Welcome! During this session… Please comment, ask questions at any time! FirstClass • FirstClass (FRED, LearnLink) is an online collaborative learning/communications environment. • one of 3 main LMSs at.

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Transcript Welcome! During this session… Please comment, ask questions at any time! FirstClass • FirstClass (FRED, LearnLink) is an online collaborative learning/communications environment. • one of 3 main LMSs at.

During this session…
Please comment, ask
questions at any time!
• FirstClass (FRED, LearnLink) is
an online collaborative
• one of 3 main LMSs at Mohawk,
2 at McMaster
What is it?
F - FirstClass
R - Remote
E - Education
D – Delivery
It is an LMS/communication
platform uniquely suited to support
both blended and distance ed
course delivery.
What it does…
…virtual teaching and learning
communities .
• Over 6,000 active users
• 12 Programs and departments
• +180 Courses
• 4 campuses
(Brantford, Stoney Creek, IAHS
and Fennell)
You can use FirstClass at many
different levels to create your
Virtual Classroom
• email, messaging, chatting, calendaring, file sharing, voice
• announcement posting
• assignment posting
• conferencing and group work
• assignment submissions
• resource sharing
• content sharing, link sharing
• posting marks
• group scheduling
• web publishing
• web interface
Lets Go!
• Brantford
• Stoney Creek
• IAHS - LearnLink
• Start small and integrate features and content
as you need to
• Keep it simple and then grow into it
• The ‘look’ matters, pay attention to small
• Review the draft template to assist in
developing the initial structure
• Make its use mandatory
• Arrange for a student orientation
• Teach from FirstClass
• Encourage students to help each other and
promote discussion and course interactivity
• Continue to ask and learn about new features
and improved course delivery.
Where to go for Help
• http://fred.mohawkc.on.ca
• Workshops
• IAR Learning Technologies course
• Course Development Support
• Andrew Connery – FirstClass
System Administrator
• Pat Anderchek- Faculty Liaison
• Student and Tool Support
-Angie Penev, Help Desk
Jan Olson, Robert Deeks and
Darlene Saratsiotis for their
willingness to share their First
year on FirstClass
Content: Andrew Connery & Pat Anderchek
structure elements
Q and A forum
Q and A archive
Group Chat
Chat archive folder
Group Calendar
General Information folder
(course outline, schedule,
evaluation instruments)
Resources folder
(ppt files, documents, links,
spreadsheets, etc.)
Submissions folder
(places to post
Place for your Content
(organized by Module, or
Week, or Assignment…)