Regional Distribution SEVENTH CDM JOINT COORDINATION WORKSHOP Bonn, Germany, 12 - 13 March 2011 Fatima-Zahra TAIBI, Programme Officer UNFCCC secretariat, Sustainable Development Mechanism.

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Transcript Regional Distribution SEVENTH CDM JOINT COORDINATION WORKSHOP Bonn, Germany, 12 - 13 March 2011 Fatima-Zahra TAIBI, Programme Officer UNFCCC secretariat, Sustainable Development Mechanism.

Regional Distribution
Bonn, Germany, 12 - 13 March 2011
Fatima-Zahra TAIBI, Programme Officer
UNFCCC secretariat, Sustainable Development Mechanism
Outline of the presentation
Current situation
Mandates from CMP
Decision of CMP regarding the operationalization of the Loan scheme
Work planned to be undertaken by EB in 2011
Current situation
Annual Average
Expected CERs until
end of 2012**
CDM project pipeline: > 5600 of which:
> 2,700,000,000
--- 2892 are registered
> 1,960,000,000
--- 53 are requesting registration
*Assumption: All activities deliver simultaneously their expected annual average emission reductions
**Assumption: No renewal of crediting periods
Registered project activities by scale
Total: 2892
Registered Projects
Current situation
Registered project activities by host party
Total: 2,895
Expected average annual CERs
from registered projects by host party
Total: 452,040,927
Current situation
Registered projects by region
Total: 2,895
Mandate from CMP 6
To enhance EB’s interaction with the DNA Forum
To provide support to the development and application of national grid
emission factors
To intensify the support to assist DNAs, applicant entities, and project
participants in underrepresented regions and countries
To accelerate the development of top-down baseline and monitoring
methodologies that are applicable to underrepresented project activity
types and regions
To establish of a Loan Scheme to support the development of CDM project
activities in countries with fewer than 10 PAs registered
Loan Scheme
Target: Countries with fewer than 10 PA
Origin of the money: the interest accrued on the principal of the Trust Fund of the
Clean Development Mechanism, as well as any voluntary contributions from donors
for the scheme
Use of the Loan
To cover the costs of the development of project design documents (PDDs)
To cover the costs of validation and the first verification for these project activities
Conditions of the loan
 No interest
 One-time fee
 Shall start to be repaid from the first issuance
Loan Scheme
Implementing Agency
 Selection criteria
 Roles and responsibilities
Oversight by the secretariat
Eligibility criteria for PAs:
 Integrity and financial viability
 Capacity to implement and operate of PA
 Use of a viable technology
 Have estimated emission reductions or removal enhancements of at least:
 15,000 t CO2 eq annual average over the first crediting period, in countries
not classified under the United Nations as least developed countries
(LDCs) or small island developing States (SIDS);
 7,500 t CO2 eq annual average over the first crediting period, in countries
classified as LDCs or SIDS
EB workplan for 2011
Establishment of a consultative mechanism to support the EB on regional
and sub-regional distribution
 Possible establishment of an advisory forum
 Assessment and, where possible, removal of barriers to the implementation
of CDM projects and PoAs in the CDM pipeline, in currently under
represented regions ;
 Report on the potential for CDM PA development in underrepresented
Top down development of standards and standardized baselines that are
particularly applicable in geographical regions which are under represented
in the CDM
 Call for input and workshops to indentify priority areas
 Development of 5 methodologies in priority areas
 Development of 4 standardized baselines
EB workplan for 2011
Strengthening of the DNA capacity and skills, including through the DNA
Forum, to allow DNAs to prioritize, focus and intensify their provision of
support to assist stakeholders to capitalize on the benefits of the CDM
 DNA trainings and forum meetings
 Development and implementation of a work-plan for DNA and other
stakeholder capacity building and related skills development in
consultation with interested parties
EB workplan for 2011
Effective coordination of the work programme of the Nairobi Framework
partner agencies, including their capacity building activities to promote
and improve regional distribution of CDM projects
 Prepare NF annual work programme as part of coordination effort,
information sharing and bilateral collaboration focusing mainly in capacity
 Facilitate and coordinate the meetings, regional carbon forums, events
and joint projects of partner agencies
 Facilitate enhancement of the functionality of the CDM Bazaar and
promote the use of the website in developing countries
EB workplan for 2011
Arrangements to ensure the operationalization of the loan scheme,
communicate its availability and appropriately assist potential applicants
to access funds
 Selection of implementation agency and
 Development of internal processes to support the implementation of the
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