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Suore Missionarie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù (di Hiltrup)
Casa Generalizia
Via Martiri di Via Fani 22
01015 Sutri-Viterbo – ITALIA
Tel.: 07 61/60 83 00
Fax.:07 61/60 88 22
[email protected]
May 1, 2014
To all Superiors General in Rome
Dear Superiors General,
Dear Councilors,
During this Easter Season, we would like to share with you the good news of the coming 17th
General Chapter of the Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Hiltrup).
Chapter theme:
Choose Life with Renewed Heart
“I have come that they may have life, life to the full.” (Jn 10:10)
29 May - 27 June 2014
Alvernia Retreat Center, Lima, Peru
Dear Sisters, we invite you to join us in prayer for the special guidance of the Spirit of God for this
important event in the life of our Congregation.
May our encounter with the Risen Lord give us renewed hope and vigor as women disciples
committed to life!
On behalf of the Congregational Leadership Team,
Sr. Mechthild Schnieder, MSC
Congregational Leader