Lessons from the Southern African Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP) Eugene Poolman South African Weather Service Pretoria, South Africa Peter Chen Chief, Data Processing and Forecasting.

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Transcript Lessons from the Southern African Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP) Eugene Poolman South African Weather Service Pretoria, South Africa Peter Chen Chief, Data Processing and Forecasting.

Lessons from the Southern African
Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration
Project (SWFDP)
Eugene Poolman
South African Weather Service
Pretoria, South Africa
Peter Chen
Chief, Data Processing and Forecasting Division
World Meteorological Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
3rd THORPEX International Science Symposium
Monterey, California
14 – 18 September 2009
Concepts of SWFDP
The Challenge: mitigating the growing
technological gap in weather
• Dramatic developments in weather
forecasting science over the past two
decades – advances in monitoring and
NWP and Ensemble Prediction Systems
leading to improved alerting of weather
hazards, at increased lead-times of
Developing countries, LDCs, saw little
progress due to limited budgets,
failing infrastructure, inadequate
guidance and expertise,
increasing gap in application of
advanced technology (NWP, EPS) in
early warnings
WMO SWFDP attempts to close this gap
by increasing availability, and
developing capacity to use existing
NWP and EPS in countries where it is
not effectively used
WMO Project: SWFDP
• WMO developed the SWFDP to improve severe weather
forecasting and warning services in NMHSs where sophisticated
NWP/EPS outputs are not currently used
• First SWFDP regional project in Southern Africa, Nov 2006 to
Nov 2007
• Principal focus: heavy rain and strong winds
RSMC Pretoria SWF Daily Guidance Product (7 Jan. 2007)
CBS-XIII (2005)
• To improve ability of NMHSs to forecast severe
weather events
• To improve lead-time of alerting of these events
• To improve interaction of NMHSs with DMCPAs
before and during events
• To identify gaps and areas for improvement
• To improve the skill of products from GDPFS
Centres through feedback from NMHSs
DMCPA – disaster management and civil protection authority
GDPFS – Global Data Processing and Forecasting System (WMO)
First SWFDP project
• The NMHSs of: Botswana, Madagascar, Mozambique,
Tanzania, and Zimbabwe
• The regional centres: RSMC Pretoria, RSMC La Réunion
• Global products centres: ECMWF, Met Office UK, and NCEP
• Regional project management structure:
– Regional subproject management team, with PRs/Directors
designated members and Terms of Reference
– WMO support (CBS and Secretariat)
– Regional interest: SADC and MASA
• preparatory and annual training workshops conducted for
SWFDP Cascading Forecasting Process
• Cascading Process throughout Southern Africa:
– Global NWP centres to provide available NWP and EPS products, including in the form
of probabilities;
– Regional centres to interpret information received from global NWP centres, prepare
daily guidance products (out to day-5) for NMCs, run limited-area model to refine
products, maintain RSMC Web site, liaise with the participating NMCs;
– NMCs to issue alerts, advisories, severe weather warnings; to liaise with Disaster
Management, and to contribute feedback and evaluation of the project;
– NMCs have access to all products, and maintained responsibility and authority over
national warnings and services.
Global Centers
RSMC Pretoria
RSMC Pretoria
SWFDP flows
Met Office
SWFDP Web Portal
- NWP products
- EPS products
NMCs of all Southern African
- Improved forecasting
- 5 day lead-time on warnings when needed
- Improved coordination with disaster management
- Feedback on NWP, EPS, RSMC guidance
- 5-day guidance daily
- 12-km UM LAM (SA12)
- Additional MSG products
Examples of EPS products from global centres
Testing the Impact:
Tropical Cyclone Favio
“Public Benefits of SWFDP in south-eastern Africa”, E. Poolman,
H. Chickoore, F.Lucio, WMO MeteoWorld, Dec. 2008)
Forecasting Tropical Cyclone Favio
• TC Favio caused widespread damage over
Mozambique and Zimbabwe from 20-24 Feb 2007
• It provided the opportunity to test the SWFDP
cascading process
• It contributed to the lessons learned in the
demonstration period
Impact of TC Favio
• The model guidance correctly
indicated landfall 5 days in advance:
location, and movement towards Zimbabwe
• Both Mozambique and Zimbabwe’s NMCs issued
warnings 5 days in advance to disaster management departments
• Mozambique:
– Provinces were put on alert levels 2 to 3 days in advance
– The public responded well and major loss of life was prevented – 9 deaths
• Zimbabwe:
– Public received early warnings by radio, TV and newspapers 5 days in
– BUT… the public did not react until the first heavy downpours
Lessons from SWFDP
Usefulness of NWP and EPS
• NWP generally useful, higher resolution UM SA12 proved to be
very useful
• For all five NMHSs this was their first time working with EPS
products operationally
• EPS products were very useful and aided to:
– Extend the lead-time of forecasts and warnings
– Increased forecaster confidence on all forecasts
• Challenges in the tropical regions particularly
– NWP struggle to predict localized, sudden on-set severe convection and
strong winds
– NWP and EPS are not giving good guidance on organized convection in
the tropical areas a few days in advance
• Question: which are the best parameters in EPS products to
identify possible organized severe tropical convection?
Results from Demonstration Phase
• Overall: the five NMHSs confirmed that the new approach is
demonstrating significant benefits and improved early warnings
• SWFDP was a successful demonstration how developing countries
can be assisted to reduce the technology gap in weather
forecasting to support operational severe weather forecasting and
warning services
• Southern African countries at WMO Congress (2007) highlighted:
– Successful recipe demonstrating real benefit to developing
– High impact, low cost, with visible operational results
– Appreciation for contributing centres of the GDPFS
• SWFDP provides a practical and beneficial operational platform for
preparation and dissemination of early warnings in Southern Africa
Challenges (•) and Opportunities (√)
• Forecasting tools better used, but a gap in nowcasting tools evident:
 No radars, thus must be MSG satellite based
• There were data communication challenges
 Need to use satellite-broadcast platforms, for example
• Interaction between NMHSs, disaster management authorities,
media; reaction of public to warnings is still not optimal
 Develop enhanced products and services to disaster management
 Develop ongoing coordination between forecasters and disaster
managers and the media
 Carry out public awareness raising campaigns
SWFDP - General Lessons
• Accelerated implementation of outputs from advanced NWP/EPS in
developing countries
• Continuous learning by forecasters
• Tight cycle of demonstration, adapting to regional needs, evaluation,
and implementation
• Contributing to learning practical probabilistic forecasting methods
• Increased visibility, credibility, and value of meteorological services
• New role for WMO regional centres (RSMC) in severe weather
forecasting for the region
SWFDP – Southern Africa
Way Forward – underway
• Expand SWFDP to include all 16 countries in southern Africa
region (implementation plan to 2011)
– All season, multi-hazards
– Emphasize warnings (exchange, verification, public
feedback) and services
• 2-week training of forecasters and disaster managers of 16
countries (Nov 2008, Oct 2009, Q4/2010)
• Incorporate flood forecasting (regional flash flood guidance)
• marine/ocean, aviation forecasting aspects
• GIFS/TIGGE FDP (TC prediction, heavy precipitation, week-2)
• Other regional projects (e.g. South Pacific Islands)
• SWFDP was a successful demonstration how developing
countries can be assisted to reduce the technology gap in
weather forecasting to support operational severe weather
• It is essential to extend the SWFDP to the other countries
in Southern Africa, with increasing focus on warning
• There are a number of areas that need urgent attention,
particularly nowcasting technology, and improved
partnerships with disaster management authorities
• It is also now time to plan towards the next level of
warning services, i.e. a comprehensive multi-hazard EWS
for the region
Thank You!
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