Elementary/Middle School Alternative Education Pilot Grant Application Technical Assistance Conference Call 10-08-10 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

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Transcript Elementary/Middle School Alternative Education Pilot Grant Application Technical Assistance Conference Call 10-08-10 11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.

Elementary/Middle School
Alternative Education Pilot
Grant Application
Technical Assistance Conference Call
11:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
Conference Call Agenda
• Introduction of WVDE Staff
• Overview of W.Va. Code §18-2-6 (H.B. 210)
Establishing Elementary/Middle School
Alternative Education Pilot Projects
• Overview of the Elementary/Middle School
Alternative Education Pilot Grant Application
• Review of the Timeline for the Grant
Application Process
H.B. 210 Amended and Reenacted
W.Va. Code §18-2-6 as Follows:
§18-2-6 3(c)
The state board shall establish up
to five pilot projects at the elementary
or middle school levels, or both, that
employ alternative schools or other
placements for disruptive students to
learn appropriate behaviors so they can
return to the regular classroom without
further disrupting the learning
H.B. 210 …
§18-2-6 3(c)
The state board shall report to the
Legislative Oversight Commission on
Education Accountability by December 1,
2010, on its progress in establishing the
pilot projects and by December 1 in each
year after that for the duration of the pilot
projects on the effect of the projects on
maintaining student discipline.
Application Overview
Background information (pages 2-3)
• Program Overview
• Funding for Pilot Program
• Program Criteria
• Resources
• Directions for Submission – deadline for
submission is November 15, 2010
Program Criteria
Applicants are encouraged to develop innovative
proposals that expand current perceptions of Alternative
Education. Additionally, a successful proposal must
address the following:
• Procedures to document disruptive behavior patterns
• Placement procedures that consider individual needs
to design individual interventions
• Procedures that assure access to equitable and
appropriate academic and behavioral services
• Provision of comprehensive services that may vary in
structure, duration and intensity
• Provisions for long-term placements (exceeding 10
school days)
• http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Text_HTML/20
• http://www.thenaea.com/Exemplary_Practices_in_Alternative_
Education/ National Alternative Education
Association’s publication Exemplary Practices in
Alternative Education: Indicators of Quality
• Office of Healthy Schools 304-558-8830
[email protected]
Section 1
Contact Information
County Contact Information
Planning Team Membership
Superintendent’s Signature
Section 2
Proposed Sites
This section is required for each school that will
participate in the proposed pilot project:
• Demographic information
• Summary of 2009-10 LSIC Disciplinary Report
required by W.Va. Code §18-5 A-2
• Summary of current practices and programs
addressing student behavior and disciplinary issues
Formatting for Sections 3-6
Develop objectives in the
rows below that address the
questions listed below with
project specific details.
Develop activities for
each objective.
How will the proposed
project connect with
existing school climate
efforts to address student
behavior issues?
Indicate the new
and/or existing Indicate budget
(name and title) requirements for
personnel that
the objective
will be
responsible for formulas used to
the objective.
derive totals in
budget sections
(e.g. 3 subs @
Formatting for Sections 3-6
Develop objectives in the
rows below that address the
questions listed below with
project specific details.
Develop activities for
each objective.
1. Throughout the pilot, the
alternative education
program will be integrated
into the school’s existing
school climate process as
one of many strategies
designed to help students
shape behavior in positive,
socially acceptable ways.
Indicate the new
and/or existing Indicate budget
(name and title) requirements for
personnel that
the objective
will be
…(e.g. 3 subs @
responsible for $143/day=total)
the objective.
1.1. The SAT will
develop procedures
for determining
student eligibility
1.1. SAT Team
1.2. All staff will be
trained in the
appropriate process
for referring students
to alternative
1.2. School
1.1. Extra duty
pay for SAT
5 members @
hourly rate of
pay = ??
1.2. TBD based
on time of
Section 3
Mission, Purpose, Leadership, Climate
and Culture
Objectives and Activities should outline:
• A clearly articulated mission
• Identification of population to be served
• Student success criteria
• Resources needed
• How the project will address a continuum of
behaviors with varied interventions and settings
• Sufficient oversight and organizational support
• Stakeholder engagement in planning and
• Adherence to current policies and procedures
Section 4
Staffing and Professional Development
Objectives and Activities should outline:
• Staffing plans
• Staff qualifications
• Teacher/student ratios
• Professional development plans
• Relationship of professional development
plans to outcomes
• Capacity building
• Resources needed to allow all applicable staff
to participate in professional development
Section 5
Curriculum and Instruction, Student
Assessment and Transitional Planning &
Objectives and Activities should outline:
• Use of research based teaching techniques and behavior
management strategies
• Use of individualized instruction with varied curriculum
• Use of varied assessments to measure academic and
behavioral progress
• Use of collaborative teams to address student needs
• Focused efforts to smoothly transition students in and out
of the Alternative Education program
• Use of researched based Dropout Prevention strategies
Section 6
Parent/Guardian Involvement and
Objectives and Activities should outline:
• Plans for parent/guardian involvement
– recruitment of
– participation in problem-solving
• Provision of Parent Education Programs
• Provision of family access to community health
and social service providers
• Established partnerships, resources and
collaborators that will be involved in the project
Section 7
Program Evaluation
The WVDE will conduct an evaluation to determine the
effectiveness of the Elementary/Middle School Alternative
Education Pilot Project. Submission of an applications indicates
agreement to:
• Collect data in a consistent manner as determined by the
• Present key findings of the pilot project to various
Each applicant is also asked to identify specific progress
indicators that will be used at the school/county level to
measure project effectiveness within a continuous
improvement process. The following information is required:
• Project success indicators
• Data source(s)
• Collection timeline
• Process for using data to improve program services
Section 8
• State allocation for FY 2011 is $1,000,000 for up to 5
• Awards will be granted to county boards of
education for proposals that address one or more
schools within the county
• Applicants are to submit budgets for three school
• Budget expenditures should match up with the
activities described in the application
• Range for each county proposal is $100,000 to
$300,000 for each of the three years.
Budget Cont’d
• Funding will begin in December 2010
– Operating costs for year one will not be for a full
school year
– Consider the following in the Year One Budget
1) Allocate more funds to program planning and
professional development
2) counties will be able to carry over
Elementary/Middle Alternative Education Pilot
funding for one additional year
• Utilize budget format in application
• Oct. 1, 2010
Application Template Posted
• Nov. 15, 2010
Submission Deadline
• Dec. 15, 2010
Grantees Notified
Thank You!
Division of Educator Quality and System Support
Office of Healthy Schools
For more information please contact Shelly Stalnaker at 304.558.8830
or [email protected].