Summary of Related Topics from the Miniworkshop on XFEL Short Bunch Measurement and Timing John Arthur LCLS September 22, 2004 LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop John Arthur [email protected].

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Transcript Summary of Related Topics from the Miniworkshop on XFEL Short Bunch Measurement and Timing John Arthur LCLS September 22, 2004 LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop John Arthur [email protected].

Summary of Related Topics from the
Miniworkshop on XFEL Short Bunch
Measurement and Timing
John Arthur
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
ICFA Future Light Sources Subpanel
Miniworkshop on XFEL Short Bunch Measurement and Timing
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, July 26 - 30, 2004
Organizers: J. Hastings, P. Krejcik, H. Schlarb, J. Wu
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
This workshop will focus on the issues of measuring and synchronizing
ultra-short bunches in linac-based FELs. Three primary themes will be
addressed at the workshop:
Measurement techniques for the determining the
electron bunch length and arrival time.
Measurement techniques, theory and simulation for
diagnosing spontaneous undulator and XFEL
radiation to determine its temporal profile.
Issues of timing and synchronization of ultra-fast
lasers to the electron bunch and RF.
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
The workshop
featured a
history of
P. Emma
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
X-ray diagnostics of FEL performance
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
Simulations show development of FEL beam in undulator
W. Fawley
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
Distinctive spectral fluctuations of FEL pulses
Typical single-shot spectrum
long bunch
Average spectrum
short bunch
V. Sajaev
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
To resolve LCLS spectrum, need single-shot
x-ray spectrometer with resolution of 10-6
At 8 keV,
Range of dE/E >10-3 possible
Resolution of 10-5 possible
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
D. Peter Siddons
Resolution of 10-6 possible with
backscattering and asymmetric
reflections, but range would be reduced
John Arthur
[email protected]
Discussions of x-ray diagnostics and radiation properties
Focused on diagnostics which will help FEL performance
Intensity, propagation of pulse shape, spectrum are all important
Spectral measurement needs dE/E<10-6 to see spikes
Ability to turn off undulator sections is vital
Effect of reflections/aperturing by beam pipe
How chirp helps or hurts
How to organize data
How best to correlate x-ray with optical laser
How coherent (spatially) will the LCLS be
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
Electron diagnostics for XFELs
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
Electro-Optic Sampling encodes electron
pulse shape on a laser pulse
EO Crystal
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
integrated intensity
time; space
integrated intensity
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
200 m
EOS data from SPPS
A. Cavalieri
w/ high frequency filtering
Timing Jitter Data
(20 Successive Shots)
iCCD counts
time (ps)
color representation
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
time (ps)
John Arthur
[email protected]
Talks on EOS were given by A. Cavalieri, S. Düsterer, H. Loos,
A. Winter, D. Reis, and S. Jamison
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
An interferometer can be used to autocorrelate Coherent
Transition Radiation, giving a measure of electron bunch length
P. Muggli
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
Electron bunch measurements using a transverse RF deflector
P. Emma
2.44 m
V0  20 MV
sz  50 m, E  28 GeV bc
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
D  90°
John Arthur
[email protected]
Many other talks discussed aspects of
timing jitter measurement and control
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]
General Conclusions
Electron diagnostics seem to be more advanced than x-ray diagnostics
Need to sharpen the requirements for diagnostics
Need to coordinate/share results of experiments
Simulations will play a large role
What’s up with these Cub fans?
September 22, 2004
LCLS Diagnostics and Commissioning Workshop
John Arthur
[email protected]