PBIS It’s all about pride! Demonstrate your Respect, Responsiblility, and Safety. OUR PBIS CORE VALUES The Golden Hawk Says: BE RESPECTFUL BE RESPONSIBLE BE SAFE.

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Transcript PBIS It’s all about pride! Demonstrate your Respect, Responsiblility, and Safety. OUR PBIS CORE VALUES The Golden Hawk Says: BE RESPECTFUL BE RESPONSIBLE BE SAFE.

PBIS It’s all about pride!

Demonstrate your Respect, Responsiblility, and Safety.


The Golden Hawk Says:




What is PBIS?

PBIS is: • a positive behavior management process to create safer and more effective schools.

• a system of clear schoolwide expectations with consequences and incentives.

• intervention when you need help. • recognition and celebration for your successes!

What does PBIS do for you?

• • Students are recognized and praised for positive behaviors.

– gifts, opportunities to participate in special events, school supplies, materials, etc. Students receive interventions to help them refocus their unsuccessful behaviors. – teacher-student conference, parent contact, reflections, parent conference,administrative referral.

How Does PBIS Work?

• All students follow the same set of rules and expectations throughout all areas in the building.

• These rules and expectations are displayed as a matrix, which is posted in every hallway and classroom. • When students follow the rules and expectations, they are recognized. • When students do not follow the rules, there are planned consequences to help them get back on track.



The Golden Hawk says, “Be Respectful! Be Responsible! Be Safe


Clemente PBIS Expectations Matrix Classroom Cafeteria Bathrooms Hallways Buses Library/ Computer Lab School Grounds

-Follow directions -Raise your hand -Use appropriate language -Use appropriate tone -Keep your hands & feet to yourself -Follow directions -Listen to adults -Exhibit good table manners -Keep food on your plate or in your mouth -Keep food in cafeteria -Respect the privacy of others -Keep the facilities clean -Keep hands & feet to yourself -Observe personal bubble space -Listen to adults in hallway -Use your quiet inside voice -Follow directions -Wait in line -Listen to the bus driver -Share seats -Use appropriate language -Follow directions -Use your quiet inside voice -Raise your hand to be recognized -Follow adult directions -Use appropriate language -Obey fire drill procedures


-Employ active listening -Participate actively -Stay in designated area -Clean up your eating area - Do your business & leave -Flush the toilet -Throw trash in appropriate receptacles - Wash hands -Carry a valid hall pass -Go straight to your destination -Use you own locker -Pick up litter -Stay seated while the bus is moving -Keep your body and belongings inside the bus -Follow Media Center & Computer Lab Rules -Use equipment correctly -Access only appropriate websites -Dispose of trash in appropriate receptacles -Use equipment correctly


-Keep your hands & feet to yourself -Wait in line for your turn -Keep your hands & feet to yourself -Report problems, vandalism, etc -Walk on the right -Wear appropriate shoes at all times -Keep hands & feet to yourself -Enter and exit in an orderly fashion -Stay in your seat -Report any incidents -Enter and exit in an orderly fashion -Stay in your seat -Report any incidents -Use equipment correctly -Keep hands & feet to yourself

What is a “Clemente Buck”?

How can you earn “Clemente Bucks”?

When consistent, students will be recognized for appropriate behaviors such as: • speaking in an appropriate tone of voice in class • walking on the right side of the hallway • waiting patiently in line in the cafeteria • entering and exiting the bus appropriately • entering the computer labs without any food or drink • using outside equipment appropriately

Who awards students with “Clemente Bucks”?

All staff including: • teachers • substitute teachers • counselors • main office/media center staff • bus drivers • cafeteria staff • custodians

Where will students spend their Clemente Bucks?

At the Clemente Store!

Located on the stage in the cafeteria

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Open every Friday during lunch Items priced according to value Students can view items online

Recognitions for individual students may include the following:

Ice Cream Passes

Target Gift Certificates

Restaurant Coupons

Wal-Mart Gift Certificates

Dance Passes

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Pizza Delivered School Supplies Bags/Freebies Candy Grade Level Rewards

dances, movie nights, etc.

Grade Level Student Recognition

Peace Days

Any particular day when there are NO office referrals that disrupt the peace of the school.

Result = 1 Peace Day

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Office referrals may result in a lost Peace Day When a particular grade accumulates a certain target level of peace days, the entire grade will be recognized.

The target levels are: 5, 15, 30, 50, 75, and 100 days.

''Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't, then you are wasting your time on Earth.'‘

Roberto Clemente