Using Managing Transitions by William Bridges, PhD. 3rd ed. 2009.

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Transcript Using Managing Transitions by William Bridges, PhD. 3rd ed. 2009.

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Using Managing Transitions by William Bridges, PhD. 3rd ed. 2009.

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Difference between change and transition
Bridges Model
Endings: how to help people let go
The Neutral Zone: how to navigate through
Beginnings: encouraging progress
Next steps

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Change is situational
Update in circumstances
Definite “start” and “stop”
Move to Oregon territory

Transition is psychological
Adapting to the change
No obvious “start” and “stop”
Internalize the details of the move– coming to terms with a new
“way of life”

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Transition isn’t optional.
If circumstances change, people must adapt– people must learn how
to operate in the new situation.
Change succeeds based on how well the transition goes…
Do the people affected do things differently? Or do they cling to the
“old ways”?
If change is part of life and transition is necessary, we should learn to
help people through transitions… in order to make change successful.

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Transition starts with
Ending– letting go of the
old ways
It continues with The
Neutral Zone– a time
when repatterning takes
place, before the new
ways are fully adopted
Transition ends with a
New Beginning–
developing a new identity
and new habits

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Transition starts with letting go.
Before you can learn a new way, you have to let go of the old one
Most people don’t like endings– they bring a sense of loss:

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Identify who’s losing what
Take note of “chain reaction” losses
Accept the reality and importance of these losses
Loss is subjective
Understand “overreaction”
New losses can trigger memories of old losses
Use empathy to acknowledge losses openly
Talk about losses and express concern

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Accept the signs of grieving
Emotion is natural and to be expected
Compensate for losses
Try to balance what’s been taken away
Offer information
Keep people informed about the change
Define what’s over and what isn’t
Be specific, so people know how to transition

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Mark the ending
Actions speak louder than words
Respect the past
Distinguish past from future without being negative about old ways
Communicate the larger purpose
Many endings allow for continuity of something bigger
Don’t drag it out
Plan and execute promptly to allow healing to start

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Between the Ending and the New Beginning is a time of uncertainty
The old ways are gone, but the new ways aren’t completely
This time can be dangerous:
Anxiety rises and motivation falls
Productivity suffers
Weaknesses can re-emerge
Signals get mixed
People can become polarized
New ideas can come forward
The status quo can be

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Normalize the Neutral Zone
Reorientation and redefinition must take place– it’s normal and
Redefine the Neutral Zone
Use a positive metaphor
Create temporary processes and procedures
Structure helps to stabilize expectations
Strengthen connections
Rebuild a sense of identification and “team”

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Monitor the transition
Get regular feedback
Be creative!
Encourage questions, experimentation, and innovation

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A New Beginning is a signal of more than a new situation
New understandings, new values, new attitudes, and new identities
Beginnings can be scary:
The ending becomes more real
Can be seen as a gamble
Can trigger memories of past
The flexibility of the Neutral
Zone is over
New energy can be released
New commitments can be

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New Beginnings cannot be forced according to your own agenda
But they can be encouraged, supported, and reinforced
Use the Four Ps to assist:

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Clarify and communicate the purpose:
Why is the change required?
What is the evidence?
What happens if there’s no change?

Be honest about the purpose of the
change. No one will get behind a cliché.

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Create a picture
How will the outcome look?
How will it feel?
Develop a plan
Outline the steps and schedule for releasing information, training,
and support
Give people a part to play
How can they help with the transition?
What is the new role?
How do relationships change?

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Split into four groups
Each group is assigned a “P”
What can we (as leaders or as A-dec) do differently/better to encourage
New Beginnings for large projects in the future?
Be prepared to report out in 10 minutes

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Be consistent in your messaging.
Inconsistency creates confusion
Ensure quick successes.
Find low-risk tasks to be accomplished
Symbolize the new identity.
Symbols evoke emotion and meaning
Celebrate success.
Mark the beginning with a celebration

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With your team, explore:
What exactly is changing for your area?
Who is impacted by the change and how?
What chain reactions can be foreseen?
Symbolic activity: Using 2 post-its or index cards, ask each member of
your team to write:
Something they’re excited to let go of or leave behind with the
Something they’re concerned about losing
Discuss all responses as a team, dropping post-its/cards in a recycling
bin as you go
Talk about how to address concerns– develop an action plan if

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If possible, assign a member of the team to be the Transition Champion:
Receive feedback from the team
Monitor what’s working and what isn’t
Report back to leader, then discuss as a team

Remember– the “flipping of the switch” for the change is just a milestone in
the transition process (during the Neutral Zone)
New Beginnings will happen at different times for different people

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Using Managing Transitions by William Bridges, PhD. 3rd ed. 2009.