SO YOU WANT TO BE A GRAND KNIGHT…….OFFICER TRAINING. Know your Council Leadership Elected Council Officers: Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Treasurer Advocate Warden Guards Trustees Appointed Council Officers: Financial Secretary Chaplain Lecturer.

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Transcript SO YOU WANT TO BE A GRAND KNIGHT…….OFFICER TRAINING. Know your Council Leadership Elected Council Officers: Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Treasurer Advocate Warden Guards Trustees Appointed Council Officers: Financial Secretary Chaplain Lecturer.

Know your Council Leadership
Elected Council Officers:
Grand Knight
Deputy Grand Knight
Appointed Council Officers:
Financial Secretary
• Is a priest appointed by the Grand Knight in accordance
with any rules established by the bishop of the diocese.
If a priest is not available a Deacon can fill this role
• Is the spiritual leader of the Council.
• Supervises the councils religious activities and religious
development of spiritual programs for members.
• Provides spiritual comfort in difficult times
• Is a counselor and friend on issues of common sense,
eligible parishioners, and those in need.
• Leader of the Council.
• Presides over meetings using the “How to Run a
Council Meeting” outline provided by Supreme.
• Enforces rules and regulations of Supreme
Council including Council by-laws.
• Get to know and respect your District Deputy.
Invite him to meetings, activities, and
• Respect and work with the Chaplain’s time
• He appoints membership and program director.
• Acts as chaplain in his absence.
• Counter signs orders and checks drawn on
council accounts and understands financial
status of council.
• Reads vouchers and notices from the Fourth
• Is head of the Board of Trustees.
• Know how to guide the motion process.
• Become a close friend of your pastor. Invite and
include him at all meetings and activities.
• Attend and coordinate all memorial services for
deceased members. Appoint an officer
replacement if unable to attend.
Grand Knight
~ Some Additional Thoughts ~
• Look the part. Business Casual for meetings and social
events; Suit for formal events.
• Follow the meeting format, but can be adjusted based
on constraints of space and time.
• Network with other district and state council Grand
Knights and leaders.
• Attend as a Delegate the State Convention, at least
one year.
• Being in charge is not easy so don’t try to do it all by
yourself. It’s OK to ask for help!
How to be a Good
• Recruit Membership – Membership –
• Respect your fellow Knights and their time
• Read and Understand (Critical for all GK’s)
– Grand Knight’s Handbook
– General Program Handbook
– Council By-Laws
– Charter Constitution Laws
How to be a Good
• Prepare and submit reports on time
 Form 185 Report of Council Officers (Due Aug. 1st)
 Form 365 Service Program Personnel (Due July 1st)
 Form 1295 Semi-Annual Council Audit (Due Aug. 15 &
Feb. 15th)
• Use your resources especially the District
Deputy and your council’s Past Grand Knights.
• Take attendance at Business meetings
• Give every member a job
• Use “The one Minute Manager”
How to be a Good
• Plan your year
• Have a planning meeting to start the year
(Include all Officers and Program Personnel)
• Review the State Program
• Report all activities in their proper period
• Have a minimum of four fun activities for
• Market your activities
• Attend Chapter Business Meetings
Council Leadership Resources
Constitution Laws
of the Order #30
Handbook #945
Surge, With
Service #962
Grand Knights
Handbook #915
Handbook #1410
Leadership Guide
for Membership
How to Conduct a
Meeting #483
Officer Responsibilities
• Team Work is a must to develop lasting
friendships and ensure harmony exists
among all members.
• Communicate and Inform (with) all the
members on a timely basis.
• Positive attitude is to be projected at all
times, remembering that our goal is to
serve the church, community and our
families in the spirit of Christ.
• Acts in the absence of the Grand
• Generally the Program Director of
the Council and coordinates
• Chairman of the Council Retention
Deputy Grand Knight
~ Some Additional Thoughts ~
• Be the GK’s understudy and supporter.
• If also the Program Director:
– Try to set your fraternal year schedule of events
early in the year and publish this schedule
– Don’t be limited by the State Program
– Solicit membership for items of interest
– Don’t be afraid to ask for help
• Chancellor is third in line of leadership.
• Assist Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight in
execution of their duties.
• Works with new members in making them feel
welcome in the council.
• Promotes program activities.
• Chairman of the Admission Committee.
• Contact members whom are known sick or in
• If available, is a member of the Columbian
Squires circle ceremonial team
• Similar to a court recorder
• Maintains record of all actions,
reports, discussions, and motions of
council and it’s correspondence.
• Keeps accurate minutes of meetings
and reads minutes of previous
• Is appointed by the Supreme Knight
• Maintains financial and membership records.
• Collects and receives all moneys from all sources
including dues.
• Handles supply orders for council.
• Files form #185 with Supreme Council.
• Draws orders for payments approved by Grand Knight
and Trustees as well as Supreme Council and Treasurer.
• Notify Council and Supreme Council of impending
• Keeps the Council Seal.
• Notifies the Grand Knight of candidate degrees.
• Is custodian of the Council’s funds.
• Maintains records of accounts.
• Deposits monies into Council accounts.
• Provides Grand Knight with records of
• Pays all expenses including Supreme
Council assessments by the Board of
• Counter signs checks for the Council.
• Grand Knight serves as chair along with three other
members elected by council members.
 The only voted position is the Three year trustee. The second
year and one year trustee move in position without vote
unless a position is vacated
• Audit records kept by Financial Secretary and Treasurer
to insure accountability and safety of all council funds.
• Perform and report audit findings semi-annually.
• Form the Retention Committee with the Deputy Grand
Knight as chair of the committee.
• Approve bills.
Financial Secretary/Treasurer /Trustees
~ Some Additional Thoughts ~
• Responsible for the Financial Stability of the
• Build a budget
• Financial Secretary uses the Member
Management Software provided by Supreme
• Trustees need to take charge of the semiannual audits
• The legal representative of the council
• Serves as the council’s attorney at trials
and investigations of any interest to the
»Does not have to be a member of
the legal profession. Recommend
familiarity with Supreme
Constitution and Methods of
Conducting a meeting.
~ Some Additional Thoughts ~
• One of the key yet most misunderstood positions in
the Council
• Should be knowledgeable regarding
Council Constitution & By-Laws
Supreme By-Laws
Roberts Rules of Order
Parliamentary Procedures
Method of conducting a Council meeting
• Help the GK navigate thru the meeting quagmire
• Has charge of council property except
financial records and meeting minutes
• Charged with set-up of council chambers.
• Instructs guards during meetings and
• Responsible for role call of officers
• Outside guard tends outer door of chamber
admits visitors and members to the inner
• Inside guard tends the inner door and
checks membership cards, tends the sign in
sheet and the Prayer List.
»Informs Warden of said card check.
»Presents Prayer List to GK, before the
Good of the Order.
• Appointed by the Grand Knight.
• Provides educational and
entertaining programs to the council.
• Responsible for the ‘Good of the
Order’ portion of council meetings.
~ Some Additional Thoughts ~
• Can be a major player in improving
meeting attendance.
–Short educational, informative or
entertaining items.
–Utilize pre or post meeting time to
draw members in
–Make it fun to attend the meetings
Committee Directors
and Chairmen
Any Committee should:
• promote growth of the Order,
• insure valuable and effective
programming is conducted within the
church and the community.
• obtain the goals and objectives of the
Committee Formation
Committees = involvement of members.
Involvement = interest in activities of council
Interest in activities = membership growth
Membership Growth = Life for the Council!
= Less strain on current
= More opportunities for
different activities!
Committee Formation
It all starts with a well organized Plan
Grand Knight holds officer’s meeting.
Officers develop action plan for council.
Include Supreme Council Programs
State Council Programs
Council programs
Officers chair their assigned respective council positions
and identify potential interest of other members.
Document all activities and review needs for activities.
Submit plan to membership.
Committee Formation
• Review Plan with members.
Use business meeting to brief all members
Send in Council Newsletter
E-mail when possible.
Phone calls
• Identify new members as committee members.
• Use Program Activity charts.
• Publish Committee members names and contact
• Document results and submit reports when and where
Committee Development
~ Some Additional Thoughts ~
• Try to fill your committee chairmen positions
with rising stars
• Use the admission survey to assign members
to committees
• Officers can be committee chairmen
• Once selected, let them run their committees
Thanks for attending !!
Larry J. Droesch, PGK, FDD
State Community Director
937-728-7783 cell/text
937-383-3680 home
[email protected]