主動 • have + sb/sth + V pp 被動 • Click your mouse to see how this pattern is used. There are times when someone older.

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Transcript 主動 • have + sb/sth + V pp 被動 • Click your mouse to see how this pattern is used. There are times when someone older.

• have + sb/sth + V
• Click your mouse to see how this
pattern is used.
There are times when someone older or
superior in position tells you to do
something. For example, your mother told
you to take care of your little sister while
she was away; therefore, you couldn’t go
out with your friends as you had promised
them. You might tell them, “Sorry, my mom
had me take care of my sister…” In this
case, you are the one who did the action of
taking care of your sister, so you use “take”
rather than “taken” in the sentence.
Now, let’s take a look at another situation. If
you want someone to cut your hair, ususally
you’ll go to a beauty salon or a barber’s shop.
You can simply say, “I’ll have my hair cut.”
without mentioning the person who will do
the cutting. Here in the sentence, your hair
cannot do the action of cutting. A past
participle “cut” is then used.
Now, look at the following situation and test
how well you have learned about the pattern.
• Mark’s teacher told him to hand in his report
tomorrow. You mentioned it to your friend,
saying, “Mark’s teacher had him _________
_____________.” Mark himself might tell
someone about it, “I’ll have _____________
Now use the “have sb/sth V or pp” pattern to
make the following sentences.
• David 明天會叫人將舊家具搬走。
• Mary 將頭髮染成紅色的。
• 他要他兒子立刻把那些錢放回去。
• 歸還你之前我會把車子洗一洗。
I’ll __________________________________