Lampoly etch profiles Courtesy of Rishi Kant (Coral name: rik) Performed: 11/18/08 Wafer: Silicon substrate patterned with a thermal oxide hard mask (6000 angstroms.
Transcript Lampoly etch profiles Courtesy of Rishi Kant (Coral name: rik) Performed: 11/18/08 Wafer: Silicon substrate patterned with a thermal oxide hard mask (6000 angstroms.
Lampoly etch profiles
Courtesy of Rishi Kant (Coral name: rik)
Performed: 11/18/08
Wafer: Silicon substrate patterned with a thermal oxide hard mask (6000
angstroms thick).
Etch: Standard Recipe 1, with 300 seconds in the Main Etch.
Thermal Oxide Etch Rate: 240 A/min, excellent uniformity (50 A total
thickness variation across the wafer)
Single Crystal Silicon Etch Rate: 2900 – 3400 A/min, depending on
feature size (loading effect.)
Observations: Isolated structures show very good sidewall profiles.
Etching holes yields sloped and W-shaped profiles depending on the size
of the holes (this is historically normal.)
Isolated structures