Technology Transformation Task Force Presenter’s Name HERE Technology Transformation Task Force     Long-term planning to infuse innovative, student-centered technologies and transform learning throughout the CTC system. Structural.

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Transcript Technology Transformation Task Force Presenter’s Name HERE Technology Transformation Task Force     Long-term planning to infuse innovative, student-centered technologies and transform learning throughout the CTC system. Structural.

Technology Transformation
Task Force
Presenter’s Name HERE
Technology Transformation Task Force
Long-term planning to infuse innovative,
student-centered technologies and transform
learning throughout the CTC system.
Structural shift to student-centric
applications, services and development
Leverage technology, services and content
across the 34 Colleges.
Final report in Spring ’08.
Technology Transformation Task Force
Build the case for funding: FY 09-11
Produce a technology plan that addresses:
Vision and roadmap for how our system will
cooperate to support our students and colleges
with technology;
 Role of technology in student access, teaching and
learning, and efficient college operations;
 Technology gaps; what we have vs. what we need;
 Implementation, funding and governance.
Sync with: WA Learns, HECB Master Plan,
SBCTC System Direction
Washington’s Community and Technical Colleges
are viewed as the strongest and smartest
technology rich system in the world, with our
colleges recognized at local, state, national and
international levels for fully utilizing modern
technologies to provide seamless learning
opportunities to all citizens. We have a technology
infrastructure that is student centric, robust,
innovative, adaptable and affordable. Our
eLearning, student services and administrative
tools are driven by student, faculty and staff needs
and focused on improving student success.
Principle: Access
Provide equitable access to educational and
administrative technologies.
All colleges have access to a complete suite of
eLearning applications and support services.
eLearning is at the core of how we educate students.
Web-based platform enables straightforward
deployment of evolving tools and services.
Policies are fair and fully supportive of enhanced,
hybrid, and fully online courses and a 24/7/365
online student services model.
Principle: Success
Quality online student services support student
success and enhance colleges’ relationships with
System provides 24/7/365 online services for the
individual student.
Data analytics provide colleges information to
make adjustments and improve learning
Principle: Transformation
Our system embraces a culture of rapid, constant
change and continuous improvement.
We make frequent false starts in deploying and
supporting applications.
Expected and valued as part of our ongoing iterative
design process to improve student, faculty and staff
Principle: Innovation
We support innovation wherever it occurs.
Students, faculty, staff, colleges and global
partners are all sources of creative ideas for
meeting local community needs and creating
pioneering technology solutions.
The infrastructure supports this through a flexible,
responsive and open core of applications, an open
system-wide testing environment and support for
local experimentation.
Principle: Informed
Knowing how to infuse educational technologies
unique capabilities throughout teaching and
learning requires new thinking.
Our system provides comprehensive professional
development around all tools and 21st century
pedagogies to empower faculty and staff to
become proficient with and excited about wielding
new technologies to revolutionize learning.
Principle: Accountable
There is clear system level governance, vision,
authority, accountability and funding to encourage
efficiencies in technology.
System rejects arguments for special
customization or developing mature off-the-shelf
and/or open source software that already exists.
A governance team of technology leaders
embraces a customer relationship with students
and colleges by focusing on results for users and
continually adding and enhancing tools and
Principle: Funding
Essential technologies and support services are
funded like a utility and operated for and by our
Our system allocates a balanced mix of
sustainable resources to support teaching and
learning, student services and administrative
Our system takes full advantage of cost effective
partnerships and leveraging outsourced
What we learned from Students
Students want:
24/7/365 online access to courses and
student services
 faculty to be proficient with available
technologies… beginning with faculty
 access to better online library resources
What we learned from Students
Students want:
consistency in the technology tools and
expertise across all courses and
 access to online textbooks to lower costs
and reduce paper use
 expanded availability of computer labs
What we learned from Faculty
faculty believe technology
helps them teach more
effectively (87%)
faculty turn to other faculty for
information about new
learning technologies (72%)
student expectations motivate
faculty to learn more about
technology (69%)
What we learned from Faculty
Faculty who say they are proficient users of
 teach more technology-enabled classes
 use more advanced types of technologies
 tend to be positive about technology and
its benefits
 want more training in advanced
What we learned from Faculty
Faculty who say they are not proficient
users of technology:
 teach fewer classes using technology
 use less advanced technologies
 are moderately positive about technology
and less sure of its benefits
 want more training in less-advanced
Faculty Conclusions
Faculty Support Technology Expansion
expect to be consulted…
Peer-to-Peer Networks Critical
 Want more Training and Time to Use
Next Steps
Now: Drafting Technology Plan
 Circulate Plan: WACTC, TACTC, Commissions,
 Final Task Force meeting
 System Technology Governance
Spring / Summer 08: Budget & Leg Request
Bottom Line
Shared technology, support services and content is a
responsible use of public funds.
All students, faculty and staff need access to enterprise
eLearning & administrative systems and support services
to compete in the global market.
No College can afford all necessary eLearning &
administrative systems & support services individually.
Your Name
[email protected]
(555) 555-5555
Slides about online
learning growth if
you want / need
eLearning in Context
Growth in online enrollments far exceeds
overall enrollment growth.
CTC system FTE growth Fall 2007 is up 1%,
while online enrollments increased 15%
3.5 million students are taking at least one
online course representing nearly twenty
percent of all U.S. higher education students.
Two-year institutions provide the largest share
of online enrollments, with more online
students at these institutions than all other
types combined. Growth rates for two-year
institutions have exceeded those of all the
other institution types, and they now command
over 54 percent* of all online enrollments in
U.S. higher education.
*In Washington State, it is 75%
Allen and Seaman. Online Nation: Five Years of Growth
in Online Learning. Sloan Consortium, 2007.
Washington Community &
Technical Colleges
Online Courses: Fall 07
13,473 FTE online
equivalent of 2.5 Community Colleges
Over 72,000 students learn online
each year
Growth in Online Courses
Fall FTE: 1998-2010
Growth in Online Courses
Annual Enrollment: 1998-2010
Why does this
growth curve
Educate More Citizens
HECB Master Plan
I. Raise educational attainment to
create prosperity, opportunity
Policy Goal: Increase the total number of
degrees and certificates produced annually to
achieve Global Challenge State benchmarks.
By 2018, raise mid-level degrees and
certificates to 36,200 annually, an increase of
9,400 degrees annually.