“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!” Changes for SY 2015-2016 in Special Education  New collection: • Special Education Events template • Special Education Snapshot.

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Transcript “Kids First, New Mexico Wins!” Changes for SY 2015-2016 in Special Education  New collection: • Special Education Events template • Special Education Snapshot.

“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Changes for SY 2015-2016 in Special Education
 New collection:
• Special Education Events template
• Special Education Snapshot template
• Student template
 Clarification of Business Rules
• Assessment Fact template
• Duplicate IDs
 EOY 2015 Submission
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
 Discontinued Values:
• 8 – Dual enrollment in Part C and Part B programs
 Change Description:
• 10 – One-Time Written Parental Consent Received for
Medicaid and/or Private Insurance.
• Event effective date must be within the current school year.
 Add New Value:
• 12 – Annual written Notification to Parent/Guardian
regarding Medicaid and/or Private Insurance.
• Event effective date must be within the current school year.
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“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Identify students who are receiving BRAILLE instructions
 Add New Fields
• Field #26
• Values: Y/N
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
STUDENT: Graduation related fields
 Discontinued fields
• STUDENT.[Graduation Status Code], field #65 (Values: 1,2 or 3)
• STUDENT SNAPSHOT.[Graduation Status Code], field #65 (Values:
1,2 or 3)
 Add New Fields
STUDENT.[Student Status], field #67 = “G”
STUDENT.[Last Status Date], field #68
Collected only in STUDENT, not STUDENT SNAPSHOT
Conditional requirement:
− STUDENT.[Diploma Type Code] = “1”
• (includes Standard, Career Readiness and Ability Diplomas)
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Business Rules: Indicator 7 Early Childhood
 Every 619 preschool student will have EC Assessments
submitted on them two times per year.
 Submit a yearly ENTRY and EXIT (Progress)
assessment for every student enrolled at least six
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Business Rules: Indicator 7 Early Childhood …
 Students must be assessed within 30 days of the
Programs Fact.[Original Program Start Date], field #17,
within the current school year, but no later than 30 days
or less from the end of the school year.
 Students who enroll in the program less than 30 days
from EOY do not require data to be entered.
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
 Duplicate student ID numbers for students in Special
Education (including Gifted) will no longer be allowed in
STARS reporting on 40D, 80D, 120D.
 Even if one LEA is a State Supported School.
 Usually, the LEA who is responsible for the IEP and
receives the funding gets to report the student.
 Please work with the other LEA and your School Budget
Analyst to resolve any unresolved issues.
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“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
EOY 2015 relating to Special Education
 Indicator 7 Early Childhood Outcomes
 Indicator 11 Initial Evaluations
 Indicator 12 Early Childhood Part C to B Transition
 Indicator 13 Post Secondary Outcomes
 Disciplinary (Suspensions/Expulsions)
 Graduation
• Returning 12th Graders
• Transition IEPs
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
EOY 2015 relating to Special Education
 Indicator 7 Early Childhood Outcomes Reports
• SPP 7 Early Childhood Outcomes Summary Report
listing all preschool students receiving special education
services (includes speech only)
• EXCEPTION – SPP7-13 Indicator Exception Detail Report
identifies data entry errors
• Special Education Profile – Section B.25
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
EOY 2015 relating to Special Education
 Indicator 7 Early Childhood Outcomes Reports
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Part B Indicator 11 Child Find
 Event Type Codes and their associated noncompliance codes (7,15,17 and 20 ):
• 30 Date of Parental Consent
• 31 Initial Evaluation Completion Date
• 32 or 33
− 32 Eligibility Determination Date – YES
− 33 Eligibility Determination Date - NO
• Measurement
− A) # of children for whom parental consent to evaluated was
− B) # of children whose evaluations were completed within 60 days
− Account for children included in (A), but not included in (B)
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Part B Indicator 11 Child Find
 Compliance Reason Codes: 7, 15, 17 and 20
 Non- Compliance Reason Codes: 2 – LEA missed
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
MEASUREMENT for Indicator 12
 Part B to C Early Childhood Transition
• (a) # of children who have been served in Part C and
referred to Part B for eligibility determination.
• (b) # of those referred determined to be NOT eligible
and whose eligibility was determined prior to their
third birthdays.
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
MEASUREMENT for Indicator 12 …
• MEASUREMENT for Indicator 12:
− (c) # of those found eligible and have an IEP developed and
implemented by their third birthdays. (currently PED uses
event 22 – IEP Placement date)
− (d) # of children for whom parent refusal to provide consent
caused delays in evaluation or initial services or to whom
exceptions under 34 CFR §300.301(d) applied.
− Percent = [ c/(a-b-d-e)] times 100
• Account for children included in (a), but not included in b, c,
d, or e.
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
MEASUREMENT for Indicator 12 …
− Event Type codes:
18 – Date of Referral from Part C
20 - Conference
21 or 24 – Eligibility Determination Yes/No
22 – IEP Placement Date
23 – IEP Implementation Date
− Must also have an Initial Evaluation (Indicator 11)
30 – Parental Consent Received
31 – Initial Evaluation Completion Date
32 or 33 – Eligibility Determination Yes/No
34 – Initial IEP Date
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Reports for Indicator 12 …
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
MEASUREMENT for Indicator 13
• MEASUREMENT for Indicator 13:
− (a) # of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that
includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals.
− Event Type Codes
• 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50
• 52 or 56, not both
− Event effective date, field #, must be within the current
school year.
− Can use a current IEP in effect at start of school year.
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
MEASUREMENT for Indicator 13 …
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Teacher and SLP Caseload Requirements
 FTE for case manager assigned to a “Gifted Only”
student must be reported using staff assignment code
(position code) 94 – Gifted Teacher.
− Special Education Snapshot.[Special Education Teacher ID],
field #18
 Student Snapshot.[Special Education Status Code] = N
 Student Snapshot.[Gifted Participation Code] = Y
 Staff Assignment.[Assignment Code] = 94
 Staff Assignment.[Location ID] - use student location id
or district office 000.
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
“Primary Disability Code must be Speech Language Impairment (SL)
Level of Integration Code = 1/A or 2/B
Assignment Code for Caseload Manager = 95/95 SLP Acting as a caseload
USE [Spec Ed Service Fact].Service Code = SO
SO is used when student is receiving SPEECH ARTICULATION only. SO is a
standalone special education service; therefore the speech pathologist is the
case manager. No other special education services are provided.
DO NOT USE [Spec Ed Service Fact]. Service Code = SS
SS is used when a student has a disability as defined under the IDEA (not SO –
that is a State exception) and requires speech pathology services. Those
services are considered a related service or ancillary service. The primary
special education service is being provided by the teachers and the special
education teacher is the case manager.
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Teacher and SLP Caseload Requirements
 “SPEECH ONLY” student must be reported using staff
assignment code (position code) 95 or 95S - SLP acting
as a caseload manager.
− Special Education Snapshot.[Special Education Teacher ID],
field #18
Student Snapshot.[Special Education Status Code] = Y
Student Snapshot.[Level of Integration] = 1 or 2
Staff Assignment.[Assignment Code] = 95 servicing school age students in
grades K-12
Staff Assignment.[Assignment Code] = 95S servicing preschool students in
grade PK and Program ID in (3Y or 4Y)
Staff Assignment.[Location ID] - use student location id or district office
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Teacher and SLP Caseload Requirements
 “PRIVATE – IEP placed”
• FTE for Case Managers and Related Service Providers servicing
students with disabilities must be reported in the STAFF
• Use Location ID = same as student or district office 000
• Special Ed Snapshot.[Primary Setting Code] = EC26, EC27 or
 “PRIVATE – Parentally Placed”
• FTE is not reported in STAFF ASSIGNMENT
• Students are included in teacher’s caseload
• Special Ed Snapshot.[Primary Setting Code] = EC28,EC29 or
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
 Graduation
• See EOY presentation by Richard Trujillo
 Disciplinary Removals
See EOY presentation by Richard Trujillo
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
• Student Infraction (1)
• Student Infraction Response (2)
- Key Fields
District Code
School Year Date
Student ID
Infraction Date
Infraction Code
Event Identifier
- Key Fields
District Code
School Year Date
Student ID
Response Date
Response Code
Event Identifier
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
 Business Rules
• Each specific discipline infraction should only be reported once per
• One response should be submitted per incident per student
• If multiple students are involved in a discipline infraction, include one
record per student
• The Event Identifier field is used to “link” the Student Infraction
Response record to the Student Infraction record.
 Reports
STARS Reporting > Public Folders > eScholar Framework - Verify >
District and Location Reports > Disciplinary Reports
• EOY Student Infraction and Response Detail
• EOY EXCEPTION – Student Infraction and Response
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
• Student ONLY (not Student Snapshot)
• Student.[Diploma Type Code] = “1”
− (includes Standard, Career Readiness and Ability Diploma, not
Student.[Graduation Status Code], field #65 Discontinued
Student.[Post Graduate Activity]
Student.[Repeating Last Year]
Student.[Student Status], field #67 = “G” New
Student.[Last Status Date], field #68 New
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Graduation continued
 Reports
STARS Reporting > Public Folders > eScholar
Framework - Verify > District and Location Reports >
Graduation Reports
• EOY Graduation Validation Report (Detail and
Summary )
• EXCEPTION – EOY Graduation Validation Report
(Detail and Summary)
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Graduates with Disabilities
• Student (see previous slide)
• Special Education Events
• Special Education Events.[Event Type Code]=1
• Special Education Events.[Event Date]
• Special Education Events.[Event Reason Code] in
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Returning 12th Graders with Disabilities
 Templates
• Special Education Snapshot
 Required Fields for Non-Graduates
• Special Education Snapshot.[Transition IEP] in (C,T)
 Business Rule:
• Has a current IEP with prior written notice that student will
receive a conditional certificate of transition
• Student.[Diploma Type Code] equals 2 or blank
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015
“Kids First, New Mexico Wins!”
Returning Students who have graduated on Career
Readiness or Ability
 Templates
• Student
• Special Education Snapshot
 Required Fields
• Special Education Snapshot.[Transition IEP] in (GC,GT)
 Business Rule
• Applies to students who graduated with a Diploma on the Career
Readiness or Ability Option.
• Student.[Diploma Type Code] = 1.
NMPED Data Conference Spring 2015