“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!” College and Career Readiness Bureau Dr. Elaine Perea April 30, 2015 NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015

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Transcript “Kids First, New Mexico Wins!” College and Career Readiness Bureau Dr. Elaine Perea April 30, 2015 NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
College and Career
Readiness Bureau
Dr. Elaine Perea
April 30, 2015
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Advanced Placement
 The AP Honor Roll recognizes outstanding school
districts that simultaneously increase access to AP
course work while increasing the percentage of students
earning a score of 3 or higher on AP exams.
• Hatch Valley School District
• Gadsden Independent Schools
• Santa Fe Public Schools
 Be sure to use correct course code in STARS for AP
level courses
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Advanced Placement
 IDEAL NM offers online AP
 Rural and high needs schools can apply for fee waiver to
cover cost of $250 per student online fee
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Early College High Schools
 High school partners with postsecondary
 Use dual credit and advanced placement to fast
track college attainment.
• NEW Student indicator – use code “ECHS”
− Target Table: PROGRAMS_FACT
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Workforce Readiness Program
 Students graduate with a high school diploma
and a two-year industry recognized certificate
 Courses meet Common Core and Common
Career Technical Core Standards
• NEW Student indicator – use code “WRP”
− Target Table: PROGRAMS_FACT
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Dual Credit
• State reimburses for instructional materials
 Two allocations per year
• Late summer: 85% of the eligible award
• Mid spring: 15% additional funding if:
1. data submissions are completed
2. 100% of initial funds have been claimed
 Award based on total student population (30%) and dual
credit enrollment (70%)
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Dual Credit
 Recorded at the course level
 Student Course Enrollment Template
 Target Table: COURSE_ENROLL
 Field #18," special program code"
 must be set to "D" for district to receive dual credit
funding for instructional materials.
 A course cannot be both AP and Dual credit
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Perkins Career and Technical
Education Act
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Industry Recognized Certificates
 CTE Student Industry Credential Template
 Appendix D.24 of Stars manual 2
 CG=College Granted Certificate
 IS=Industry Standard Third Party Assessment
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Industry Recognized Certificates
 Industry Certification Codes for field #7
 105 approved certification codes
 CCRB approves new certificates, need to be industry
Valid Value Certification
003 Auto CAD
004 Adobe Certified Expert
005 Associated Builders and Contractors
006 Automotive Service Technician (ASE)
008 Certified Access Culinary
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
Programs of Study (POS) Self - Assessment
 POS self-analysis
rubric is approved
 CCTC Standards
adopted and
• Posted online
• CCR Page
• Downloads
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Programs of Study Approval Process
 NEW Student indicator – use code “POS”
− Target Table: PROGRAMS_FACT
 How do we move as a state toward rigorous,
aligned programs that lead to industry
recognized credentials?
• Perkins apps as standard for all?
• PED approval?
• Other ideas?
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Career Tech Student Organizations
 6 supported CTSOs
BPA (business)
NM DECA (entrepreneurship & marketing)
FCCLA (family & consumer science)
HOSA (health)
Skills USA (building trades)
TSA (technology)
 membership is expanding
• 5,506 (2013-14) to 6,317 (2014-15)
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
 Student Group Fact Template
 Target Table: STUD_GROUP_FACT
 Only reported once per year- covers entire year
 Field #6 Group Entry date - mandatory field - can be
start date of school year
 Field #7 end date - optional, if you enter should be end
of school year
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Early Warning System
 Vision: Provide identification so that school can support
students, getting them back on track for academic
success and eventual graduation.
 Identifies students who may be at risk for academic
failure using student level data
• attendance
• course failures
• behavior
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Phase 1 Rollout
 EWS Dashboard and web-based
Next Step Plan
• Save the Date! June 2-3, 2015
• www.hprec.com
hands-on experience
effective implementation strategies
linking indicators to a tiered intervention system
linking EWS to college and career readiness
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
For More Info
Elaine Perea, PhD
 College & Career Readiness Bureau
 505-827-6715
 [email protected]
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015