Trade & Environment – New Zealand Approach Kerryn Lang Ministry for the Environment New Zealand.

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Transcript Trade & Environment – New Zealand Approach Kerryn Lang Ministry for the Environment New Zealand.

Trade & Environment –
New Zealand Approach
Kerryn Lang
Ministry for the Environment
New Zealand
New Zealand Approach
• Overarching Framework: 2001
• Purpose: to promote sustainable development
• Flexible & practical
NZ Environment Agreements
• New Zealand – Thailand Closer Economic
Partnership → 2005
• Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership
(Brunei, Chile, New Zealand & Singapore)
→ 2005
Implementation – Practical arrangements
• Lead Agency: Ministry for the Environment
• National Contact Points: essential for
communication & coordination
• Early focus: establishing
• Meeting of Parties: within 1st
year of implementation
Implementation – getting started
• Identifying interests
– Areas to seek assistance
– Areas of expertise to offer
• Identifying areas of
mutual interest
• Agreeing priorities
Implementation – capacity building
• Environmental Impact Assessment
Workshop (Brunei/NZ)
• Transport Management Study Tour
• Management of Packaging Waste
Study Tour x2 (Singapore/NZ)
• Fresh Water Management Study Tour
Implementation – new opportunities
• Promoting environment interests
in private sector:
– Capacity building
– Research partnerships
– Business opportunities
New Zealand Approach - benefits
• Flexible:
– Government priorities
– Resources
• Practical:
– 4+ projects in 1 year
– Private sector engaged
– Coordination between parties
• Adaptable