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Salman Rushdie
Title: Woede
Author: Salman Rushdie
Format: Paperback
Language: Dutch
Pages: 256
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 9074336639
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9.6 MB
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Malik Solanka, historian of ideas and world-famous dollmaker, steps out of his life one day,
abandons his family in London without a word of explanation, and flees for New York. There’s a
fury within him, and he fears he has become dangerous to those he loves. He arrives in New
York at a time of unprecedented plenty, in the highest hour of America’s wealth and power,
seeking to “erase” himself. But fury is all around him. An astonishing work of explosive energy,
Fury is by turns a pitiless and pitch-black comedy, a love story of mesmerizing force, and a
disturbing inquiry into the darkest side of human nature.
Insightful reviews
Justin: Glancing at the other reviews here that say this is one of Rushdie's worst books, I seem
to be in the minority. I actually liked this, whereas the only other book I've read by Salman
Rushdie – Midnight's Children – I pretty much hated.
Fury tells the story of Malik Solanka, a successful dollmaker who stepped out on his family one
night and left them behind in London as he went to escape his inner demons in New York City.
As Rushdie writes:
"He had come to America as so many before him to receive the benison of being Ellis Islanded,
of starting over. Give me a name, America, make of me a Buzz or Chip or Spike. Bathe me in
amnesia and clothe me in your powerful unknowing. Enlist me in your J. Crew and hand me my
mouse ears!"
Solanka is an angry, mostly unlikable man with a tortured past. As he makes his new way in
America, his backstory slowly unfolds to reveal that he had tremendous success followed by
bitter disappointment, with his invention of the doll Little Brain, that he's had two unhappy
marriages and that he suffered abuse at the hands of his stepfather while a child in India. He's
described as a rather unattractive man in his 50s, but yet he has a somewhat unbelievable
ability to attract beautiful women. It's hard not to imagine that Rushdie wrote Solanka in his own
image. As Solanka story unfolds, along the way there are murders of socialites and a coup in
the fictional Lilliput-Blefuscu that ultimately comes to engulf Solanka and his lover Neela.
The story in and of itself was quite interesting, but what I liked best about Fury was its
description of pre-9/11 America as seemingly wealthy and carefree, but with a weakness and
fragility just beneath the surface. Rushdie effectively captured the late 90s/early 00s boom that
was due to burst in so many ways just a few short years later.
"Might this new Rome actually be more provincial than its provinces; might these new Romans
have forgotten what and how to value, or had they never known? Were all empires so
undeserving, or was this one particularly crass? ... O Dream-America, was civilization's quest to
end in obesity and trivia, at Roy Rogers and Planet Hollywood, in USA Today and on E!; or in
million-dollar-game-show greed or fly-on-the-wall voyeurism; or in the eternal confessional
booth of Ricki and Oprah and Jerry, whose guests murdered each other after the show ... Who
paved Paradise and put up a parking lot? ... Yes, it had seduced him, America; yes, its brilliance
aroused him, and its vast potency too, and he was compromised by this seduction ... America
was the world's playing field, its rule book, umpire, and ball."
Also prescient was Rushdie's circa-2000 description of the Internet and its life-changing
"Everything existed at once. This was, Solanka realized, and exact mirror of the divine
experience of time. Until the advent of hyperlinks, only God had been able to see
simultaneously into past, present, and future alike; human beings were imprisoned in the
calendar of their days. Now, however, such omniscience was available to all, at the merest click
of the mouse."
With thought-provoking ruminations like these interspersed into an engaging plot, Fury was a
very solid read.
Hadrian: Fury? A better title might be Impotence, Poor Decision Making or Whiny Discontent,
and the old author has a beautiful women chasing him. Uggggggh. Only a few stylistic twists
save this one from one star.
Jeff: Having thoroughly enjoyed Midnight's Children, I was eager to sink my teeth into another
Rushdie. This novel, however, makes me furious. Barf.
Rushdie's prose is very intelligent; actually, it's academically pretentious throughout, which is
challenging to read and disengaging but in all honesty, fun to encounter. It's just that the
academic tone really pulls the reader well out of caring for the characters and situations. The
first chapter is extremely clever and overtly academic. After this, the novel subtly touches on the
life of its protagonist, making him completely inapproachable to readers.
I was also turned off by the dialogue. Every single character, regardless of cultural background,
education, or class, speaks with the exact same unbelieveably pretentious discourse, which is,
obviously, Rushdie's own voice. In short, it prevented me from giving a lickity split about any of
these fools.
Also, America. I get it: you're criticising American culture. And although there are some poignant
responses to the more repulsive aspects of Americana (trust me, many of us Americans feel a
great distaste for much of our [pop] culture) there is a overreaction and disorganization of the
true concept of the country. It almost seems like Rushdie is basing his claims on prejudicial
sterotypical complaints against America rather than concrete empiracal evidence. I would
expect an educated and cultured writer to know better.
There are some interesting plot developments, but they are generally unbelievable, outside the
scope of the reasons for the story, and tend to go nowhere. The first chapter is academic
ranting. The last chapter is decent poetic writing. Everything in between is something to shake
our collective heads at.
Eliana Rivero: Salman Rushdie, conocidísimo y polémico escritor indio, autor de Los versos
satánicos (que tengo en mi lista de pendientes desde hace tiempo) nos presenta Furia, una
novela que me decepcionó bastante, a pesar de tener algunos elementos rescatables y
desarrollados con maestría.En Furia, se nos presenta l. a. vida del ex profesor de filosofía Malik
Solanka, un overall imbécil que ha huido de su familia y de todo lo que conocía en Londres
para refugiarse en una Nueva York gris y fría. Hasta aquí, todo bien. Luego, el profesor se
relaciona con muchas personas diferentes, sobre todo mujeres, que se sienten, de alguna
manera, atraídas por él, y él, inevitablemente, es seducido por estas mujeres. Además, hay un
asesino en serie que mata mujeres con un bloque de hormigón y les quita el cuero cabelludo. Y
hay una chica vinculada a él (de una forma muy forzada) que curiosamente vive en el mismo
edificio. Y hay un amigo suicida y una groupie literaria. Y un amigo negro con una belleza india.
Y muchas cosas más que hicieron que al ultimate no me gustara l. a. novela tanto como lo
auguraba su inicio.Entre los elementos que me gustaron están las alusiones que se hacen
sobre l. a. cultura griega: las furias, las Euménides, que llegan a arrasar con todo. Esto es
básicamente lo que le sucede a Malik: su cólera es tan grande que las furias se apoderan de él.
Es una visión bastante bonita para describir el odio por todo, pero mi conclusión es que Malik
pasaba por una hindrance de cincuentón y se sentía desesperado, solo y muy enojado. Todo lo
que le rodea lo decepcionó. Igualmente, el juego de las máscaras (view spoiler)[ Toda esa
ridiculez de Cerebrito, los Reyes de l. a. Marioneta, etc, etc, and so on (hide spoiler)] me gustó
mucho, porque, justamente, todo ser humano se esconde detrás de una máscara, detrás de
algo con lo que puedes representar a otro y olvidarte de ti mismo. Malik no es los angeles
excepción. Otro elemento que me gustó mucho es los angeles crítica que se le hace a los
angeles sociedad consumista de USA. Sí, hay una visión de perfección en cuanto a ese país,
pero no todo es realmente colour de rosa. Sin embargo, y en contraposición a esto, RushdieMalik es un gran conocedor de los angeles cultura pop, y de las supermodelos, y de los
canales de chismes, etc. Eso me dejó desconcertada. ¿Criticas que las personas consumen
basura pero tú también lo haces? Anyway.La novela, a pesar de desarrollar sentimientos y
emociones con gran precisión y sutileza (odio, amor, miedo, rabia, ira, ilusión, [des]esperanza),
me parece olvidable. Sí, hay elementos memorables, pero ninguna historia de los diferentes
personajes que se asocian con Malik me resultó creíble, nada terminó de encajar y lo del
asesino en serie period una excusa (view spoiler)[ para matar a Jack, el amigo de Malik y que
este se quedara con Neela, los angeles mujer del amigo (hide spoiler)] Hay una mezcla de
situaciones muy extrañas y de verdad, no me lo creí.Sin embargo, creo que algunos personajes
como los de Neela, Tontón y Eleanor tienen mucha fuerza y carácter, porque se contraponen,
en parte, a l. a. estupidez e inseguridad de Malik. Sí, Malik me cayó pésimo, no tuve ninguna
simpatía por él ni compasión al leer, al final, su historia. l. a. disfruté, pero no es tampoco una
gran novela.["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>
David: i believe i would in truth price varied elements of this booklet differently, if that might
make any sense. It takes some time to give an explanation for sufficient to get issues going, and
wanders off within the weeds towards the tip a piece (in my view). there is a few great things in
here, however the booklet as an entire did not functionality as an entire laptop for me. there has
been much I liked, yet i have cherished different issues Rushdie has performed more.
Kailash: the overpowering feeling after interpreting this publication is of an enormous waste - of
the reader's time, of the writer's undoubted expertise and of the multitude of pages on which its
printed, that could were placed to far better use. correct from the start, it sort of feels like a
unnecessary book. this sense continues to be & intensifies during the publication and on the
end, is proven past doubt.The tale is ready a guy within the grip of fury (the explanation for
which we're not given until eventually nearly the end, and that reason, to me at least, isn't
convincing enough). Anyway, he has turn into a hazard to these he loves and so simply takes to
the air to a different continent (without loads as a see you later to his spouse and son), the
place he attempts to undo his previous self, hoping that no matter what is inaccurate with him
should be destroyed together with his outdated identity. The publication chronicles his efforts to
defeat his furies with the aid of the folk he encounters.So, now not a unconditionally silly plot.
What makes it undesirable is the unbelievably undesirable writing. occasionally its difficult to
think this is often a similar man who wrote 'The Moor's final Sigh'. there is not any carrying on
with thread in the course of the story. It often runs off on tangents and does not hassle to rejoin
the most theme. Rushdie's books frequently desire a lot of endurance and i have develop into
relatively sufferer examining his books, awaiting the purpose to seem out of the fog of fancy
phrases and tedious abstractions; yet with this e-book it was once a hopeless workout simply
because there is not any aspect to it.Even extra unforgivable than the undesirable writing is the
truth that the tale turns out forced, somehow. as though the writer's publishers instructed him to
come back up with whatever speedy and he all started writing concerning the very first thing that
got here to his brain with out bothering approximately plots, themes, coherence and the entire
different issues that make an honest book, trusting his acceptance to make sure it might be
accepted, even acclaimed. And sadly, it worked. interpreting the reviews, you would imagine
this was once a masterpiece. whilst in genuine fact, it may be the worst publication Rushdie has
ever written ('Shame' was once depressing, yet no less than it used to be well-written). this can
be simply an ego-trip of sorts, most blatant via the resemblance of the protagonist to the writer
himself, and the tiring proven fact that instead of scuffling with his furies, he appears spending
an excessive amount of time encountering stunningly appealing girls with all of whom he has his
way.In the tip i am left salvaging what little strong i will be able to from this catastrophe of a
book. the single factor I get a hold of is that this line - 'Do now not consider what lies past failure
if you are nonetheless attempting to succeed!'Not lots a foul book, as an pointless one!
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