Transcript Chapter 3

Chapter 3
The Skeletal System
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Overview of Structures,
Combining Forms, and Functions
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
• Primary Function
– Act as the framework for the body
– Protect the internal organs
– Store the mineral calcium
• Related Combining Forms
– oss/e, oss/i
– oste/o, ost/o
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Lateral View of Skull
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Anterior View of Skull
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Bone Marrow
• Primary Functions
– Red bone marrow forms some blood cells.
– Yellow bone marrow stores fat.
• Related Combining Form
– myel/o (also means spinal cord)
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
• Primary Functions
– Creates a smooth surface for motion within the joints.
– Protects the ends of the bones.
• Related Combining Form
– chondr/o
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
• Primary Function
– Work with the muscles to make a variety of motions possible.
• Related Combining Form
– arthr/o
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Examples of Synovial Joints
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Synovial Joint
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
• Primary Function
– Connect one bone to another.
• Related Combining Form
– ligament/o
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Synovial Membrane
• Primary Functions
– Forms the lining of synovial joints.
– Secretes synovial fluid.
• Related Combining Forms
– synovi/o, synov/o
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Synovial Fluid
• Primary Function
– Lubricant that makes smooth joint movements possible.
• Related Combining Forms
– synovi/o, synov/o
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
• Primary Function
– Cushions areas of joints that are subject to friction during
• Related Combining Form
– burs/o
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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Curvatures of the Spine
Click Here to play Curvatures of
the Spine animation
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid
Click Here to play Osteoarthritis
and Rheumatoid Arthritis
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Internal Fixation of Fractures
Click Here to play Internal
Fixation of Fractures animation
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Answers to Learning Exercises
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Chapter 3 Answers
Matching Word Parts 1
3.1. kyph/o
3.2. chondr/o
3.3. ankyl/o
3.4. arthr/o
3.5. -um
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Matching Word Parts 2
3.6. crani/o
3.7. cost/o
3.8. -lysis
3.9. myel/o
3.10. -desis
Chapter 3 Answers
Matching Word Parts 3
3.11. spondyl/o
3.12. scoli/o
3.13. lord/o
3.14. synovi/o, synov/o
3.15. oste/o
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3.16. diaphysis
3.17. tarsal
3.18. manubrium
3.19. synovial joint
3.20. pubis
Chapter 3 Answers
3.21. foramen
3.22. ligament
3.23. acetabulum
3.24. phalanges
3.25. process
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Matching Structures
3.26. sternum
3.27. zygomatic
3.28. clavicle
3.29. patella
3.30. olecranon process
Chapter 3 Answers
Which Word?
3.31. arthrolysis
3.32. fibrous dysplasia
3.33. allogenic
3.34. vertebroplasty
3.35. osteoarthritis
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Spelling Counts
3.36. lumbago
3.37. osteoclasis
3.38. spondylitis
3.39. osteorrhaphy
3.40. crepitation
Chapter 3 Answers
3.41. bone marrow
3.42. closed reduction
3.43. fracture
3.44. rheumatoid arthritis
3.45. temporomandibular
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Term Selection
3.46. osteonecrosis
3.47. lordosis
3.48. spina bifida
3.49. myeloma
3.50. callus
Chapter 3 Answers
Sentence Completion
3.51. craniectomy
3.52. subluxation
3.53. arthrodesis
3.54. arthroplasty
3.55. hallux valgus
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Word Surgery
3.56. burs, -ectomy
3.57. oste/o, chondr,
3.58. oste/o, -malacia
3.59. peri-, ost, -itis
3.60. spondyl/o, lithesis
Chapter 3 Answers
3.61. True
3.62. False
3.63. True
3.64. False
3.65. True
Clinical Conditions
3.66. greenstick
3.67. osteomyelitis
3.68. secondary bone
3.69. kyphosis
3.70. orthotic
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Chapter 3 Answers
Clinical Conditions
3.71. craniotomy
3.72. autologous
3.73. chondromalacia
3.74. rheumatoid
3.75. bursitis
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
Which Is the Correct
Medical Term?
3.76. comminuted
3.77. chondroplasty
3.78. dual x-ray
3.79. traction
3.80. talipes
Chapter 3 Answers
Challenge Word
3.81. osteosclerosis
3.82. costectomy
3.83. chondropathy
3.84. arthrotomy
3.85. chondritis
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
3.86. arthrectomy
3.87. polyarthritis
3.88. osteoarthropathy
3.89. costotomy
3.90. craniomalacia
Chapter 3 Answers
Labeling Exercises
3.91. cervical
3.92. scapula
3.93. humerus
3.94. coccyx
3.95. femur
© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning
3.96. patella
3.97. parietal
3.98. frontal
3.99. occipital
3.100. mandible