Chapter 8 : Articulations (pII)

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Anat 1 Chapter 8 : Articulations


/ Structural Classification of Joints





Synarthrosis (no movement) Bony Fusion Fibrous

(Suture and Gomphosis)


(Synostosis) (Synchondrosis)




Amphiarthrosis (little movement) Fibrous




3) Diarthrosis

(free movement)

      Always

synovial joints

mono, di-, and triaxial Strength vs. motility

The greater the range of motion, the weaker the joint.

Dislocation = luxation Partial dislocation = ?

“Double jointed”

Diarthroses = Synovial Joints

Have synovial cavity = space between two bones

Components that are always present

(fig 8-1)

Components that are sometimes present

3 Types of Motion at Synovial Joints

Linear motion

= gliding 

Angular motion :

 flexion, extension, hyperextension   ab-, adduction circumduction 


 left - right, internal or medial, external or lateral  supination, pronation

Special Movements

Dorsiflexion, plantar flexion Protraction, retraction Elevation, depression Eversion inversion

6 types of Diarthroses


Gliding Joint


Hinge Joint


Pivot Joint


Ellipsoidal joint


Saddle joint


Ball & Socket joint

Gliding Joint

articulating surfaces flat.

• also found between carpals and tarsals • only slight movement - rotation prevented by ?

Hinge Joint

Convex surface of bone 1 fits into concave surface of bone 2

found in ?


Pivot Joint

rotation Projection of bone 1 articulates within ring of bone 2 Also found in proximal ends of ulna and radius

pronation and supination

Ellipsoidal (Condyloid) Joint Oval shaped condyle of bone 1 fits into elliptical cavity of bone 2

Also found between phalanges & metacarpals/-tarsals

Angular motion in two planes (= )

Saddle Joint

Articular surfaces shaped like saddle and rider Modified condyloid joint

Extensive angular motion without rotation

Also between malleus and incus

Ball and Socket Joint

Ball like surface of bone 1 fits into cuplike depression of bone 2

Found in ___________

Allows for flexion, ab- or adduction and rotation (


Representative Articulations Temporomandibular Joint

Mostly hinge joint, some gliding and rotation Articular disc

Intervertebral articulations

Gliding joints between ____________________ Intervertebral discs: (Amphiarthroses)

annulus fibrosus: tough outer layer (fibrocartilage)

nucleus pulposus: soft, gelatinous core

Account for ~25% of vertebral column height – H 2 O loss during aging Intervertebral ligaments

Fig 8-8

Disc Problems

 Slipped disc vs. herniated disc

Fig 8-9

 Most common sites for disc problems:   C5 - C6 L4 - L5  L5 - S1  Lumbago  Laminectomy ( surgical removal vertebral arch by shaving laminae to access disc)

Glenohumeral Joint


Greatest range of motion (due to loose and shallow)

Most frequently dislocated

Stability provided by?

Hip Joint

 Deep well fitted _______ joint  Participants ?

 Stabilization:  Extracapsular and intracapsular ligaments (ligamentum teres = ligamentum capitis femoris)  Surrounding muscles  Most important normal movement?

Fig 8-15

Knee Joint

 Much more complex than elbow  Much less stable than other ______  structurally 3 separate joints  Extra- and intracapsular ligaments  Locking of knee due to external rotation of tibia

Figs 8-16 & 17

The end