Stephen King Carrie

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Transcript Stephen King Carrie

Stephen King Carrie

Title: Carrie Author: Stephen King Format: Audio CD Language: English Pages: 0 Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio, 1225152000 ISBN: 0743581652 Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 9.6 MB Download: allowed


A STEPHEN KING CLASSIC AVAILABLE ON AUDIO FOR THE FIRST TIMEIn one way or another, everybody abused Carrie. Her fanatical mother forbade this sixteen-year-old misfit everything that was young and fun. She was teased and taunted by her classmates, misunderstood by her teachers, and given up as hopeless by almost everyone.

But Carrie had a secret: she possessed terrifying telekinetic powers that could make inanimate objects move, a lighted candle fall, or a door lock. Carrie could make all kinds of startling bizarre, and malevolent things happen. And so she did one night, when feeling scorned and humiliated...and growing angrier and angrier...she became the vengeful demon who let the whole town feel her power.

Insightful reviews

Chiara Pagliochini: « Hanno fatto del male a Carrie per l’ultima volta. » Carrie, vediamo un po’. Da dove cominciare… A lettura ultimata mi sono raggomitolata sul divano in posizione fetale e, da vera sociopatica, sono rimasta per un pezzetto a fissare il vuoto, un po’ ascoltando le voci alla tv, un po’ scansando le domande di mamma che mi chiedeva che cosa avessi. Poi, qualche minuto fa, sono salita in soffitta a discutere col modem e mi sono seduta un momento sulla sedia girevole di papà e lassù, così sola, sono scoppiata a piangere. Perché Carrie mi ha annullato davanti il tempo, ha spazzato via in meno di duecento pagine lo spazio che mi separa da brutti ricordi, ha cancellato anni di lavoro, di perfezionamento, di evoluzione.

E mi ha riportata là, proprio là, nel mio buco privato, al centro di quel piccolo nodo di malessere da cui sembra non si debba uscire mai. Il mio buco privato copre un discreto arco di tempo: la maggior parte della vita, ecco, credo di averla passata laggiù. E ancora certe volte mi domando se ne sono fuori del tutto, se è proprio vero che ho fatto il grande passo, che mi sono inserita nella vita.

In ognuna di noi – in ogni donna – c’è una piccola e livida Carrie. Fossimo state pure fortunatissime, volesse il caso che acne, goffaggine e trasandatezza ci abbiano graziato, un momento-Carrie tuttavia dobbiamo averlo avuto. Il momento in cui, guardandoci allo specchio, non ci siamo piaciute. Il momento in cui ci siamo sentite diverse e abbiamo desiderato essere qualcun altro. Il momento in cui abbiamo voluto vincere il nostro cerchio di isolamento e fare il grande passo, uscire allo scoperto, farci degli amici, uscire, dimostrare di essere una volta tanto una persona interessante, una persona che vale. E certe volte abbiamo trionfato e certe altre abbiamo fallito. E siamo ancora tutti qui, tutti tranne qualcuno, perché qualcuno che non ce l’ha fatta, nel vasto mondo, deve pur esserci.

E così capita che un piccolo libro possa ricordarci di noi a tredici anni, i brufoli e il seno grosso, i capelli puliti non sempre, i vestiti indecenti. Ricordarci di loro, loro che ci rompevano le cose – perché le cose erano nostre e andavano rotte; i loro pugni e i loro calci, gli sgambetti; le prese in giro in palestra per come correvi, i soprannomi che ti restavano appiccicati addosso, così appiccicati che non riuscivi a staccare da essi la tua faccia. E ancora i motteggiamenti perché ti

piaceva il ragazzo più piccolo e nessuno di loro ti si filava. E poi, il liceo, cinque anni di ultimo banco, così nessuno ti vede, così non devi parlare, così nessuno capisce che non hai niente da dire. Gente che si fidanza, gente che riceve fiori, ragazze che vengono bene in foto, ragazze che parlano di cose che non sai e non saprai per molto tempo ancora. Un desiderio impossibile di riscatto, un anelito a una felicità che ci spetta di diritto – ne spetta un po’ a tutti, no? – e a cui pure sembri non approdare mai, mai.

Carrie… come si fa a non parteggiare per Carrie? Come si fa a esser sazi del sangue, degli incendi, dei cavi divelti? E allo stesso tempo sapere che la vendetta è un deserto, perché non ti porterà più vicino agli altri, non ti farà meno diversa, ma anzi ti separerà per sempre da loro, una distanza abissale che nulla potrà più colmare.

In ‘Carrie’ Stephen King colpisce per la sensibilità, l’acutezza con cui sa sfiorare e descrivere le declinazioni dell’animo femminile in una fase tanto delicata come l’adolescenza. Il vero horror non sta nelle abilità telepatiche della protagonista quanto nello scavo psicologico, nell’indagine di rapporti umani deviati come quello tra Carrie e la madre, gravato da un fanatismo religioso esasperante e vagamente incredibile. E poi, ancora, il legame implicito tra bellezza, sessualità e potere, innocenza e peccato, dominazione e sottomissione. Nozioni confuse, spesso stagnanti a un livello preconscio, che pure sono emerse almeno una volta nell’animo di ognuno di noi.

Siamo tutti stati Carrie. Poi, magari, abbiamo avuto l’occasione di non esserlo più. Per un attimo ci siamo sentite belle, per un secondo abbiamo visto la luce in fondo al tunnel, abbiamo pensato « stavolta ce la faccio, stavolta è la volta buona, non sarò più emarginata, non avrò più motivo di aver paura di parlare, potrò essere me stessa, essere apprezzata, potrò imporre la mia volontà ». E forse dal tunnel siamo uscite. Oppure nel tunnel siamo rimaste, il tappeto ci è scivolato da sotto i piedi – era l’ennesimo grande scherzo. Siamo inciampate. E abbiamo desiderato incendiare, abbiamo desiderato che tutto si spaccasse e spaccasse noi con esso.

Abbiamo desiderato annullare tutto in un cataclisma, una catastrofe, una catarsi-non-catartica, un falò finale. E ancora eravamo sole, sole fino in fondo, per sempre, irrimediabilmente.

Come si fa a non amare, a non compatire, a non aver paura di Carrie, quando amiamo, compatiamo e abbiamo paura di noi per tramite suo?

ya considerado un clásico de la literatura del terror, y con buenos fundamentos. Tiene escenas

que dejan una cicatriz en nuestra memoria.

Jesús mira desde las paredes.

Pero su rostro es frío como una piedra.

Y si el me ama como ella dice.

¿Por qué me siento tan sola?

Amo a Carrie. Es un personaje con el cual me encariñé muchísimo. Es uno de mis favoritos. Muchos la odian, yo la adoro.

En la práctica, nadie se entera nunca de que sus actos hieren realmente a otras personas. La gente no mejora, sólo se hace más lista. Y cuando uno es más listo, no deja de arrancar las alas a las moscas, lo que ocurre es que, en ese momento, busca mejores razones para hacerlo.

La novela no decae nunca, en mi opinión. Tiene un ritmo rápido y la forma estilo documental de

contar la historia me gustó mucho, también. Tiene un buen final.

Alejandro: It's very interesting to read Carrie finally. I have watched the Brian de Palma's adaptation, so I wasn't unfamiliar with what would happen.

However, the way as Stephen King wrote this book was in such great way that the novel is still engaging not matter if you already know the main highlights. There are some books that if you knew what will happen...bam! All the fun was spoiled and you won't get interested on reading the book. But in here, Stephen King gave you the highlights right away. You haven't advanced even few pages and you already know that Carrie White has Telekinetic powers and something really bad happened in the Prom Night.

I think that it's the best testimony to his genius in this, his very first novel (the first to be

published but in reality the fourth that he wrote). He wasn't able to know then that the book will became a success and a staple book in the horror genre, however thinking that that will happen, it is clever not waiting long in the narrative to give the main highlights.

Since if before, you still have to get spoiled of key events in stories, nowadays with internet, social networks, online news, chatting forums, etc... it's really REALLY hard to avoid getting spoiled when something became so successfully. But with Stephen King's debut published novel? No sweat, you can read almost 40 years later the novel, knowing the story, and still you get engaged into the book due the great management of the author on the presentation of the story.

The narrative plays with "current" events in the story with excerpts of supposed books and documents written in the "future" of the story. Even you have to take in account that the very novel is kinda an alternate history story due that it's set in "1979" but the publication was on 1974, and there are many references on the supposed investigative books there with dates even more in the future.

Other powerful element on Carrie is that its main topic is still as relevant now than in 1974, since that topic is bullying. The bullying is main trigger in the story and you can't deny that it's a topic the same as important now (if not more) than in 1974.

Because of that, Carrie didn't age and it didn't lose its appealing to new readers. I think that main storyline and plot are well set and developed.

My only comments would be in character developing or the justification of some actions. I say this that while the "evil" characters like Chris Hargensen and Billy Nolan are satisfying developed and with really interesting reactions of both. Miss Dejardin and Sue Snell, I think that they could use a better setting of their motivations to help Carrie White and not a sudden impulse of being good samaritans. More interaction between Carrie White and her mother could be appreaciated. Changing to other subjects.

I think that it's misconception that Carrie White went insane, crazy, etc... She wasn't crazy. A crazy person don't think in a clear way and it's obvious that Carry once she unleashed her rage, she took steps to protect her work that a crazy person didn't do. Definitely she was a psychopathic person that it's way different than a "crazy person". Even some events in her confrontation with her mother and later her encounter with Sue Snell, leave clear evidence that Carrie White was thinking in a certain level of "rational logic", maybe irrational for you but when you try to think what could be Carrie White you can realize why some "odd" events, have all the logic in the world of Carrie.

Changing the subject again. The novel even leave a certain open frame for a potential sequel.

Before, you could think that that would never happens, but seeing a just published sequel for The Shining, so anything can happens.

Ruth Turner: Audiobook – Narrated by way of Sissy Spaceck – first-class narration.As an extra bonus there’s an advent through the author.It’s no mystery that I don’t take pleasure in lady

narrators, yet Spaceck did an excellent task with this.She didn’t try and decrease and deepen her voice for the male characters, which i locate particularly annoying. Instead, she differentiated among them through the common cadence of her personal voice.Her examining of Carrie’s inner monologue in the course of the publication is exceptional.***Ebook:Carrie wasn’t the 1st King ebook I read, however it was once one of many early ones. I learn the book, watched the motion picture (original) and for a few cause have by no means afflicted to learn it back till now.It was once a quick, effortless read, and in addition an engrossing one simply because I’d forgotten so much. I merely needed it have been longer.What I didn’t like have been the excerpts from different assets that interspersed the story, quite these from “The Shadow Exploded” that concerning reports of telekinesis. I wasn’t interested, they have been dull and so I skipped them.However, the interviews, police experiences and autobiography excerpts have been an enticing inclusion that I did enjoy.I even cherished the ending, which isn’t consistently the case for me with King’s books.A five celebrity ranking for the audio, and four stars for the book…only simply because I skimmed elements of it.***Connections:Teddy Duchamp’s (The Body) son runs Teddy’s Amoco fuel station. Teddy passed on to the great beyond in 1968.Carrie’s mom works on the Blue Ribbon Laundry (The Mangle, Roadwork).Chamberlain ('Salem's Lot, The Body, Thinner)Ray Brower (The Body) comes from Chamberlain.Edwin King, Carrie’s seventh grade English teacher. Stephen King’s center identify is Edwin. He taught highschool English throughout the early seventies.John Swithen, a people singer who performed at Carrie’s prom. John Swithen is the identify Stephen King used while he released The 5th Quarter, a quick tale that seemed in Cavalier journal in 1972.

Jason: i assumed this e-book was once beautiful reliable for being King's first novel ever.

however the factor I hated used to be the newspaper clippings and all that bizarre shit scattered through the book. Granted I had noticeable the motion picture earlier than examining the book, but when i did not be aware of what used to be speculated to take place during this tale i'd have felt very ripped off. Why? simply because those bizarre interviews and information bites primarily supply away the total finishing of this book. They inform you that Carrie killed a host of youngsters at her institution after which died earlier than you even get to web page fifty. on the grounds that that's pretty well ruined, there's no suspense. you recognize what is going to happen, so how are you going to get occupied with interpreting it? His later books are better.

Jennifer: i believe a part of what makes this publication so remarkable is that although it is a horror ebook - it stems from anything very simple and extremely genuine to such a lot of people.

the necessity to be loved. the necessity for acceptance. the necessity to be nurtured by means of a parent. unfortunately - as is so frequently the case in genuine lifestyles to boot - these items are held out of succeed in for Carrie. Her mom is crazy. the youngsters in class are HORRIBLE.

She has no buddies - no life. She is remoted and miserable. She is an intruder who can see that folks have loving households and houses and pals yet is trapped in a parody of that lifestyles and it really is possible untouchable. So relatively the harshest factor you may do is to supply her an opportunity at this international after which clutch it clear of her. provide her wish after which throw it at the rocks. simply the concept that itself is crushing - the actualization of it for Carrie was once horrific. And the entire extra so simply because we all know how merciless little ones in class are. we all know they can erupt right into a refrain of Kill the Pig! Bash him in at any moment. (Was this ebook a retelling of Lord of the Flies in a way? hmmmmm. anything to ponder.) So like several masterfully advised campfire tale - this publication is so scary since it is

Powered by TCPDF ( this type of small measure off of what's truth and has a marginally of supernatural. it really is fairly genius when you consider it.

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