Global Change in Africa : Vulnerability or Sustainability Gianfranco Bologna Scientific Director and Director Sustainability Programme WWF Italy.

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Global Change in Africa :
Vulnerability or Sustainability
Gianfranco Bologna
Scientific Director and Director
Sustainability Programme WWF Italy
Anthropogenic Biomes of the World
Urban & dense settlements
11 Urban
12 Dense settlements
V illages
21 Rice villages
22 Irrigated villages
23 Cropped & pastoral villages
24 Pastoral villages
25 Rainfed villages
26 Rainfed mosaic *villages
Ellis & Ramankutty, in press
31 Residential irrigated cropland
32 Residential rainfed mosaic
33 Populated irrigated cropland
34 Populated rainfed cropland
35 Remote croplands
41 Residential rangelands
42 Populated rangelands
43 Remote rangelands
51 Populated forests
52 Remote forests
61 Wild forests
62 Sparse trees
63 Barren
*Mosaic: >25% tree cover mixed with
> 25% pasture and/or cropland
Main Objectives
To set up and coordinate a first GHGs monitoring network
of Sub-Saharan Africa, in order to:
- better quantify GHGs emissions in Sub-Saharan Africa
(considering also fires and deforestation)
- better understand the role of fire emissions on the African
GHGs balance and its global implications
- better understand the Africa's role in the global climate
- improve the assessment of the land use change and
evaluate the potential for carbon sequestration (CDM)
- promote the integration of the environmental dimension
in the African socio-economic context.
1st Flux Tower in a African Tropical Forest
Height: 72 m (around 30 m over the forest canopy!)
The information provided by this flux station will give an
important contribute to the understanding of the Africa’s
role in the global carbon cycle.
The GHOA NI Strategic Framework
for Transformational Change
Vision Statement:
By 2020, the forest, freshwater landscapes and
species resources in the Green Heart of Africa are
managed sustainably so that biodiversity is
conserved, ecosystem functions and services are
maintained, global climate is stabilized, and
sustainable development and economic growth
improves the livelihoods of the people of central