School of Mechanical Engineering Global Engineering Professional Seminar ME 290 Week 2: August 29, 2013 1.

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Transcript School of Mechanical Engineering Global Engineering Professional Seminar ME 290 Week 2: August 29, 2013 1.

School of Mechanical Engineering

Global Engineering Professional Seminar

ME 290 Week 2: August 29, 2013

1. Intro: Seminar Policies, Text, and Assignments 2. Discuss: Resume Drafts, resume “hand-out” today 3. Complete: Required “Writing Sample” 4. Next week: Turn in revised resumes with an attached review! Note SA FAIR on Wednesday!

Remember! Seminar Contacts

› Dianne Atkinson, Ph.D.

› Office: ME 3003B, enter via ME 3003, Main Bldg.

› Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri. Email: [email protected]

› Seminar Head TA: Kaitlyn Dalton › Course webpage: / Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 2


› Fareed Zakaria’s ›


World, Release 2.0

› Available in PB, in bookstores and on

Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 3

Course Schedule

› Seminar meets

each week

—sign in! › Begin reading Zakaria text “on your own,” note three quizzes in class! –

Weeks 4, 7, and 10.

› Complete a professional resume

—Week 3

› › Complete a global profile--

Week 11 Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 4

Course Policies


Thursday Seminars needed to earn course credit › Class participation and

professional decorum



professionals have good

Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 5

Course Materials

All course materials, except the text, will be posted on our course webpage, https://engineering.purd “Communications” drop down menu on ME HOME

Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 6

Course Grades

› Text/ 3 quizzes (30%) › Global Profile and Reviewed Resume

—Global Profile also posted on NSF GlobalHUB

(15%) › Professional activities (10%) › Attendance (45%)

Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 7

ME 290 Seminar Objectives


Global Engineering Professional Issues

—encourage literacy about the global professional engineering community and about global issues .


International opportunities –

provide information about opportunities in the Purdue BSME program and beyond.


Global Communications


—develop skills for working across disciplinary and cultural


Professional Ethics

—develop a foundation useful in making ethical decisions in the professional workplace.

Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 8

Professional Documents--Resume

› Resume —what is it?

– One page application for an


– Presents an argument or a “


” – Introduces you as a

professional person

for a



and as a › Resume —what is it not?



Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 9

Resume conventions

› 1.


—like a business card: lists, not sentences; correct, concise.

› 2.


—most important first; most space used for most important › 3.


—provides contact information, credentials, selected experiences › 4.


—uses all available space!

Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 10

ME 290 Resumes

› Bring

revised resumes with a (stapled) signed review

to class next week


and place in brown folders (Week 3)!

› Receive “Go!” (green stamp) or “No Go!” (red stamp) (Week 4) ›

Industrial Roundtable

September 17 and 18, Purdue Memorial Mall (Week 5) › Revised resumes (with reviews) are 1/3 of the final

“Professional Profile”

package that is completed in Week 11.

Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 11

Professional engineering — Look back to achievements…


Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 12

Professional engineering--Look forward to challenges…

› Examine the National Academy of Engineering’s “Grand Challenges” › .asp

Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2013 13

Your Semester Six?

› Engineering Term Abroad-CHINA!

› Unique among all Purdue Engineering › Open to all ME’s in good standing


› Offers Semester 6 coursework – Class-size group, flying to Shanghai in January, starting classes same time as Purdue —in China! Seventh year for this program!

– Costs same as West Lafayette (includes air-fare), all classes count (credit transfers), no delay in graduation, go with 40 friends!

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