Human Resources Policies Bob Inzer, Clerk and Comptroller March 2014 Why Have HR Policies?  Primary Goal: To improve individual performance in the work.

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Transcript Human Resources Policies Bob Inzer, Clerk and Comptroller March 2014 Why Have HR Policies?  Primary Goal: To improve individual performance in the work.

Human Resources Policies
Bob Inzer, Clerk and Comptroller
March 2014
Why Have HR Policies?
 Primary Goal: To improve individual
performance in the work place.
 Secondary Goal: To create a fair and
equitable work place.
Why Have HR Policies?
 …to reduce your risk.
Well developed, comprehensive HR policies
reduce your risk for being sued by employees for
discrimination or wrongful termination, and
reduce the likelihood of losses if you are.
Why Have HR Policies?
 …to establish boundaries for your employees.
Employees want to know what is acceptable and
unacceptable in the work place. Absent you
defining it, they have to define it for themselves.
Policies create a clear, bright line between what is
acceptable and unacceptable.
We live in a multicultural society where everyone
does not have the same values or appreciates what
is acceptable in your office.
Why Have HR Policies?
 …to develop a formal and permanent way to
communicate with your employees’ expectations.
Oral communications get lost, forgotten and
Formal policies create consistency in how
employees are treated. If you have multiple layers
of management, how do you ensure that all
managers are applying the same standards?
Why Have HR Policies?
 …to define consequences.
“What happens if I don’t follow the rules?”
• “What happens if I’m late?”
• “What happens if I make too many errors?”
• “What happens if I’m off too much?”
 …to define employee rewards and compensation.
Hire rate
Steps and qualifications for advancement
Employee expectations for pay increases
Why Have HR Policies?
 …to define your objectives for your employees.
All organizations are not the same and the
objectives of management are not the same.
HR policies are one method of implementing
your goals.
HR policies should reflect your goals and
values and are a way of communicating them to
your employees.
Goals, Values and Objectives
 Do your employees know your goals, values and
• Include your mission statement, values and
principles in the beginning of your policy
• Your policies should reflect your priorities,
education, tenure, internal mobility,
professional appearance, etc.
“As public servants we must all hold ourselves to the highest level of
Professional Service. Our particular role in government requires strict
attention to detail, the highest level of integrity, and a strong commitment to
customer service. As Clerk and Comptroller, I consider one of my most
important duties to be providing you, the employee, with a clear vision of our
direction and future. This manual of personnel rules and regulations serves to
establish a common direction and understanding among the employees of this
office. These policies can offer neither total direction for our actions nor
complete answers to all situations. It is ultimately our commitment to
professional standards which guide our decisions. It is every employee’s
responsibility to ensure compliance with these directives. It is also each
employee’s responsibility to constantly evaluate the effectiveness of these
policies, and when appropriate, submit ideas for improvement. Our
excellence depends on teamwork. I am committed to supporting each of you
in your efforts to serve the public and look forward to facing the challenges of
this office together.”
 We recognize that we are here to meet the needs of citizens and
customers; therefore, their interests come first.
We strive to anticipate the rapidly changing needs of our customers
and will amend our practices and services to meet those needs.
We will deliver high quality services in the most effective, efficient
We take great pride in the professional quality of our work. We
stress creativity and imagination in everything we do. While
recognizing that “the old way” may still be the best, we constantly
challenge this assertion and strive to find a better solution.
We will provide opportunities and encouragement to improve and
develop new skills, and to participate with peers in professional
 We recognize that our greatest asset is our staff, and we
will treat each other fairly, honestly, and with respect.
 We will communicate clearly, timely and effectively with
each other, and keep each other fully informed of changes
that occur in the office.
 We value diversity of opinions and desire to create an
environment in which everyone is free to present
constructive ideas and suggestions without fear.
 We stress teamwork in everything we do and recognize
that a team member is one who accepts the goals and
objectives of the organization and accepts responsibility
for accomplishing them.
 We support the recruitment and retention of the best person for
every job. Advancement in the office will depend on ability,
performance, and contribution to the organization's success
without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin,
disability, sexual orientation, or any other unrelated factor.
 We believe it is each individual’s responsibility to help in
creating and maintaining an environment that is pleasant,
supportive, and enjoyable.
 We are dedicated to complying fully with both the letter and
spirit of the law, regulations, policies, and ethical standards that
govern us.
 Our continued success depends on unswerving adherence to
these standards.
“Upon becoming an employee of the Office of the Clerk of the
Circuit Court and Comptroller (Clerk), you are required to uphold the
Constitution of the State of Florida. These policies are for the
individual employee to refer to, but do not relieve the employee of
using good judgment, projecting a professional appearance and
demeanor, and at all times preserving the credibility of this office and
the governmental system. The intent of this policy manual is to
provide information and offer guidelines on various subjects. It is an
informational tool and does not imply specific terms of a contract
between any employee and the Clerk’s Office. The Clerk’s Office
reserves the right to add, delete, or modify the policies and benefits
described herein at its discretion. Each employee is responsible for
keeping his/her manual current as our materials are updated. The
current edition of the policy manual supersedes all previous
VISION: To be a leader in public service by maintaining
standards of excellence and providing accurate and
accountable services to the citizens of ___________
County and the State of Florida.
MISSION: To inspire public trust and bring credit and
esteem to the organization through integrity, excellence in
customer service, and financial oversight.
MOTTO: Do the right thing.
Employment Status
 At Will Employment
 Career Service Protection
 Union Contracts
County vs. Clerk Policies
 Do you want your own HR policies and
 Do you want to adopt county HR policies?
 Can you work with county and/or other
constitutional officers to have common policies?
Primary Policies
 Job descriptions
 Pay ranges
 Employment processes
 Performance evaluations
 Benefits
 Leave
 Work conditions and safety
 Employee conduct and disciplinary actions
Job Descriptions
 Job descriptions should include…
…at least a general description of the job.
…job duties and responsibilities.
…knowledge, skills and abilities required.
…education and experience requirements.
…any special requirements.
 There are many different styles and categories:
Broad general categories.
Very specific categories, some even unique to
specific duties.
Pay Ranges
 Two styles
Narrow ranges
Broad banding
 Annual adjustments for inflation
 Adjustments based upon competitive market
 How does someone get employed?
Internal vs. external?
How are vacancies advertised and noticed?
Who makes selection (immediate supervisor,
committee, director, clerk)?
Applications, screening, interviewing
Testing, background checking
Offer and acceptance
 Automatic based upon proficiencies or experience
 Competitively determined
 Steps
 Change in job responsibilities
 Reclassifications
Salary Adjustments
 Cost of living (COLA)
 Merit
 Promotions
 Change in classification
 Step changes
 Probationary
 Equity adjustments
 Follow county benefit structure or develop your own
 Work week: 35, 37.5 or 40 hours
 Leave
• Traditional sick and annual
• Paid time off (PTO)
• Catastrophic leave
• Leave pools
• Limits on accrued leave
• Payout on retirement or termination
• Buyback of accumulated leave
• Incentive days
Compliance Policies
 Drug and alcohol use
 Harassment
 Violence prevention
 Safety
 Nepotism
Shaping Your Administration
 Educational reimbursement
 Reward for achievement
 Dress policies
 Outside employment
 Employee evaluations
 Progressive discipline
 Drug testing
 Political activity
 Acceptance of gratuities
 Solicitation
 Having policies are good, using them for training
and communicating your values, goals and
objectives is better.
 Don’t assume that because you said it once, that
they will understand, remember or incorporate
them into their behavior.
 If you hire, promote, reward and train well, your
job gets easy. Failure in any of the above and
your job got a lot harder.
 For medium to large offices managing people
consumes most of our time.
 Your HR policies and the implementation of those
policies are critically important in managing your