Stephen King Carrie - Camera Crew Miami

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Transcript Stephen King Carrie - Camera Crew Miami

Stephen King
Title: Carrie
Author: Stephen King
Language: English
Pages: 222
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 0450050874
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 7.5 MB
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Carrie knew she should not use the terrifying power she possessed... But one night at her
senior prom, Carrie was scorned and humiliated just one time too many, and in a fit of
uncontrollable fury she turned her clandestine game into a weapon of horror and destruction...
Insightful reviews
~Geektastic~: It’s that time of year again, the sometimes-lovely month of October, and it’s
time for my annual visit to Uncle Stevie (this is not a euphemism for anything). Right now, I am
just immersing myself in Needful Things, one of his mid-nineties doorstops. But, with all the antibullying bru-ha-ha going on in the news right now, it feels appropriate to go back and talk about
the book that cemented my annual tradition.
I first read Carrie as a freshman in high school, and afterward I went on a Stephen King bender;
that’s how much I loved it. High school really is the perfect time to encounter this book for the
first time. Carrie takes the average high school experience of misery and loneliness and ups the
ante to near apocalyptic levels; after reading this, my high school experience felt like a warm
and fuzzy trip to Disneyland.
Carrie White is a sad, lonely girl with a terrible home life and no one to turn to. Her mother is a
religious fanatic and certifiable lunatic. The kids and teachers at school, with a very few
exceptions, range from monstrously cruel to blindly apathetic. The events of the opening scene
alone would scar most people for life, and Carrie is even less prepared than most to face the
horror of adolescence.
King takes an excellent tactic with this book--which was his first published--and weaves the
supernatural/unnamed elements of horror with the even more disturbing psychological horrors
of being a teenager. Carrie has a special gift ((view spoiler)), and her abilities are integral to her
development, and intensely horrifying once you see where the narrative is taking her. King tells
the story with a highly effective combination of methods, interspersing the traditional storytelling
with fictional primary source documents recording the “phenomenon” of Carrie White and the
ensuing tragedy (this is a horror book, so I don’t consider this warning a spoiler). Carrie’s tale
becomes the beginning of a much larger, untold story that affects all of society both scientifically
and psychologically. Well, maybe not entirely untold, if you’ve read Firestarter.
As readers, we know from the very beginning that Carrie’s story will not end well; the tale is
mostly flashbacks and analysis of events with heavy foreshadowing of calamity. However, this
knowledge doesn’t keep us from dreading the outcome and hoping that we might be mistaken.
Carrie is so obviously the underdog, and so pitiably lovable, that it is just as heartbreaking as it
is frightening to watch the end events unfold.
As a horror novel, or just as a novel in general, Carrie is a great read, both powerful and
enjoyable. A substantial amount of story is packed into a scant 200+ pages, and the tension
builds to a powerful crescendo. Though I don’t think the book was ever intended as an anti-
bullying polemic, I do think those who suffer at the hands of bullies could glean some amount of
(slightly disturbing) comfort from this book. However, it is the bullies that should be reading it; I
don’t know if I’ve ever read a book that more clearly delineates the disastrous consequences
of persecuting others. You can make all the after-school specials you want, but if you really
want to teach someone not to be a bully, give them a copy of this book.
(In some ways, I think Carrie is a better version of a story King told under the name Richard
Bachman, Rage, in which a deranged teenager holds his class hostage at gunpoint. Carrie
covers similar themes, with much more power and originality.)
Bark's Book Nonsense: This was the first Stephen King novel I read. I remember grabbing it
from my dad’s nightstand and claiming it as my own. I was eleven. Eleven. It is the book that
fueled my desire and lifelong love of reading. But eleven?! Reading it now I’m a little horrified
that I read it at such a young age. It has quite a bit of sex and disturbing scenes but I turned out
relatively normal so I guess no damage was done ;)
This is your classic bully revenge tale and it is as relevant today as it was back in the day.
Carrie White was drawn with such painful vulnerability that it’ll make you ache for her and
cringe at many of the scenes. Carrie’s an innocent, abused by her religious wingnut of a mother
who never consoles but is quick to mete out punishment for the most ridiculous of offenses
(such as talking to a neighbor).
“Go to your closet and pray!”
When Carrie doesn’t want to eat her pie.
“It makes me have pimples, Momma.
“Your pimples are the Lord’s way of chastising you. Now eat your pie.”
Can you imagine growing up with a mother like this? How can you not feel for Carrie?
Anyway, there isn’t much for me to say here. I remembered it being a straight-forward tale told
by Carrie but I think that’s because I’ve seen so many of the movie versions between the book
and now. It wasn't written that way at all. I enjoyed the flashbacks, news reports, victim on the
spot interviews and such that composed the story and I’m glad I finally got around to rereading
it. It held up incredibly well and the audio version that I listened to was skillfully read by Sissy
Spacek who really knows the part.
Jennifer: I think part of what makes this book so amazing is that even though it is a horror book
- it stems from something very basic and very real to so many people. The need to be loved.
The need for acceptance. The need to be nurtured by a parent. Sadly - as is so often the case
in real life as well - these things are held out of reach for Carrie. Her mother is crazy. The kids at
school are HORRIBLE. She has no friends - no life. She is isolated and miserable. She is an
outsider who can see that people have loving families and homes and friends but is trapped in a
parody of that existence and it is seemingly untouchable.
So really the cruelest thing you could do is to offer her a chance at this world and then snatch it
away from her. Offer her hope and then throw it on the rocks. Just the concept itself is crushing
- the actualization of it for Carrie was horrific. And all the more so because we KNOW how cruel
kids in school are. We know they could erupt into a chorus of Kill the Pig! Bash him in at any
moment. (Was this book a retelling of Lord of the Flies in a way? hmmmmm. Something to
ponder.) So like any masterfully told campfire story - this book is so frightening because it is
such a small degree off of what is reality and has a touch of supernatural. It's really genius when
you think about it.
Becky: This hasn't ever been one in all my favourite King novels. It has that feeling of being a
primary novel- it is tough round the edges, has grammar and punctuation issues, and simply
feels... Unpolished. yet there's something approximately King that's simply compelling. in spite
of the entire matters this publication had, I nonetheless felt King's hand on it. The characters
weren't approximately as fleshed out as characters in his later stories, even The Shining written
now not lengthy after Carrie, yet they have been nonetheless real, and that i may possibly
determine with them. King's energy has consistently been his characters. Even the intense ones
like Carrie are, at heart, general humans installed a state of affairs past reason, and infrequently
it really is heartbreaking to determine the place that goes. I felt for Carrie. regardless of
understanding ehat happens, I nonetheless want for a unique outcome.I additionally noticed,
during this reread, that there have been loads of inspiration precursors during this books.
techniques that King might remove and construct on in different books. there is the White fee
which used to be certainly an early prototype of The Shop, pointed out in a couple of different
notables, like Firestarter and Dreamcatcher. there is the concept that of a automobile having
strength and influence, a l. a. Christine, and a preview of The Kid. various rules to revisit in later
books. I additionally loved the connection with Rage. well performed there.There can also be
the non secular fundamentalism, which has been revisited in another stories, yet by no means
as completely as here... at the least to my recollection. Margaret White is sort of a founding
member of the Westboro Baptist Church. every thing is a sin and God is a wrathful punisher. i
couldn't think starting to be up in a house like that, and it makes me believe for Carrie the entire
extra to think about how terrifying her each waking second needed to have been, figuring out
that domestic was once much less a haven than a prison. Overall, this is often an okay book,
yet no longer King's best. nonetheless as a place to begin for the profession he has had, he can
have performed much worse!
Chiara Pagliochini: « Hanno fatto del male a Carrie according to l’ultima volta. »Carrie, vediamo
un po’. Da dove cominciare…A lettura ultimata mi sono raggomitolata sul divano in posizione
fetale e, da vera sociopatica, sono rimasta according to un pezzetto a fissare il vuoto, un po’
ascoltando le voci alla tv, un po’ scansando le domande di mamma che mi chiedeva che cosa
avessi. Poi, qualche minuto fa, sono salita in soffitta a discutere col modem e mi sono seduta
un momento sulla sedia girevole di papà e lassù, così sola, sono scoppiata a piangere. Perché
Carrie mi ha annullato davanti il tempo, ha spazzato through in meno di duecento pagine lo
spazio che mi separa da brutti ricordi, ha cancellato anni di lavoro, di perfezionamento, di
evoluzione. E mi ha riportata là, proprio là, nel mio buco privato, al centro di quel piccolo nodo di
malessere da cui sembra non si debba uscire mai. Il mio buco privato copre un discreto arco di
tempo: los angeles maggior parte della vita, ecco, credo di averla passata laggiù. E ancora
certe volte mi domando se ne sono fuori del tutto, se è proprio vero che ho fatto il grande
passo, che mi sono inserita nella vita. In ognuna di noi – in ogni donna – c’è una piccola e livida
Carrie. Fossimo nation natural fortunatissime, volesse il caso che acne, goffaggine e
trasandatezza ci abbiano graziato, un momento-Carrie tuttavia dobbiamo averlo avuto. Il
momento in cui, guardandoci allo specchio, non ci siamo piaciute. Il momento in cui ci siamo
sentite diversified e abbiamo desiderato essere qualcun altro. Il momento in cui abbiamo voluto
vincere il nostro cerchio di isolamento e fare il grande passo, uscire allo scoperto, farci degli
amici, uscire, dimostrare di essere una volta tanto una character interessante, una character
che vale. E certe volte abbiamo trionfato e certe altre abbiamo fallito. E siamo ancora tutti qui,
tutti tranne qualcuno, perché qualcuno che non ce l’ha fatta, nel vasto mondo, deve pur
esserci. E così capita che un piccolo libro possa ricordarci di noi a tredici anni, i brufoli e il seno
grosso, i capelli puliti non sempre, i vestiti indecenti. Ricordarci di loro, loro che ci rompevano le
cose – perché le cose erano nostre e andavano rotte; i loro pugni e i loro calci, gli sgambetti; le
prese in giro in palestra in step with come correvi, i soprannomi che ti restavano appiccicati
addosso, così appiccicati che non riuscivi a staccare da essi l. a. tua faccia. E ancora i
motteggiamenti perché ti piaceva il ragazzo più piccolo e nessuno di loro ti si filava. E poi, il
liceo, cinque anni di ultimo banco, così nessuno ti vede, così non devi parlare, così nessuno
capisce che non hai niente da dire. Gente che si fidanza, gente che riceve fiori, ragazze che
vengono bene in foto, ragazze che parlano di cose che non sai e non saprai in step with molto
pace ancora. Un desiderio impossibile di riscatto, un anelito a una felicità che ci spetta di diritto
– ne spetta un po’ a tutti, no? – e a cui natural sembri non approdare mai, mai. Carrie… come si
fa a non parteggiare in line with Carrie? Come si fa a esser sazi del sangue, degli incendi, dei
cavi divelti? E allo stesso pace sapere che los angeles vendetta è un deserto, perché non ti
porterà più vicino agli altri, non ti farà meno diversa, ma anzi ti separerà in line with sempre da
loro, una distanza abissale che nulla potrà più colmare. In ‘Carrie’ Stephen King colpisce in
step with l. a. sensibilità, l’acutezza con cui sa sfiorare e descrivere le declinazioni dell’animo
femminile in una fase tanto delicata come l’adolescenza. Il vero horror non sta nelle abilità
telepatiche della protagonista quanto nello scavo psicologico, nell’indagine di rapporti umani
deviati come quello tra Carrie e los angeles madre, gravato da un fanatismo religioso
esasperante e vagamente incredibile. E poi, ancora, il legame implicito tra bellezza, sessualità e
potere, innocenza e peccato, dominazione e sottomissione. Nozioni confuse, spesso stagnanti
a un livello preconscio, che natural sono emerse almeno una volta nell’animo di ognuno di noi.
Siamo tutti stati Carrie. Poi, magari, abbiamo avuto l’occasione di non esserlo più. in line with
un attimo ci siamo sentite belle, consistent with un secondo abbiamo visto l. a. luce in fondo al
tunnel, abbiamo pensato « stavolta ce l. a. faccio, stavolta è los angeles volta buona, non sarò
più emarginata, non avrò più motivo di aver paura di parlare, potrò essere me stessa, essere
apprezzata, potrò imporre los angeles mia volontà ». E forse dal tunnel siamo uscite. Oppure
nel tunnel siamo rimaste, il tappeto ci è scivolato da sotto i piedi – period l’ennesimo grande
scherzo. Siamo inciampate. E abbiamo desiderato incendiare, abbiamo desiderato che tutto si
spaccasse e spaccasse noi con esso. Abbiamo desiderato annullare tutto in un cataclisma, una
catastrofe, una catarsi-non-catartica, un falò finale. E ancora eravamo sole, sole fino in fondo, in
line with sempre, irrimediabilmente. Come si fa a non amare, a non compatire, a non aver paura
di Carrie, quando amiamo, compatiamo e abbiamo paura di noi according to tramite suo?
Karina E: What quick and pleasing read. i used to be a bit skeptical approximately what horrors
may arise in a King novel simply because I had by no means learn whatever through him,
however it used to be fine. Defintely extreme yet completely manageable. a very sturdy booklet
and i am blissful it used to be my first King
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