LEPL Georgian National Agency for Standards, Technical Regulations and Metrology October , 2011 year.

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LEPL Georgian National Agency for Standards, Technical Regulations and Metrology

October , 2011 year

Georgian National Agency for Standards, Technical Regulations and Metrology The main activities of GEOSTM are the following:

To organize the activity of national standardization and metrology through the elaboration of legislative and normative documents in these fields

To elaborate fundamental standards in the mentioned fields;

To elaborate mandatory standardization and metrology; methodological regulations in the fields of

To elaborate the respective normative technical regulations,

To represent Georgia in standardization and metrology.

international and regional organizations of

ISO (International Standardization Organization)

Georgia retrieve the status of Corresponding-member of ISO from July 1, 2006.

Benefit :

The country is receiving :  International standards,  Technical reports, manuals and training documents;  Reports on activities carried out in technical committees;  Reports of sessions of General Assembly, technical heading bureau and technical committees; other publications and documents on activities of the organization and its members.

Georgia is in committees of ISO with an observer’s status:

 CASCO –estimation of compliance,  KOPOLGO –consumers’ rights;  DEVCO -demands of developing countries;  INFCO/ISONET –informational systems of standardization and estimation of compliance.

Georgia has adopted more than 4000 standards of ISO and EN : Including European Harmonized standards in the priority areas

ISO - 1746 standards

EN/ISO – 1525

According to the WTO TBT Agreement requirements (notification Obligation), TBT enquiry point of GEOSTM sent 9 notifications to the WTO secretariat QI2011.

CEN – European Committee for Standardization IN 2008 year Georgia became the Affiliated member of CEN Benefit:

CEN is a major provider of European Standards and technical specifications.

ENs help build a European Internal Market for goods and services and position Europe in the global economy.

CENELEC – European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Georgia became the Affiliated member of CENELECIN 2010 year Benefit:

IT is a platform for experts to develop European Standards (ENs), which facilitate world trade by removing barriers to trade, enhancing economic growth and leading to new markets.

The economic benefits of standardization contribute to growth of all economic and societal actors.

IEC– International Electro-technical Commission Georgia became the associate member of the International Electro technical Commission in 2010 Benefit:

It made the electro-technical standards more accessible in Georgia that is most important to the energy sector

It is a platform to companies, industries and governments for meeting, discussing and developing the International Standards they require.



Assistance in effective addressing the problems relating to uniformity of measures, uniformity of measurements and the required accuracy of their results;

Assistance in promoting cooperation of national economies and eliminating technical barriers in international trade;

Harmonization of activities of metrology services of Euro-Asian countries with similar activities in other regions.

OIML– International Organization of Legal Metrology Georgia became the correspondent member of OIML in 2011.


To promote the global harmonization of legal metrology procedures.

To access the metrological guidelines for the elaboration of national and regional requirements concerning the manufacture and use of measuring instruments for legal metrology applications.

IRSA– Interregional Standardization Association Georgia became the Full member of IRSA in 1991.


Regional cooperation

BIPM– International Bureau of Weights and Measures Georgia became the Associated member of BIPM in 2008.


To provide the basis for a single, coherent system of measurements throughout the world, traceable to the International System of Units

To coordination through international comparisons of national measurement standards

Project “Support to Implementation of Art. 51 (Quality Management System) This project is funded by the European Union TACIS Programme from 21st November 2008 to 24th February 2011 Benefit:

The assistance to strengthen national standardisation authorities and the Technical Barriers to Trade Enquiry points to meet the current needs of Georgian Economic Operators and the requirements of the WTO TBT agreement

To Provide the Georgian National Metrology Institute of measurement in priority fields and gradually achieves mutual recognition of measurement standards and calibrations

GEOSTM and PTB Cooperation Project “Support of quality infrastructure in Georgia with particular consideration of metrology” The project Is funded (11/2007-08/2012) the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented PTB (The national metrology institute of Germany)

Ongoing projects:

The regional project „Strengthening the Quality Infrastructure in the South Caucasian countries Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia with emphasis on Food Testing” (2011-2014) funded the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development implemented PTB (The national metrology institute of Germany) and

TWINING PROJECT ,,Strengthening Metrology and Standardization Infrastructure according to the best practice of EU member-states”

LEPL Georgian National Agency for Standards, Technical Regulations and Metrology

LEPL Georgian National Agency for Standards, Technical Regulations and Metrology