Money Follows the Person Demonstrations Project in New Jersey — A Training for Professionals — A collaboration with the Department of Human Services’ Divisions of.

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Money Follows the Person
Demonstrations Project
in New Jersey
— A Training for Professionals —
A collaboration with the Department of Human
Services’ Divisions of Developmental Disabilities,
Disability Services, and
Medical Assistance and Health Services; and the
Department of Health and Senior Services’
Division of Aging and Community Services
What is Money Follows the Person?
MFP was begun by the federal government
so it can learn from people who want to
move from an institution (either a nursing
home or a developmental center) to
community-based options.
A CMS demonstration project to assist
states in rebalancing Medicaid Long Term
Care Systems
New Jersey was one of the states selected
by the federal government.
NJ’s MFP Plan: The Big Picture
Demonstration Period – 5/14/07 to 9/30/11.
5-Year Projected Transitions=587 individuals
325 developmentally disabled individuals
175 older adults
89 physically disabled individuals
Provides enhanced Federal Medicaid match of
75% FMAP for one year post discharge from an
institutional setting
Total budget project is $48,915,863
What is special about MFP?
It’s an opportunity for individuals to receive
services and supports to help them move from an
institutional setting into a residence in the
It means entry into a Medicaid funding program
that must allow for continued services and
supports beyond the initial year
The same public funds that pay for services in the
institution will pay for services in the community.
The option to change service providers is
NJ’s MFP Services: What can you get?
Qualified HCBS: 75% match
Demonstration Services: 75% match
Supplemental Demonstration Services: 50%
Qualified HCBS Services (Waivers)
Elderly (DHSS)
-Care mgmt.
-Env. Accesibility adaptations
-Spec. medical equip/supplies
-Attendant care
-Home delivered meals
-Caregiver/recip. training
-Social adult day
-Home-based supportive care
-Community transition services
-Transitional care management
-Assisted Living program
-Adult family care
-Adult day health
-Personal care assistant
-Home health
-Medical supplies/equipment
-Rehab services
-Medical transportation
-Case mgmt.
-Habilitation services
-Individual supports
-Env./vehicle access.
-Respite care
-Supported day
-Personal care asst.
-Private duty nurse
-Adult day health
Physical Disability (DDS)
-Care mgmt.
-Private duty nursing
-Private duty nursing (EPSDT)
-Adult day health
-Drug abuse treat. at home
-Pediatric comm. transitional home
-Spec. home scvs provider supervision
-Personal care assistant
-Env. acces. Adapts
-Community transitional services
-Counseling behav. & drug
-Community residential service
-Cognitive rehab. therapy
-Therapies by CRS
-Behavioral programs
-Structure day program
-Supported day program
-Respite care
-Night supervision
-Chore services
-PERS -Medical supplies/equip.
-Companion service
-Hospice -Medical transportation
Demonstration Services
Peer/family mentors
Individual Goods and Services
Community Transition Services: For
those who are not permitted under
the regular waiver program. (i.e.,
Security Deposits Utility setup/installation, Furnishing, Moving
expenses,1x cleaning)
Assistive Technology Devices
Support Coordination
Supplemental Demo Services
Environmental Assessment
(occupational) for Individuals
with Disabilities
1x Groceries
1x Clothing
Eligibility Requirements for MFP
The consumer (in conjunction w/ Interdisciplinary Team):
 Must agree to be in MFP
Must have been in an institution for at least six months
Must be on Medicaid for at least 30 days prior to discharge
Must be willing to move to a qualified residential setting
After the move, consumers must be willing to be
interviewed and contacted by program administrators to
see how they are doing, ensure safety and learn from the
experience in order to provide the best services possible.
NJ’s MFP: Who Qualifies?
Qualifications for Participation:
Minimum residence in institution: 6
18+ with developmental disabilities living
in a State Developmental Center.
65+ living in a Nursing Facility.
18 – 64 with a physical disability living in
a Nursing Facility.
What qualifies in New Jersey as a
community setting for MFP?
Individual must move into a qualified
A home owned or leased by the individual or the
individual's family member
An apartment with an individual lease, with lockable
access and egress, and which includes living, sleeping,
bathing, and cooking areas over which the individual or
the individual's family has domain and control
A residence, in a community-based residential setting, in
which no more than 4 unrelated individuals reside
MFP Gives Consumers…
A chance to participate in a growing
program based on a conviction that people
prefer to live in community settings that
allow more independence, opportunities to
join in community life, and connections
with friends and family
An opportunity to help the government
and service providers learn how to best
serve individuals in the community
Professionals are always there…
There will be back-up services and
supports to check in with consumers and
the provider agencies for safety and
customer satisfaction issues
There is a backup protection system to
help consumers (24 hr. on call system,
substitute staff, etc.)
If efforts to secure the appropriate
supports are unsuccessful, there is the
option to return to the nursing home or
developmental center
The Bottom Line – Why MFP?
Currently, New Jersey receives 50 cents
for every dollar it spends, under MFP NJ
will receive a larger Medicaid match of 75
cents from the federal government
Medicaid match money from federal
government is required to go back into
state budget for home and community
based services
It’s an opportunity to help build the longterm care system of the future where
there is a greater emphasis on home and
community based services
Support Coordination’s Role in
The Division of Developmental Disabilities’ (DDD)
focus on Person Centered Planning has led to the
adoption of a process called Support
DDD has partnered with community agencies to
implement this new approach to finding
resources, services and supports within the
Individuals who live in Developmental Centers
now have the opportunity to participate in the
support coordination process to achieve the
desired residential outcomes, when possible.
Support Coordination means..
Unique Individualized Planning that’s Person Centered
Information to make Informed Choices about the Supports &
Services You Need
Control of the Resources to buy just what you need and none of
what you don’t
Support from a knowledgeable, experienced Team to help you
work through the tough stuff
Mentors who will share their experiences and be supportive and
respectful of yours
Education & Networking Opportunities on this new way of
planning, new housing options, and other critical components to
make a change successfully
For More Information
Call any of the following Support
Coordination agencies:
Caregivers of New Jersey
 (877)
Values Into Action
 (609)
Neighbours, Inc.
 (609)
For More Information
NJ Money Follows the Person Project
Joe Bongiovanni
NJ Division of Developmental
(609) 631-6392
[email protected]