DIAGNOSTIC FRAMEWORK: National Accounts and Supporting Statistics SELF ASSESSMENT TOOL Session 11 points for discussion Regional Seminar on 2008 SNA Implementation 23-26 May 2010, Muscat,

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Transcript DIAGNOSTIC FRAMEWORK: National Accounts and Supporting Statistics SELF ASSESSMENT TOOL Session 11 points for discussion Regional Seminar on 2008 SNA Implementation 23-26 May 2010, Muscat,

National Accounts and Supporting Statistics
Session 11 points for discussion
Regional Seminar on 2008 SNA Implementation
23-26 May 2010, Muscat, Oman
Gulab Singh
UN Statistics Division/ DESA
1 1
Points for discussion – Break out groups
Role of NSOs/CBs in Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators
(M&E) of development and vulnerabilities:
(Five Year) Development Plans : balanced set of structural and
high frequency statistics
Real sector: short term/high frequency statistics
– quarterly national accounts, PPI, IIP, Turnover index, new
order, etc.
Institutional sectors: short term/high frequency statistics
Availability of administrative data for structural and high
frequency statistics
Setting priorities based on quality “fit for purpose”
Recommendations of the seminar?
Points for discussion – Break out Group
 Pressure to reduce expenditure, cut costs and
improve efficiency
▫ Doing more with less resources
– Redefine statistical priorities
– Use of smart sample design – integrating infraannual enquiries with annual one
 Limited public confidence in the reliability and
integrity of data
▫ Limited capacity to turn things around in the short-term
▫ Review of statistical agenda
– Relevancy
» Writing economic history or tool for current
decision making
» Policy relevance
 Recommendations of the seminar?
Points for discussion
What makes a good strategy?
Establish consultation mechanism with all main stakeholders –
users, producers and providers of statistics;
Assessment of status current system including users;
perspective, and taking account of existing improvement
A Vision - Where we want to be;
Strategic actions required to overcome constraints and
achieve the vision, including prioritization of actions;
Detailed action plan with a timetable and financing plan to put
these strategic actions into effect in order to achieve desired
Mechanism to monitor progress, including indicators and
reporting to inform the updating and adaptation of the strategy.
Points for discussion – Break out groups
Where we want to be
Action Plan
How to get there
Where are we now
Statistical capacity
How to stay there
Points for discussion
Things to do in phase I?
 Diagnostic analysis – about 2-3 months;
 Write a report (vision document) based on this
diagnostic analysis – about 6 months;
 Consultation at national level with all main
stakeholders – users, producers and providers of
statistics to discuss vision document and priorities;
 Revisit statistical agenda and develop link to policy
 Identify priority areas – for external technical
 Write detailed action plan with a timetable and
financing plan to put these strategic actions into
effect in order to achieve desired results;.