How to Bathe Your Baby:  Before you begin, make sure you have everything you need: – – – – – – – – Washcloth Mild soap Baby shampoo Cotton balls Hooded towel Cotton swabs Diaper Clean clothes.

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Transcript How to Bathe Your Baby:  Before you begin, make sure you have everything you need: – – – – – – – – Washcloth Mild soap Baby shampoo Cotton balls Hooded towel Cotton swabs Diaper Clean clothes.

How to Bathe Your Baby:
Before you begin, make sure you have everything you
Mild soap
Baby shampoo
Cotton balls
Hooded towel
Cotton swabs
Clean clothes
Sponge Bath Demo
Tips for Cord Care:
To prevent infection and speed the drying of the cord, some
healthcare professionals suggest cleaning around the cord with
a cotton swab dipped in warm weater.
To avoid irritation, don't cover the area with a diaper or plastic
pants. Fold the diaper over and away from the cord area.
Continue this hygiene for a few days after the cord has fallen
off completely. Don't be surprised if you see a few drops of
blood the day the cord falls off. This is normal.
As the cord falls off, the center may look yellow. But if it has a
puslike discharge or an offensive odor, or if the area is hot, red
and swollen, call your baby's doctor.
Baby Cares:
Nail trimming:
When your baby is born, she may have rather long
fingernails that will need to be cut, left, so she doesn’t
scratch herself. The hospital won’t do this for you
because it’s considered a surgical procedure, so you
may want to bring a pair of baby clippers with you to
the hospital.
To cut your baby's nails, push down on the finger's
skin to pull the nail away from the skin as you cut. If
you do nick baby's fingers, use a gauze pad to stop
the bleeding. Tip: Try to sneak in nail cutting while
your baby is asleep.
Diaper Rash
Diaper rash usually occurs in two stages:
Irritation: This is usually caused from a combination of
the moisture from the skin, urine and stool.
Yeast: If the irritation gets bad enough (and any parent
will tell you that it doesn't take much), the skin will
become contaminated, usually with a yeast.
To help control and treat diaper rash:
Reduce skin's exposure to irritants.
This is hard to do, especially in infants. Try changing the diaper
more often than you are used to.
Apply a liberal amount of a barrier ointment.
This will protect the skin from urine and stool, which is very
helpful. I suggest using a thick zinc oxide ointment. Apply this
with every diaper change when the skin appears irritated.
Watch for tell-tale signs of yeast infection.
This type of infection usually looks like a large reddened patch
with much smaller "satellite" areas around it. When an infection
with yeast occurs, no amount of over-the-counter diaper rash
ointment will make it go away. An antifungal medication must
be used to kill the yeast. Generally, a yeast diaper rash goes
away after about seven days of antifungal medication.
Circumcision Care:
After your son's circumcision there will be either a visible
incision or a plastibell, which is a small plastic ring. Three or
four times a day, you will need to clean the area with warm
water. Soap is not necessary.
At each diaper change, you will want to apply a small amount
of petroleum jelly. If your doctor sent you home with an
antibiotic ointment you will want to use this as directed.
It takes about ten days for the scab over an incision to fall off,
and about the same amount of time or a little longer for the
plastibell to fall off. After the scab or plastibell falls off, no
further care is needed outside of normal good hygiene. If the
plastibell does not fall off after two weeks, contact your health
care provider.
Circumcision Care:
You will also want to call your health care provider if you
notice any of the following:
– swelling
– bleeding (other than just a drop or two)
– foul smelling discharge
– difficulty urinating
– fever
– black or blue discoloration
– consistent redness that appears suddenly and does not
disappear after a few
Baby Cares:
Cleaning the nose:
Don't use a cotton swab or rolled up tissue to clean
the inside of your baby's nose. If your baby is really
stuffy, suction out the mucus with a baby nasal
aspirator. Saline drops may soften the mucus first.
Cradle your baby or sit her up. Squeeze the bulb and
place the tip in one nostril. Release bulb and draw the
mucus out. Rinse the bulb and repeat.
Baby Cares:
Temperature (underarm):
Ear thermometers are common today but are not very
accurate for newborns. It's best to use a traditional
thermometer, left. When taking your baby's
temperature, keep her entertained by singing or
talking to her so she doesn't wiggle too much.
Take off your baby's shirt. Carefully put the end of
the thermometer into her armpit (make sure it is dry).
Hold your baby's arm over the thermometer and
gently press her elbow against her side. It may take
four to five minutes for a reading.
Baby Cares:
Calling for help
– When in doubt, call
your doctor. Call your
baby's doctor
immediately if your
baby develops any of
these symptoms:
• Poor feeding
• Poor coloring
• Listlessness
• Weak cry
• Underarm temperature of at
least 99.4 degrees F
• Unusual fussiness
• Sleeping more than usual
• Vomiting or diarrhea
• Breathing problems
4 Recommended Breastfeeding Positions
1. Cradle hold:
– This is the way most of us envision nursing. You
cradle baby's head in the crook of your arm and
use your other hand to support your breast. Baby's
face, tummy, and knees should be facing you and
leaning in toward you, and her head could be a bit
higher than her body. The arm that's doing the
cradling supports baby's neck, spine, and bottom.
4 Recommended Breastfeeding Positions
2. Cross-cradle hold
– Instead of resting baby's head in the crook of your
arm, rest it in your palm, so that baby lies on your
right arm if you're using your left breast and vice
versa. Again, her body should be directly facing
and leaning into you. This is a great position for
newborns and babies who have latch-on trouble,
because it's easier to move her to your breast.
4 Recommended Breastfeeding Positions
3. Football hold
– The funny name gives you the idea that you keep
baby tucked against your side, not your tummy.
She rests on a pillow and your armpit goes over
her body so your arm can reach under and support
her neck and spine. This is a great hold for babies
who have latch-on trouble and for moms who have
had c-sections. Because you may need to lean over
a bit for this one, experts also say it's a good hold
for women with large breasts or flat nipples -gravity helps make the breasts easier to catch hold
4 Recommended Breastfeeding Positions
4. Lying down
– You're tired, baby's tired -- sometimes it's easiest to
nurse in bed. Lie on your side and support your
neck and back with pillows. Put a pillow between
your legs, too, if it helps keep your hips and back
in a straight line. Cradle baby's head on your
bottom arm. If you need to, put a pillow under
baby, too, so neither of you has to strain. Then lean
over to breastfeed -- some women use the breast
that's on the bottom, but some women give baby
that breast that's on the top. Another way to get
into this position: Sit back in bed and get baby
latched on while she's on top of you, then roll to
your side, holding onto baby the whole time.
7 Tips for Getting Baby
Latched On to the Breast
1. Hold her the right way. Nurses or a lactation
consultant in the hospital can help you.
2. Lift your breast with your free hand. Especially in
the first weeks, your breast will be so heavy that you'll
have to support it with your fingers. Holding it also helps
you guide baby to it.
3. Hold your baby's back and neck with your other
hand. Supporting those, rather than her head, will allow
you to lift her easily.
7 Tips for Getting Baby
Latched On to the Breast
4. Get her to open wide. You need baby to take half or
more of the areola (the dark part around your nipple) into
her mouth. Try tickling her cheek or lower lip with your
nipple, then waiting for her to open as wide as a yawn.
5. Pull her to you quickly. Once baby's mouth is open,
you need to get her on the breast fast, before she begins to
close down. But don't bend down to her -- she'll get a
better hold if you lift her to you. The hardest part: Getting
used to moving her with confidence. You don't need to
use force, of course, but you'll help her if you put her on
gently but firmly. Her chin should press into your breast.
7 Tips for Getting Baby
Latched On to the Breast
6. Check her mouth's position. Her lips should splay
out, and you shouldn't be able to see much if any of your
7. Relax and breathe. This is more for you than the baby.
In the beginning, you may find yourself sitting stiffly,
hunching your shoulders, and leaning over too far, which
strains your lower back. Practice breathing slowly,
relaxing your shoulders, and sitting back into the chair as
much as you can.
Personal choice to use/not to use
 Sometimes confusing for baby,
my disrupt supply and demand
of mother’s milk supply
 Babies with pacifiers found not
to nurse as long
 Need to satisfy suck, if not
pacifier then nursing or sucking
on hands or fingers/thumbs.
What is SIDS?
SIDS is the diagnosis for the sudden death of a baby
under one year of age that remains unexplained
Who is at risk for SIDS?
Babies who sleep on their stomachs
Babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy and
babies that are exposed to secondhand smoke after birth
Babies born to mothers who are under 20 years old at the time
of their first pregnancy
Babies born to mothers who had no or late prenatal care
Babies who are premature or low birth weight
Babies who are placed to sleep on soft surfaces, such as soft
mattresses, sofas, sofa cushions, waterbeds or sheepskins.
Babies who are placed to sleep in an area containing fluffy and
loose bedding, such as pillows, quilts or other coverings,
stuffed toys and other soft items
What can you do to lower your baby's risk of SIDS?
Breastfeed your baby.
Don't allow anyone to smoke
around your baby.
Place your baby to sleep on her
back at night and at naptime,
unless advised otherwise by your
baby's physician.
Place your baby on a firm
mattress, such as in a safetyapproved crib or other firm
Remove all fluffy and loose
bedding, such as fluffy blankets or
other coverings, pillows, quilts
and stuffed toys, from your baby's
sleep area.
Keep your baby's face clear of
Be careful not to overheat your
baby, especially when sleeping.
Keep the room at a temperature that
is comfortable for you.
Try to avoid exposing your young
baby to people with respiratory
infections. Ask people to wash their
hands before holding or playing
with your baby.
Take your baby for regular wellbaby checkups and routine
Educate grandparents, babysitters,
day care providers and everyone
who cares for your baby about
SIDS risks.
Back to Sleep
Tummy to Play
Poison control at home:
Keep these products in locked cupboards
or out of children's reach.
In the Bathroom: Aspirin, other medicines,
Makeup, Deodorants, Perfume, Disinfectants, Rubbing
alcohol, Hair care products, Toilet bowl cleaner
In the garage or basement: Antifreeze, Motor oil, Gasoline,
Kerosene, Charcoal lighter, Mouse or rat poison, Garden
chemicals, Paints, Pant thinners
In the kitchen: Aerosol spray, Laundry/dishwasher detergents,
Bleach, Vitamins, Medicines, Drain cleaner, Other cleaning
All over the house: Alcohol, Lead paint (furniture, toys,
walls) Cigarettes, Plants
Be sure that you...
DON'T keep kerosene, gasoline, or similar products in pop
cans or milk bottles. Store food and non-food items separately.
NEVER use insect sprays around food.
NEVER tell a child that medicine is "candy" or that it tastes
KEEP medicines, cleaning products, and other poisonous
household products in original containers and in locked
cupboards. Inexpensive safety latches are readily available at
hardware and department stores.
ONLY give a prescription drug to the person it was prescribed
for by the doctor. Dispose of outdated medicines promptly.
Be sure that you...
CHECK all painted furniture and toys to be sure they have
non-toxic finishes. Look at labels.
BUY products in child-resistant containers and replace caps
KEEP purses out of reach. Avoid carrying medicine, vitamins,
cigarettes, and perfume in handbags.
CHOOSE safe plants, labeled with botanical name, and keep
out of children's reach.
Never leave your child alone with a poison, even for a few
CPR = life saving knowledge
The letters in CPR stand for cardiopulmonary
resuscitation, a combination of rescue breathing (mouthto-mouth resuscitation) and chest compressions. If a child
isn't breathing or circulating blood adequately, CPR can
restore circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the brain.
Without oxygen, permanent brain damage or death can
occur in less than 8 minutes.
Call 963-WELL for class date & times offered through
CSM campuses or call the Red Cross or American Heart
Babies are fragile.
Please don't shake a child.
When a baby is vigorously shaken, the head moves
back and forth. This sudden whiplash motion can
cause bleeding inside the head and increased pressure
on the brain, causing the brain to pull apart and
resulting in injury to the baby.
Often frustrated parents or other persons responsible
for a child's care feel that shaking a baby is a harmless
way to make a child stop crying. The number one
reason a baby is shaken is because of inconsolable
crying. Almost 25 percent of all babies with Shaken
Baby Syndrome die. It is estimated that 25-50 percent
of parents and caretakers aren't aware of the effects of
shaking a baby.
If you or someone else shakes a baby, either
accidentally or on purpose, call 911 or take the child
to the emergency room immediately. Bleeding in
side the brain can be treated. Immediate medical
attention will save your baby many future problems .
. . and possibly the baby's life.
Crying & Comfort Needs
Caring for Your Newborn: Routine cares- Crying and
Emotional Needs, Soothing Your Baby (pg 25),
Crying & Colic (pg 38), Your Newborn’s Senses (pg
12), Your baby’s cues and Reflexes (pg 13), Bonding
with Your Baby (pg 8).
Car Safety Seats:
Which car safety seat is the best?
No one seat is the "best" or "safest." The "best" seat is the
one that fits your child's size, is correctly installed, and is
used properly every time you drive. When shopping for a
car safety seat, keep the following in mind:
Price doesn't always matter. Higher prices can mean
added features that may or may not make the seat easier
to use.
Keep in mind that pictures or displays of car safety seats
in stores may not show them being used the right way.
Important safety rules
Always use a car safety seat, starting with your baby's
first ride home from the hospital.
Never place a child in a rear-facing car safety seat in the
front seat of a vehicle that has an airbag.
The safest place for all children to ride is in the back
Set a good example-always wear your seat belt. Help
your child form a lifelong habit of buckling up.
Remember that each car safety seat is different. Read and
keep the instructions that came with your seat.
Read the owner's manual that came with your car on how
to correctly install car safety seats.
Rear-facing seats
All infants should ride rear-facing until they have
reached at least 1 year of age and weigh at least 20
pounds. That means that if your baby reaches 20
pounds before her first birthday, she should remain
rear-facing until she turns 1 year old.
There are 2 types of rear-facing seats: infant-only
seats and convertible seats. Following are some
important features of both:
Infant-only seats may be used until 1 year old.
Small and portable (sometimes come as part of a stroller
Have a 3-point or 5-point harness.
Can only be used for infants up to 20 to 22 pounds,
depending on the model.
Many come with a detachable base, which can be left in
the car. The seat clicks in and out of the base, which
means you don't have to install it each time you use it.
Most have carrying handles.
Convertible seats
Bigger than infant-only seats.
Can also be used forward-facing for older and larger
children, therefore these seats can be used longer.
Many have higher rear-facing weight limits than infant
only seats. These are ideal for bigger babies.
Have the following types of harnesses:
– - 5-point harness - 5 straps: 2 at the shoulders, 2 at the hips,
1 at the crotch
- T-shield - A padded t-shaped or triangle-shaped shield
attached to the shoulder straps
- Overhead shield - A padded tray-like shield that
swings down around the child
Other features to look for in rear-facing seats:
Harness slots. Look for seats that come with more than
one set of harness slots to give your growing baby more
room. The harness should be in the slots at or below your
baby's shoulders. Check the manufacturer's instructions to
be sure.
Adjustable buckles and shields. Many rear-facing seats
have 2 or more buckle positions for growing babies.
Many overhead shields can be adjusted as well.
Other features. Angle indicators, built-in angle adjusters
that help you get the proper recline, and head support
systems are other features that are made to help you
install the seat the right way.
Do not use a car safety seat that:
- Is too old. Look on the label for the date it was made.
Do not use seats that are more than 10 years old. Some
manufacturers recommend that car safety seats only be
used for 5 to 6 years. Check with the manufacturer to find
out how long the company recommends using their seat.
- Has any cracks in the frame of the seat.
- Does not have a label with the date of manufacture
and model number. Without these, you cannot check on
- Does not come with instructions. You need them to
know how to use the seat. You can get a copy of the
instruction manual by contacting the manufacturer.
Do not use a car safety seat that:
-Is missing parts. Used car safety seats often come
without important parts. Check with the manufacturer to
make sure you can get the right parts.
- Is a shield booster. Although shield boosters may meet
current safety standards for use by children from 30 to 40
pounds, the AAP does not recommend their use. Major
injuries have occurred to children in shield boosters. The
only time shield boosters should be used is if the shield is
removed and the seat is used with a lap/shoulder belt as a
belt-positioning booster.
- Was recalled. You can find out by calling the
manufacturer or contacting the following: -- Auto
Safety Hot Line 888/DASH-2-DOT (888/327-4236),
from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm ET, Monday through Friday.
Thank You! Enjoy you babies…
Time will pass so quickly and they’ll be grown
before you know it!