Frauke Thies, Policy Director, European Photovoltaic Industry

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Transcript Frauke Thies, Policy Director, European Photovoltaic Industry

EU Energy Policy – where do we go from here?
Frauke Thies, Policy Director
EEB Annual Conference
Brussels, 18 October 2013
Strange things are happening...
EC 2050 Energy Roadmap Dec 2011: No-regrets options:
Energy Efficiency, Renewables, Smarter Infrastructure
EC on 2050 Roadmap in Sep 2013: No-regrets options:
Energy Efficiency, Smarter Infrastructure, Gas
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Renewables opposition raising its voice
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Renewables uptake means changing business
Jon Wellinghoff, chairman of the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC):
“Solar is growing so fast it is going to overtake everything,”
“Our markets were made up for a very centralised system, very large
plants and plants that were distant from loads. We’re moving to a much
more distributed system that also has consumers participating as
resources with their load.”
Stephen Chu, former US Energy Secretary:
“Now, if you’re a utility company, you’re going to be very worried about
that. (…) So I’ve been telling them there’s another business model.”
Source: REneweconomy
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No doubt that renewables will break through in the end
want it!
PV Parity project : 2012
Without the right regulatory framework and without early
technical adaptations of the power system, it will be hard
... and too late for the climate
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Making it happen smoothly and fast
Active adaption instead of scaremongering and delay
Re-thinking Europe’s energy system
1. A flexible power mix and transmission
2. An active distribution system,
energy services & aggregation
3. Service provision by renewables
4. Different market products and rules
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What does it mean for policy?
Set a strong and binding renewable energy target
An „ETS-only“ approach cannot be enough to drive the structural change!
Re-think market rules and regulations to accomodate renewables
Refrain from narrowly-focussed capacity mechanisms for fossil fuels
Drive flexibilisation of the power system and mix
• Network codes, power plant requirements
New focus on distribution level:
• Energy services and aggregation
• New metering and communication strategies
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This document was presented by Frauke Thies
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European Photovoltaic Industry Association
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