What is this and why should I care? It’s a QR barcode.

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Transcript What is this and why should I care? It’s a QR barcode.

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What is this and
why should I care?

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It’s a QR barcode.

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seen them
popping up

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QR barcodes were invented by the
Japanese auto industry in 1994
but the technology is ideal for
cool stuff on your smart phone.

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Before we go onto the QR cool factor,
here are some interesting smart phone statistics.

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Worldwide smart phone sales
will reach 468 million units in 2011.

A 57.7% Increase
From 2010

according to Gartner Inc April 2011

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Morgan Stanley forecasted that the
mobile internet will be bigger than
desktop by 2015.

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The majority of QR scanners are coming
from 35 – 44 year old consumers. (Mobio)

There are currently more than 85 million mobile
internet users in the US. (eMarketer)

57% of Facebook and Twitter users said they have
scanned a bar code in the past 12 months. (Jumpscan)

Google’s Mobile search has increased 500% over the last
12 months.

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Now, the Cool Factor. . .

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After downloading a FREE QR barcode reader app,
and pointing the phones camera at the QR code,
a smart phone user can be directed to a website, a video,
a text message or various other items.

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By scanning a QR code with your smart phone,
you instantly jump from print to online content. . .

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Dominos Pizza is currently using QR Codes in their flyers and print
advertising, directing viewers to their mobile website for ordering online

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Fruits and vegetables with QR codes
provide online recipes and will soon

detail when and where the
produce was harvested.

Music videos, TV and movie trailers now

flash QR codes to access bonus footage.

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Memorial stone makers in Japan now chisel grave

stones with QR codes. Visitors with smartphones,
scan to access photos, video, family and other
information about the deceased.

Tattoos! Yes… people now have QR code tattoos
that link to their facebook or home page.

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QR and YOU

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The secret to using QR codes effectively is to deliver content
optimized for viewing on a mobile device.
The content must be quick to download, easy to view
on a small screen and, most importantly, easy to navigate.

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A QR code linked to a mobile website
can be accessed through:
Any Print Medium

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Promote Additional Value to Advertisers
Enhance editorial by driving readers online for more information
Trade Show Give Away: QR Code Temp Tattoo
Business Cards info in a QR code can instantly add to contacts

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Link QR code to convenient subscription form
Create cross promotion with advertisers to drive new
subscribers with manufacturers’ discounts: (i.e. free shipping,
min. order…) upon new subscription / renewal

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