Prof. Dr. P.M. John L. Hutagaol IAI KAPj  1. Sinergi Forum Dosen Perpajakan KAPd dengan KAPj IAI a.

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Transcript Prof. Dr. P.M. John L. Hutagaol IAI KAPj  1. Sinergi Forum Dosen Perpajakan KAPd dengan KAPj IAI a.

Prof. Dr. P.M. John L. Hutagaol
1. Sinergi Forum Dosen Perpajakan KAPd
dengan KAPj IAI
a. Building Capacity
b. Coursework deepening
c. Research
d. Journal/Magazine
2. Program KAPj IAI meningkatkan kompetensi
akuntan pajak
a. Sharing Knowledge
- reguler tax discussion
- tax corner
- tax business talk
- international tax seminar
- transfer pricing expo
b. Strengthen and Enlarge Internal Organization
c. Cooperation with other Organizations --recognition
3. Pandangan KAPj IAI terhadap kompetensi akuntan Pajak
a. Knowledge
- up date
- match with current condition
- valuable to society and organization
b. Expertise
- professional
- more specialized and deepening
- integrity and dignity
c. Behavior
- conservatism
- prudent
- comply with the rule
1. Sinergi Forum Dosen Perpajakan KAPd
dengan KAPj IAI
a. Building Capacity
b. Coursework deepening
c. Research
d. Journal/Magazine
2. Program KAPj IAI meningkatkan kompetensi
akuntan pajak
a. Sharing Knowledge
- reguler tax discussion
- tax corner
- tax business talk
- international tax seminar
- transfer pricing expo
b. Strengthen and Enlarge Internal Organization
c. Cooperation with other Organizations --recognition
3. Pandangan KAPj IAI terhadap kompetensi akuntan Pajak
a. Knowledge
- up date
- match with current condition
- valuable to society and organization
b. Expertise
- professional
- more specialized and deepening
- integrity and dignity
c. Behavior
- conservatism
- prudent
- comply with the rule