The Industrial Revolution Section 3 New Ideas in a New Society Preview • Main Idea / Reading Focus • New Ideas about Economics • Competing Economic.

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Transcript The Industrial Revolution Section 3 New Ideas in a New Society Preview • Main Idea / Reading Focus • New Ideas about Economics • Competing Economic.

The Industrial Revolution Section 3

New Ideas in a New Society


• Main Idea / Reading Focus

• New Ideas about Economics

• Competing Economic Views

• Effects on Society

• Quick Facts: Effects of Industrialization on Women

• Map: Industrialized Europe

The Industrial Revolution Section 3

New Ideas in a New Society



• Visual Study Guide / Quick Facts

• Video: The Impact of Industrialization

The Industrial Revolution Section 3 New Ideas in a New Society Main Idea

The Industrial Revolution inspired new ideas about economics and affected society in many ways.

Reading Focus

• What new ideas about economics developed during the Industrial Revolution?

• What competing economic ideas arose as a result?

• How did the Industrial Revolution affect society?

The Industrial Revolution Section 3 New Ideas about Economics

Capitalism and Competition New Roles for Business Leaders

• Old mercantile system restricted trade •


economics •

Adam Smith

, market economy •

Thomas Malthus

, poverty unavoidable • Industrialization succeeded and spread • Shift in wealth and power •


• Banking and finance •

Andrew Carnegie

, rags to riches • Robber barons

The Industrial Revolution


Section 3

What were some of the new ideas about economics?


mercantilism gave way to capitalism and competition, laissez-faire economics and

The Wealth of Nations

allowed for increased role of entrepreneur

The Industrial Revolution Section 3 Competing Economic Views

Not everyone agreed that laissez-faire capitalism was good. Two who took a different


were Robert Owen and Karl Marx.

Robert Owen

• More hopeful than Malthus •


– Society owns property – Society controls business • Model industrial town • New Harmony • Social democracy

Karl Marx

• More radical socialism • Predicted collapse of capitalism •

Das Kapital


• Government – owns means of production – controls economic planning

The Industrial Revolution


Section 3

Why did capitalism provoke strong response from the socialists?


Socialists blamed capitalism for harsh working conditions, polluted cities, and the big gaps between rich and poor.

The Industrial Revolution Section 3 Effects on Society

The rise of new economic ideas was among the countless effects of the Industrial Revolution. The shift away from cottage industries also affected home life and the roles of women in society.

Home Life

• Worlds of work and home separated • “Separate spheres” • Business world without moral controls • Women-moral guidance at home


• Industry-great power • Control of other nations’ economies • Industrialization of United States • Period of immigration to United States


• Increase in wealth •

Standard of living

improved • Leisure time • Changes to many aspects of life: – Art – Politics – Transportation

The Industrial Revolution Section 3

The Industrial Revolution Section 3

The Industrial Revolution Section 3

Identify Cause and Effect

What were some of the major effects industrialization had on families and countries?


families —wealth, leisure time, better educated; countries —increased power, wealth, and living standards; overcrowding of cities, pollution, rapid population growth

The Industrial Revolution Section 3

The Industrial Revolution Video Section 3 The Impact of Industrialization

Click above to play the video.