Nanotechnology: maximizing benefits, minimizing downsides 2 October 2003, Paris Christine Peterson Foresight Institute Terminology confusion  1.

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Transcript Nanotechnology: maximizing benefits, minimizing downsides 2 October 2003, Paris Christine Peterson Foresight Institute Terminology confusion  1.

maximizing benefits,
minimizing downsides
2 October 2003, Paris
Christine Peterson
Foresight Institute
Terminology confusion
1. Technology a lot smaller than
microtechnology: nanoscale bulk technology
 2. Technology enabling control at the level of
individual atoms: from U.S. NSF “The
essence of nanotechnology is the ability to
work at the molecular level, atom by atom, to
create large structures with fundamentally
new molecular organization”
 3. Nanomachines with atomic precision
 #1 is short-term, #2 longer-term, #3 longest
 Word has become a marketing tool in U.S.
Why the buzz?
 World
can be divided into bits
(information) and “stuff” (atoms)
 Investors just got burned by bits in the bust
 Current enthusiasm for nanotech is
investors’ rediscovery of “stuff”
 Jazzy new label for chemistry,
materials science, applied physics
 But that’s okay—they are exciting
Will there be a
nanotech bust?
 Already
“too many” nanotube
 Funding “too many” is normal for new
technologies, not clear it’s avoidable
 Some reforms among analysts
 Nanotech gives physical products, not
“eyeballs” (viewers of Internet ads)
 Reason to think that a bubble can be
Near-term products:
mostly materials
Drug delivery, medical implants, sensors (bio
& chemical), solar energy (photovoltaic or
direct hydrogen production), batteries,
displays & e-paper, nanotube and
nanoparticle composites, catalysts, coatings,
alloys, insulation (thermal & electrical), filters,
glues, abrasives, lubricants, paints, fuels &
explosives, textiles, hard drives, computer
memory, optical components, etc.
(from TNT Weekly, published by Cientifica out
of Spain, France)
Not an integrated “industry”
 Near-term
applications showing up
invisibly in existing products (higher
strength, safety, sensitivity, accuracy,
overall performance). Incremental.
 Above can be a problem for venture
 Term useful for gov’t interaction and
cross-industry tech transfer
 Shared challenges? Yes: legal, PR
Where is work occurring?
 Switzerland,
Sweden, France,
Germany, U.K. are major players in
 Complaints that EU work is slowed by
need to balance funding among
participating countries
 Both research and early products are
widespread in U.S. (esp. Calif, Texas)
 No clear geographic winner in U.S. yet
& there may not be (no “Nano Valley”?)
What’s the bottleneck to
Lots of unexploited science: see Foresight
Conferences and Feynman Prizes
(“Rembrandts in the Attic”)
 In US: VC, corporate, angel funding available
 Delay is evolutionary process of looking at
each exp’t phenomenon, picturing a new
technology, and identifying an early business
 Individuals who can do this: rare, valuable,
cross-disciplinary (hire from other industries)
From science to product idea
 Variation
& selection process: broad
function, narrower use, specific
application, first product definition
 Requires both creativity and knowledge
of large number of applications and
 Hard to get mindshare of top creatives
 Scrounge, lubricate, brainstorm, extract
via questioning
Collaborative international
online project incubator
 Cross-sector:
governments, academic institutions as
 Enable more rapid identification of
complementary projects, partners
 Expose project concepts to community
of interest in controlled fashion
 Already used by other industries, e.g.
RITAnet, Access5 (aerospace)
Online recruitment across
national boundaries
 International
cooperation enhanced by
talent moving between Europe & U.S.
 U.S. workers not aware of European
projects and vice versa
 Experienced cross-border jobs facilitator
has entered the nanotech area
Patent process a challenge
Patent offices overwhelmed
 Annually, over 300,000 total applications in
US; over 3000 granted to IBM alone
 Hard for new companies to keep track
 Hard for patent offices to hold onto expert
staff, esp. true in hot areas like nanotech
 Hard for examiners to make good decisions,
under 6 hours/each for prior art search
 Litigation, high legal expenses = advantage
to large companies; non-IP countries
Patent process a challenge, II
Given complexity, patents can be issued for
“inventions” that are obvious, found in nature,
appear in prior art. Chilling effect, litigation
 Overly-broad patents not necessarily good
for industry (what if: html, alphabet)
 Cannot depend on legal profession to fix this
voluntarily — for them the system “works”
 Patents not always the answer: Run Faster!
 Sometimes based on misrepresentation,
patents can work their way into standards
Avoiding GM-style backlash
Avoid arrogance of GM-food companies
 Prey, Bill Joy in Wired, Greenpeace UK
report: some over-reaction from
 Stay calm, do not “shoot from hip”, pick a
spokesperson internally or other
 Engage cluefully with media, government (not
“just” a PR function) — European firms have
advantage at this
 Consistent message (PopSci poked fun)
 If word becomes negative, co’s will drop
Has nanotech been
 U.S.
funders are solidly supportive, able
to recognize and discount both hype &
anti-hype. Europe still somewhat put off
by hype.
 Problems arise when there’s confusion
on timescales (1st through 4th
generation: 2000-2020) in popular press
and business press. Hard to prevent.
 Hard to overstate long-term potential
Tools for looking ahead to
long-term nanotech
 Laws
of physics
 Laws of economics
 Laws of human nature
 Result: technological advance to the
limits allowed by nature
 Process does not result in a time
estimate (but everyone wants one)
 Does result in molecular machine
Molecular machine systems:
 New
way of viewing matter
 Today, can have atomic precision or
large complex structures, not both
 Want both together
 Goal: Direct control down to molecular
level, not indirect control as today (e.g.
drugs, surgery) for products of any size
 Can change/improve structure of all
physical things including human body
Basis of advanced nanotech:
Molecular machines
 Used
by nature in plants and animals,
which can be thought of as complex
systems of molecular machines
 Now learning to design and build new
molecular machine systems
 Goal: nanosystems for manufacturing
complex, atomically-precise products of
any size (from cubic-micron mainframes
to aircraft carriers)
Differential gear design
Molecular machine systems
for manufacturing (schematic)
Why molecular machines?
Why are molecular machines so important,
compared to molecular materials, sensors,
 Machines can make all the others better
 NNI 2004 budget: “The initiative focuses on
long-term research on the manipulation of
matter at the atomic and molecular levels,
giving us an unprecedented ability to create
building blocks for advanced products such
as new classes of devices as small as
molecules and machines as small as human
Molecular manufacturing with
molecular machine systems
 Extreme
decrease in direct
manufacturing costs (not insurance,
legal, tariffs)
 Extreme decrease in pollution
 Extreme increase in device complexity
possible (e.g. medical)
 Extreme increase in software/design
Timing of molecular
machine systems
 “We
tend to overestimate short-term
tech change, underestimate long-term”
 Timing estimates are guesses
 As an engineering goal, it depends on
funding and focus
 If delay in focused effort: 25 years?
 Probable international competition for
economic, military advantage
 Crash program estimate 10-15 years
Four issues for policymakers
 Near-term
environmental and health
issues from nanoparticles, nanotubes
 Mid-term patent difficulties: errors harm
industry & public interest, strain
international relations
 Long-term “grey goo” concern
overblown, already covered by
Foresight Guidelines safety rules
 Long-term arms control issues are real,
very challenging (e.g. chem, bio)
Europe/US relations
 Differing
attitudes toward Precautionary
Principle likely to continue, for
fundamental cultural reasons
 May result in ongoing friction on
nanoproduct safety: trade conflict?
 Differing attitudes toward overly-broad
patents may extend to nanotech
 U.S. could use European patent
influence: how can this be facilitated?
Opportunity for joint project
 U.S.
likely to declare Apollo-style project
for molecular machine systems,
possibly with defense orientation
 U.S. “go it alone” strategy could be
headed off by European project —
ideally announced earlier — leading to
joint Europe/U.S. effort
 Powerful technologies are best shared
among the democracies, at least NATO
For more information, both
short-term and long-term
— main site, see
Foresight Update technical news
 — news site & database
 11th Foresight Conference on
Molecular Nanotechnology
9-12 Oct 2003, San Francisco
 Foresight Vision Weekend, May 2004
 Chemical & Engineering News, TNT
Weekly, Nanotech Opportunity Report