Section 1 Quiz • Who were the two presidential candidates in the 1960 presidential election? • Which parties did they belong too? What were the main concerns.

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Transcript Section 1 Quiz • Who were the two presidential candidates in the 1960 presidential election? • Which parties did they belong too? What were the main concerns.

Section 1 Quiz
• Who were the two
presidential candidates in
the 1960 presidential
• Which parties did they
belong too? What were the
main concerns about the
Democratic Candidate? What
technology was used during
this election to let the people
meet the candidates?
Chapter 20: The New Frontier and the
Great Society
Section 1: Kennedy and the Cold War
I. The Election of 1960
A. Post-Eisenhower—Problems?
1. Eisenhower’s term comes to an
end in 59
2. The country was in a recession
3. US lost the race to space
4. All of these things led to an antiRepublican backlash
B. Who ran?
1. 1960:
a. Democrats: JFK/Rich,
Catholic, young, WWII vet
b. Republicans: Nixon/WWII
vet, younger, but looked old
had the baggage of the past
2. Election was first Broadcast election
a. TV Debates made the
b. Kennedy won, but not by much
(less than 119,000 votes)
Nixon/Kennedy Key Moments
TV Debate
• 1st ever presidential debate.
• Main Issues:
– “missile gap”
– religion
• Personality vs. substance
Debate (8:06 min.)
What role did Civil Rights play?
•Oct. 1960, MLK jailed for sitting at a
segregated lunch counter.
•JFK called MLK wife.
•Robert Kennedy called the judge and
got MLK released on bail.
•AA community see JFK as pro-civil
(9:58 min.)
Text of Inaugural
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the
power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.
And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are
still at issue around the globe the belief that the righ ts of man come not from
the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God
Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe
alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of
Americans born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a
hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling
to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to
which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are
committed today at home and around the world.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we
shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support
any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the
success of liberty.This much we pledge and more.
Text of Inaugural
Let us never negotiat e out of fear. But let us never fear t o negotiat e.
Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems
which divide us.Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals
for the inspection and control of arms and bring the absolute power t o destroy other
nations under the absolute control of all nations. Let both sides seek t o invoke the
wonders of science instead of its t errors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the
deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.
Let both sides unite t o heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah to "undo the
heavy burdens ... and to let the oppressed go free." And if a beachhead of cooperation
may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not
a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak
secure and the peace preserved. All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will
it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even
perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.In your hands, my fellow citizens,
more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course
II. Camelot: The Kennedy
Years 1960-1963
A. A New Hope—Why?
1. JFK = hope and youth
2. The time he was in office is
called Camelot
3. Jackie and Jack were thought
to be perfect
B. Best and Brightest
1. JFK picked the best people
for his cabinet
2. They represented youth and
Best and Brightest?
Robert McNamara
Pres. of Ford Motor Co.
Sec. of Defense
Dean Rusk
Pres. of Rockefeller Foundation
Sec. of State
Robert Kennedy
Attorney General
McGeorge Bundy
Dean of Harvard University
National Security Advisor
C. New Military Policy
1. Military was a major issue for JFK
2. Needed new way to fight
3. End to massive retaliation
•Increase spending to fight a
nonnuclear war (conventional)
• Created Special Forces/Green
Kennedy’s Cold War Test: Cuba
90 miles from Florida
III. Cuba
A. Castro Takes Over in 1959
1. He is communist
2. Castro took American homes
and businesses (oil and
sugar refineries)
3. Invites the SU to Cuba
4. US cuts off relations and
imposes a trade embargo
B. Bay of Pigs—April 17, 1961
1. CIA planned invasion of
Cuba using Cuban exiles
2. Invasion force defeated
3. US embarrassed, JFK
looked weak
4. US paid $53 million in
ransom and aid
C. Cuban Missile Crisis
1. Khrushchev promises to
defend Cuba (1962)
2. Starts putting nuclear
weapons there
3. U2 spots missiles
(Oct 14, 1962)
Now what does US do?
4. US Response
• JFK on TV (Oct. 22, 1962)
• Quarantine of Cuba
• 100,000 US troops ready to
invade Cuba
• SU ships turn around
• SU removes missiles/US
agrees to not invade Cuba and
remove missiles from Turkey
(3:04 min)
You say Quarantine, I say Blockade
Is it time to lift the embargo?
IV. Kennedy and Khrushchev
A. How were they viewed?
1. Both looked weak to some of
their people
•JFK “lost Cuba”
2. SU needs to show strength:
B. Berlin
1. By 1961, 3 million E.G. had fled
to W. Berlin.
2. Khrushchev ordered the wall to
be built
3. JFK refused to abandon Berlin
(4:41 min.)
4. It worked but, it also stood as a
symbol of the cold war until1989
Peter Fechter, 18
200 killed
Section 2 : The New Frontier
“New Frontier”
• Increase aid to education
• Provide health insurance to
the elderly
• Fund Space Exploration
• Help developing countries
• Pass Civil Rights legislation
Kennedy Space Center
The Peace Corps
• Helping promote a better
understanding of Americans on
the part of the peoples served.
• Helping promote a better
understanding of other peoples
on the part of all Americans.
A. Impact: How did he stimulate the
1. Increased spending
a. bought defense measures
b. increased minimum wage to 1.25
2. Cut Taxes
3. Alliance for Progress
a. economic and technical
assistance to L.A.
b. aid migrant workers
B. Race to the Moon
1. Russia beat US to Space
2. NASA went into high gear
3. July 20 1969 US landed on the
C. Tragedy in Dallas
1. 1963 JFK is assassinated
2. LBJ becomes President
3. Lee Harvey Oswald arrested
4. Conspiracy
a. Who shot Kennedy?
b. Warren Commission says
Section 3: The Great Society
A. Background
1. 1963 VP LBJ comes to power
2. Southerner, long time
senator, supported the New
3. Worked for Civil Rights in
B. 1964 Election: Will LBJ Stay?
1. Dems: LBJ
2. Republicans: Barry Goldwater
3. LBJ wins by landslide
1964 Election
The Great Society