The Importance of Energy Efficiency – A case study of New Zealand

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The Importance of Energy Efficiency – A case study of New Zealand and the US [email protected]



 Definitions  Measuring Efficiency  Importance  Improvements  The Law



 Energy Efficiency  Reducing the energy used for a service  Energy Conservation  Reducing the need for energy  The same or different?


How is it measured?

 Primary energy Intensity  Measures how much energy is required by each country or region to generate one unit of GDP  New Zealand, the US and the World

Primary Energy Intensity

0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 2000 2008 USA NZ


Why is it important?

 Energy is an essential  Two Sources  Non-renewable and renewable sources  Finite vs Infinite  Economic Development  Environment  Climate change and greenhouse gases


How do we improve the situation?

 Three Levels  Regulatory  Producer  Consumer



 Regulatory Framework  IRP, DSM and DR  Energy Efficiency Agencies  Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority



 Energy Loss  Cogeneration  Corporate Social Responsibility  Chevron  Economic Efficiency



 Efficiency is a matter of individual behaviour  Costs  Best case scenario v Reality  Should it be left to the individual to make the personal choice?

 Alternatives?

 Programmes  Smart Grid


A Case Study

 New Zealand  The US


New Zealand

 Resource Management Act 1991  Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000  Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority  New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy



 Energy Crisis  Department of Energy and Energy Protection Agency  Energy Star  Energy Policy Act 2005  Energy Independence and Security Act 2007



 Energy will remain a vital issue, and energy efficiency is only a short term goal, however it does aid in the preservation of renewable sources, while alternatives are developed.