JOHNSON CHILDREN’S SERVICES INC. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PRESENTATION Mission Statement The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to promote the growth of children and youth while strengthening the.

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Transcript JOHNSON CHILDREN’S SERVICES INC. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PRESENTATION Mission Statement The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to promote the growth of children and youth while strengthening the.

Slide 1



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 2



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 3



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 4



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 5



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 6



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 7



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 8



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 9



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 10



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 11



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 12



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 13



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 14



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 15



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 16



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 17



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 18



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 19



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 20



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 21



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 22



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 23



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 24



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 25



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 26



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 27



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 28



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 29



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 30



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 31



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 32



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more


Slide 33



Mission Statement
The Mission of Johnson Children’s Services is to
promote the growth of children and youth while
strengthening the family unit.
Johnson Children’s Services was organized to
address the growing deficit of services to troubled
children and families in our community.
Every individual has the intrinsic right to have his
or her basic needs met in a respectful, supportive
manner. Families deserve every reasonable
opportunity to preserve their family unit. We
recognize that the family is the foundation of our

Executive Director
Jay Johnson
He has been a Foster parent since 1992. He has
worked at Brookview Manor Retirement Home
for seven years looking after mentally
handicapped adults; job description was a program
director of the home.
He also worked at Trillium Youth Services group
home looking after specialized and treatment
youths. Job responsibility was transporting the
children to school, parent’s visits, court
appearances, supervised day camps and evening

Ron Forbes
Ron Forbes has been in the Foster care Industry
for over 40 Years with lots of training, consulting
and coaching experience to offer Johnson
Children’s Services Administration and Staff

Market Summary
Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
foster care agency located in Central
Eastern Region of Ontario providing
individualized services to foster children
with special needs.

Generally, children who are placed in care have
one or more special need (ADD, ADHD, FAS,
FAE, acting out behaviors, high anxieties, trauma
due to abuse, neglect or even separation, physical
and/or mental disabilities…). These children
require extra therapeutic and specialized support
to stabilize a foster placement. Also, the foster
parents require extra support and training to meet
the needs of the children entrusted in their care.
Johnson Children’s Services will ensure that both
the foster child and the foster parents needs are
well supported.

Johnson Children’s Services is a treatment
program because of the services and supports
provided to both the children and the foster
parents. Johnson Children’s Services also provides
extensive training to our foster parents and staff,
who we believe are the primary therapists for
children in care.
Supports offered by Johnson Children’s Services
Following the “Wraparound Process” by Dr. John
Vandenberg, Ph.D.

Business Concept
All foster children in the Johnson Children’s
Services program will receive the following

1. Wraparound Process
The Wraparound Process identifies every
child in care as an individual with
individual needs. The Wraparound consists
of a team of family members as well as
professionals, is community based and is
culturally competent and unconditional.

The team
The team would generally consist of the foster
parents, a Johnson Children’s Services
representative, some other family member or
family friend who cares about the child; the
natural parents can be included if the situation is
beneficial. The other half of the team would be
professionals involved with the child, selected
according to the needs of the child (teacher,
therapist, social worker, medical or legal
representative, etc). The team should include the
child unless it would prove to be detrimental. The
team should consist of 4-8 members and only half
should be professionals.

Community based
Community based means assessing the
strengths and resources of the local
community first before sending a child to a
special institution or special school out of
town, for example.

Culturally competent
Culturally competent means the team
respects the child’s culture, values and
ethnic background, and services are tailored

Unconditional means the team agrees to
change services as the child and family
needs change and never deny the child
services due to severe disability.

Johnson Children’s Services will diligently
provide the tools for the children in care to
succeed in all areas of their lives: academic,
social, emotional, spiritual and physical.
Johnson Children’s Services believes that each
child has an area where he or she can experience
success. Ultimately success breeds success;
success raises self esteem; positive self esteem
allows children to feel confident, to risk more and
allows them to succeed again and again.
Successful children become successful adults and
that is Johnson Children’s Services ultimate goal.

Develop the Wraparound
The procedure to develop the Wraparound
Process is as follows;
1. Johnson Children’s Services will identify
and recognize the strengths, values,
preferences, cultural identity and norms of
each child.

Develop the Wraparound
2. Johnson Children’s Services works with the
child and foster family to identify 4-8 persons
important in the child’s life, to form a child or
family team. Member of the team could include
the foster parents, natural parents, if applicable a
Johnson Children’s Services representative, the
Placing Agency social worker, a teacher or school
representative, Child and youth Worker, a
therapist, a lawyer, doctor, the child (if capable)
and any other important persons in the child’s life.
The team must be more than 50% professionals.

Develop the Wraparound
3.The child and family team looks at strengths,
values and preferences of the child, family and the
community. The team produces a plan that is
based on the strengths and the needs of the child.
Needs are defined in positive terms, such as the
need to succeed in school. Goals are set along with
success indicators for achieving these goals. The
appropriate person is appointed to support and
monitor the child and the progress of the goal is
reported back to the team at the Plan of Cares

Develop the Wraparound
4.The child and family team produces a
crisis plan. The crisis plan is intended to
help prevent crisis, but also to deal with
them if they occur.

Develop the Wraparound
5.Outcome indicators are designed and
outcome information is collected as the plan
is regularly reviewed. Without outcomes the
wraparound process is not effective.

2. Two Week Camp
Each child will have an opportunity to
participate in two weeks of camp during
summer months.

3. Special Interest
Johnson Children’s Services strongly supports
children involvement in sports, recreational,
community based activities and/or hobbies. These
activities allow the child an opportunity to feel
successful, gain self-confidence and self-esteem,
to learn about him/herself by being pushed to the
limit and building dreams. Community activities
also give the child an opportunity to make friends
and interact with peers.
Special interest may also give the older youths in
the program an opportunity to gain work
experience either in a co-op, summer job.

Teenage Program
The purpose of this program is to recognize and
deal with the issues of adolescents in care as well
as peer pressure, education and careers, puberty
and sexuality, self esteem, drugs and
alcohol, choices and decisions including the
decision to leave care at 16 years of age.
There will be gathering involving guest speakers
to give insight and inspiration on certain topics.
There will also be fundraising events and

Summer Program
This program was established to provide
structured and organized activities for the children
in Johnson Children’s Services during the summer
months. It is under the supervision of Johnson
Children’s Services Child and Youth Workers that
activities and events are planned for the children
three days a week.
There will also be opportunities for fundraising,
peer interaction, discussions of being in foster care
with other foster children, overnight camping and
deploying and achieving personal challenges .

All foster children will have access to
psychotherapy. The frequency and the amount of
sessions will depend on the child needs with the
maximum of 3 eight-hour sessions per year.
Topics discussed in therapy could include:
Anger management
Conflict resolution
Grief therapy
Separation anxiety
Self esteem issues
Personal issues

Support Workers
Depending on the needs of the child, Johnson
Children’s Services will provide a one-on-one
child and Youth Worker or Family Support Worker
for a child for up to 40 hours a week per child,
providing additional tutoring, teaching life sills in
the home or extra curricular activities in the
community. Generally only children that require
support in the school environment receive 40
hours a week

Monthly Relief
Each child will go on monthly relief at least
one weekend a month. Depending on the
child and foster family’s needs relief may be
provided on a bi-weekly or weekly basis in
some cases. This will ensure a break for
both the Foster Parent and the child.

Specialized Foster Care
Level 1
- includes the basic support plus:
up to ten (10) hours a week with a one-on-one
regular monthly weekend relief
access to twelve (1) hour therapy sessions

Treatment Foster Care
Level 11 - includes the basic support plus
up to forty (40) hours a week with a one-on-one
worker or CYC
bi-weekly or even weekly weekend relief
access to three blocks of twelve one (1) hour
therapy sessions.

Seasoned natural parents or adult with
some experience working with special
needs children. These families have not had
any fostering experience yet.
Seasoned Foster parents or adults with
extensive experience working with special
need children. They would feel comfortable
fostering and caring for any level of child.

Johnson Children’s Services will have full
support and training available to all Foster
More Information available in the Policy
and procedure manual

Johnson Children’s Services believes in continuity
or care and commitment to foster children.
Johnson Children’s Services also believes a foster
parent should be compensated for their
commitment and their gained experience;
therefore Johnson Children’s Services has adopted
the sliding scale per diem. A new foster parent
will start at the standard pre-diem for each child
and increase their per diem by $1/day/child for
every year of experience gained and by actively
participating in Johnson Children’s Services
training and support groups. There will be a cap
of $62/day, attained after 10 years experience.

Per Diem Request for a New Foster care
Johnson Children’s Services Financial
Budget for the operation year 2004 to 2005.
See Financial Budget overview for more