertwined with religion it was. Not churches and stuff like that. I mean hardcore
stuff about the point where religion stops being religion and transforms into fanaticism and how
a person can drive themselves crazy with it, especially if you already have the tendency towards
the crazy.
And Margaret White definitely had the tendency towards craziness. She’s a prejudiced,
maniacal, insane person who believes that women are constantly living in sin because of their
gender. Sex is poison, sexual pleasure is a sin. When she got pregnant she tried to kill the
baby. Now, after 17 years she self-harms herself to stop her daughter from disobeying her like a
nice little sheep.
Carrie is the kind of girl who gets period and thinks she’s bleeding to death. Yes, that’s what
happens when you have no friends, or people to stand by you or a mother who’s supportive
and can guide you through stuff like this. Every time, Carrie commits a sin, she’s forced by
Margaret to get locked inside a closet until she’s repented for her sins by asking for
If you’ve seen the movie – or better yet, the movies – then you’re all too familiar with the plot
and what happens. What’s worth the mention though, it’s the fact that while, I, too, was familiar
with the plot I felt like reading something new, something I’d never heard or seen before and
that’s the magic of Mr. King’s writing.
The way he combines the past with the present and horror seems all too real. It’s mouthwatering and it leaves you wanting more and more of that horror and terror.
It’s a small enough novel, it’ll take you no time at all to read it. So, if you’ve seen the movies
then don’t be hesitant about it. Just do it. You won’t regret it.
Ruth Turner:
Audiobook – Narrated by Sissy Spaceck – Excellent narration.
As an added bonus there’s an introduction by the author.
It’s no secret that I don’t enjoy female narrators, but Spaceck did a wonderful job with this.
She didn’t try to lower and deepen her voice for the male characters, which I find really
annoying. Instead, she differentiated between them by the natural cadence of her own voice.
Her reading of Carrie’s internal monologue throughout the book is exceptional.
Carrie wasn’t the first King book I read, but it was one of the early ones. I read the book,
watched the movie (original) and for some reason have never bothered to read it again until
It was a quick, easy read, and also an engrossing one because I’d forgotten so much. I only
wished it had been longer.
What I didn’t like were the excerpts from other sources that interspersed the story, particularly
those from “The Shadow Exploded” that related to studies of telekinesis. I wasn’t interested,
they were boring and so I skipped them.
However, the interviews, police reports and autobiography excerpts were an interesting
inclusion that I did enjoy.
I even liked the ending, which isn’t always the case for me with King’s books.
A 5 star rating for the audio, and 4 stars for the book…only because I skimmed parts of it.
Teddy Duchamp’s (The Body) son runs Teddy’s Amoco gas station. Teddy passed away in
Carrie’s mother works at the Blue Ribbon Laundry (The Mangle, Roadwork).
Chamberlain ('Salem's Lot, The Body, Thinner)
Ray Brower (The Body) comes from Chamberlain.
Edwin King, Carrie’s 7th grade English teacher. Stephen King’s middle name is Edwin. He
taught high school English during the early seventies.
John Swithen, a folk singer who played at Carrie’s prom. John Swithen is the name Stephen
King used when he published The Fifth Quarter, a short story that appeared in Cavalier
magazine in 1972.
Karly *The Vampire Ninja & Luminescent Monster*: What might Spooktober be and not using a
little Stephen King?! final 12 months my woman Jess and that i ventured our manner via
’Salem’s Lot, and it was once particularly fucking good, so I selected to choose up Carrie this
year… i used to be left considerably much less impressed. the final influence is one in every of a
city that's ready to die.There have been a number of parts of this tale that didn’t paintings for
me, but the e-book total is kind of good. i discovered the basis and factors of Carrie’s powers
compelling and the topic of the tale itself super unsettling.However, how it was once narrated
was once bothersome to me. utilizing exerts from different books and experiences to inform the
tale used to be a daring idea, notwithstanding i discovered its actualization distancing. the
following now we have a narrative of a lady who has been performed so improper her complete
lifestyles yet but I couldn’t ever believe really invested in her plight. and that i fault a lot of that
during the leaping narration. I too used to be bullied badly in school, and that i came across
myself desperately desirous to aspect with Carrie, yet once i began to suppose a glimmer of
that the narrative type swapped. I suggest in truth i will be able to see why it'd be undesirable to
believe overly attached to her, yet isn’t that the point? Wouldn’t that be extra unsettling,
overall?? Carrie was once bullied mercilessly by means of each person her complete life, even
these *ahem* her raging complain mom *ahem* who're alleged to be on her side. I did benefit
from the tale itself, whereas being left a bit puzzled as to why it was once informed within the
stressful it used to be told. I don’t relatively get why every thing used to be foreshadowed how it
was, it left not anything a surprise. It used to be extra of an evidence than a story. a narrative
which reached its height at simply earlier the midway point… one of these sweet, blameless lady
society of bullies and cruelty did wrong, right?! (view spoiler)[ i actually want that King hadn’t
long gone all psycho murderess with her, that her vicious revenge were much less all
encompassing. it'll were extra unsettling to appreciate the place she used to be coming for,
rather than simply feeling like she snapped. (hide spoiler)]["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>[
Chiara Pagliochini: « Hanno fatto del male a Carrie in line with l’ultima volta. »Carrie, vediamo
un po’. Da dove cominciare…A lettura ultimata mi sono raggomitolata sul divano in posizione
fetale e, da vera sociopatica, sono rimasta in line with un pezzetto a fissare il vuoto, un po’
ascoltando le voci alla tv, un po’ scansando le domande di mamma che mi chiedeva che cosa
avessi. Poi, qualche minuto fa, sono salita in soffitta a discutere col modem e mi sono seduta
un momento sulla sedia girevole di papà e lassù, così sola, sono scoppiata a piangere. Perché
Carrie mi ha annullato davanti il tempo, ha spazzato through in meno di duecento pagine lo
spazio che mi separa da brutti ricordi, ha cancellato anni di lavoro, di perfezionamento, di
evoluzione. E mi ha riportata là, proprio là, nel mio buco privato, al centro di quel piccolo nodo di
malessere da cui sembra non si debba uscire mai. Il mio buco privato copre un discreto arco di
tempo: l. a. maggior parte della vita, ecco, credo di averla passata laggiù. E ancora certe volte
mi domando se ne sono fuori del tutto, se è proprio vero che ho fatto il grande passo, che mi
sono inserita nella vita. In ognuna di noi – in ogni donna – c’è una piccola e livida Carrie.
Fossimo country natural fortunatissime, volesse il caso che acne, goffaggine e trasandatezza ci
abbiano graziato, un momento-Carrie tuttavia dobbiamo averlo avuto. Il momento in cui,
guardandoci allo specchio, non ci siamo piaciute. Il momento in cui ci siamo sentite diversified e
abbiamo desiderato essere qualcun altro. Il momento in cui abbiamo voluto vincere il nostro
cerchio di isolamento e fare il grande passo, uscire allo scoperto, farci degli amici, uscire,
dimostrare di essere una volta tanto una character interessante, una character che vale. E certe
volte abbiamo trionfato e certe altre abbiamo fallito. E siamo ancora tutti qui, tutti tranne
qualcuno, perché qualcuno che non ce l’ha fatta, nel vasto mondo, deve pur esserci. E così
capita che un piccolo libro possa ricordarci di noi a tredici anni, i brufoli e il seno grosso, i capelli
puliti non sempre, i vestiti indecenti. Ricordarci di loro, loro che ci rompevano le cose – perché
le cose erano nostre e andavano rotte; i loro pugni e i loro calci, gli sgambetti; le prese in giro in
palestra in step with come correvi, i soprannomi che ti restavano appiccicati addosso, così
appiccicati che non riuscivi a staccare da essi l. a. tua faccia. E ancora i motteggiamenti perché
ti piaceva il ragazzo più piccolo e nessuno di loro ti si filava. E poi, il liceo, cinque anni di ultimo
banco, così nessuno ti vede, così non devi parlare, così nessuno capisce che non hai niente da
dire. Gente che si fidanza, gente che riceve fiori, ragazze che vengono bene in foto, ragazze
che parlano di cose che non sai e non saprai in step with molto pace ancora. Un desiderio
impossibile di riscatto, un anelito a una felicità che ci spetta di diritto – ne spetta un po’ a tutti,
no? – e a cui natural sembri non approdare mai, mai. Carrie… come si fa a non parteggiare in
line with Carrie? Come si fa a esser sazi del sangue, degli incendi, dei cavi divelti? E allo stesso
pace sapere che los angeles vendetta è un deserto, perché non ti porterà più vicino agli altri,
non ti farà meno diversa, ma anzi ti separerà in keeping with sempre da loro, una distanza
abissale che nulla potrà più colmare. In ‘Carrie’ Stephen King colpisce consistent with los
angeles sensibilità, l’acutezza con cui sa sfiorare e descrivere le declinazioni dell’animo
femminile in una fase tanto delicata come l’adolescenza. Il vero horror non sta nelle abilità
telepatiche della protagonista quanto nello scavo psicologico, nell’indagine di rapporti umani
deviati come quello tra Carrie e l. a. madre, gravato da un fanatismo religioso esasperante e
vagamente incredibile. E poi, ancora, il legame implicito tra bellezza, sessualità e potere,
innocenza e peccato, dominazione e sottomissione. Nozioni confuse, spesso stagnanti a un
livello preconscio, che natural sono emerse almeno una volta nell’animo di ognuno di noi.
Siamo tutti stati Carrie. Poi, magari, abbiamo avuto l’occasione di non esserlo più. in line with
un attimo ci siamo sentite belle, consistent with un secondo abbiamo visto los angeles luce in
fondo al tunnel, abbiamo pensato « stavolta ce l. a. faccio, stavolta è los angeles volta buona,
non sarò più emarginata, non avrò più motivo di aver paura di parlare, potrò essere me stessa,
essere apprezzata, potrò imporre l. a. mia volontà ». E forse dal tunnel siamo uscite. Oppure nel
tunnel siamo rimaste, il tappeto ci è scivolato da sotto i piedi – period l’ennesimo grande
scherzo. Siamo inciampate. E abbiamo desiderato incendiare, abbiamo desiderato che tutto si
spaccasse e spaccasse noi con esso. Abbiamo desiderato annullare tutto in un cataclisma, una
catastrofe, una catarsi-non-catartica, un falò finale. E ancora eravamo sole, sole fino in fondo,
according to sempre, irrimediabilmente. Come si fa a non amare, a non compatire, a non aver
paura di Carrie, quando amiamo, compatiamo e abbiamo paura di noi in step with tramite suo?
Lisa: Stephen Kings Carrie used to be the fastest ebook i have learn via him enjoyed the
booklet & used to be absolutely absorbed within the e-book Carrie White has a distinct strength
Telekinesis she has constantly been diverse being the out forged from public university to
highschool women begin to do terrible issues to her yet she will get her personal again a
perfectly written booklet which i couldn't positioned down yet imagine the motion picture was
once higher in my oppinion
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