UCR Ruth Skluzacek & Frank LaQua Congressional Extension Senate Appropriation Bill.  No action until after November elections.  No opposition from the House. 

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Transcript UCR Ruth Skluzacek & Frank LaQua Congressional Extension Senate Appropriation Bill.  No action until after November elections.  No opposition from the House. 

UCR Ruth Skluzacek & Frank LaQua

Congressional Extension  Senate Appropriation Bill.

 No action until after November elections.

 No opposition from the House.

UCR Board of Directors  1.




FMCSA Representatives Frank LaQua (ND), Western Service Center Angel Oliver (TX) Southern Service Center Anthony Portanova (CT) Eastern Service Center Ruth Skluzacek (IA) Midwestern Service Center

UCR Board of Directors  1.





State Representatives - NCSTS Avelino Gutierrez (NM) Barbara Hague (MO) Dave Lazarides (IL) William Leonard (NY) Terry Willert (CO)

UCR Board of Directors  1.





Industry Representatives Rick Craig (OOIDA) Robert Pitcher (ATA) Robert Voltmann (TIA) Richard Schweitzer (NPTC) Craig Sharkey (Wal-Mart)

UCR Board of Directors  Structure  Agency of the federal government.

 Made up of both industry and state representatives.

 Agreement set in SAFETEA-LU.

 Subcommittees identified in the law:  Audit Committee  Dispute Resolution Committee  Industry Advisory Committee

Subcommittees Established     Fees Subcommittee William Leonard (NY) - Chair  Systems Subcommittee Dave Lazarides (IL) – Chair  Procedures Subcommittee Barbara Hague (MO) - Chair

UCR Board of Directors  Meeting once a month.

 Meetings are open to the public.

 Published in the Federal Register.

Fees Committee  Need to establish fees  What states will participate?

 How much revenue will need to be replaced in each state?

 Who will pay and how much?

 Recommend fees to the U.S. Secretary of Transportation every year.

 Within 90 days of the recommendation, the Secretary must set the fees.

Procedures Committee  UCRA - Unified Carrier Registration Agreement  Procedures/Guidelines to collect and distribute fees

System Committee  Need a system to support the UCRA.

 The UCRA system will support the collection, enforcement and distribution of UCR fees.

 Not a replacement for MCMIS or licensing system.

 Use existing systems when possible to get information out to roadside.

Industry Advisory Committee  Robert Pitcher is the Chair  Just being established  Industry members participate on the Board and on every committee

UCR Board of Directors  Letter to Governors  Deadline to submit state plans – to participate in 2007

November 1

 Sample State Plans  Q & A

UCR Board Meeting thru 2006  Washington, DC, October 11  Chicago, IL,  Chicago, IL, November 7 and 8 December 4 and 5

FMCSA Meeting  Washington, DC  October, 12  am meeting  No details currently available

Fees Committee  Determine Entitlements  Determine Carrier Census  Determine Fee Structure

Entitlement  Bill Leonard (NY) – Chairman  Surveyed 38 SSRS Members  2004 - 103 million

Carrier Census  Current MCMIS  702,000  MCMIS Activity Last 24 Months  422,000  IFTA 2004  271,000

Carrier Census Cont.  IRP 2005  360,540  IRP Clearing House  Not Available yet  AAMVA Survey July  AL, CA, ID, ME, MS, NE, SC, & WA responded

Fee Structure  Components  Entitlements  11-1-2006  10 Non SSRS ½ Million Each  11-1-2006  System & Administrative Expenses $103 Million $ 5 Million $ 5 Million+ $110 – 120 Million

Six Fee Categories Allowed  Lowest Category (Brokers, Forwarders, Leasing Companies)  For Hire, Exempt & Private Fall into Category Based on # of Vehicles  One Truck Category Debate

Procedures Committee  Definitions  Forms  Audits  Base State Record Keeping  Motor Carrier Record Keeping  Dispute Resolution  Amendments  Enforcement

Outreach Needs  Motor Carriers  Law Enforcement

State Outreach  Outreach to Motor Carriers Today  38 States send SSRS Non-Renewals Notices  Pick up Canadian & other 10 non-participating  Message SSRS might be renewed or wait for UCR  Service Bureaus

Industry Outreach  American Trucking Associations (ATA)  State Associations  National Private Truck Council (NPTC)  Brokers & Forwarders (TIA)  JJ Keller  Service Bureaus  Organization of Independent Drivers Association (OIDA)

SSRS Extended 2006-2007  States Send Out Renewals  Industry Partners Again Help Pass the Word

SSRS Not Extended 2006-2007  Good Luck to All of Us  Hope to have something in Place for Fiscal Year Ending 6-30-2007

Outreach to Law Enforcement  If SSRS Extended  Honor 2006 RS-3  Blanket extension all trucks  Set enforcement date  Utilize IRP, IFTA, AAMVA, JJ Keller, Transport Topics, State Associations, Service Bureau’s, State Law Enforcement Organizations

Outreach to Law Enforcement  If SSRS Not Extended  Educate that no program exists / no credentials  Utilize IRP, IFTA, AAMVA, JJ Keller, Transport Topics, State Associations, Service Bureau’s, State Law Enforcement Organizations

Outreach to Law Enforcement  When UCR is Ready  Educate that Program Changed All Vehicles with USDOT #, Brokers & Forwarders Included  No Credentials, Check MCMIS, Enforcements Date  Utilize IRP, IFTA, AAMVA, JJ Keller, Transport Topics, State Associations, Service Bureau’s, State Law Enforcement Organizations

Challenges  SSRS Not Extended  No Organizations like IRP/IFTA  No Employees  No Money  No System  No Repository / Depository  Best Guess Carrier Census


Frank Ruth