Les proverbes et la culture - Sarah Kay Hurst Teaching Portfolio

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Les proverbes et la culture

Sarah Kay Hurst

Les proverbes

 What is a proverb?

 What is the purpose of a proverb?

 When do you learn proverbs?

 Why are proverbs easy to remember?

 How are proverbs used in society?

 Where do proverbs come from?  What might proverbs reveal about culture?

 List 5 popular proverbs that you know.

Les proverbes

 What is a proverb?

 What is the purpose of a proverb?

 When do you learn proverbs?

Why are proverbs easy to remember?

 How are proverbs used in society?

 Where do proverbs come from?  What might proverbs reveal about culture?

 List 5 popular proverbs that you know.

Équivalents !

Can you think of an English equivalent for each of these sayings?

Les proverbes

 What is a proverb?

 What is the purpose of a proverb?

 When do you learn proverbs?

 Why are proverbs easy to remember?

How are proverbs used in society?

 Where do proverbs come from?  What might proverbs reveal about culture?

 List 5 popular proverbs that you know.

Les proverbes et le publicités

Complete these expressions.

 If at first you don’t succeed, _______________  __________ makes the heart grow fonder.

 Good things come to those who _____________

Les proverbes et le publicités

Complete these expressions.

 Après la pluie, _______________  de l’argent  Le temps, c’est ______________  français  Impossible n’est pas _______________  le beau temps

What does each expression mean? Is there an English equivalent? What values might be conveyed by each of these sayings?

Les proverbes et les publicités

Après la pluie…

Les proverbes et les publicités

Après la pluie…          Il ne faut pas réveiller le chat qui dort. Qui vivra, verra.

Il y a une différence entre connaitre le chemin et l’arpenter Il n’est nulle montagne sans vallée Jamais honteux n'eut belle amie. C’est la vie.

Mieux vaut savoir que richesse. Pierre qui roule n’amasse pas mousse Langue muette n'est jamais battue.

Les proverbes et les publicités

Après la pluie…       Qui vivra, _______.

Il y a une ____________ entre connaitre le chemin et l’arpenter Il n’est nulle ___________ sans vallée C’est la __________ Pierre ______ roule n’amasse pas mousse Et après la __________

Les proverbes et les publicités

Après la pluie…     Qui vivra, verra.

Il y a une différence entre connaitre le chemin et l’arpenter Il n’est nulle montagne sans vallée C’est la vie   Pierre qui roule n’amasse pas mousse Et après la pluie, [le beau temps]

What does each expression mean? Is there an English equivalent? What values might be conveyed by each of these sayings?

Les proverbes et les publicités

Après la pluie…  Et après la pluie, [le beau temps] la sortie !

Why is this funny? Why is it a catchy line for advertising?

Les proverbes et les publicités

Publicité CIC


What English proverb do you hear in this commercial? 2. What translation of this proverb do you hear? 3. Is this a fully accurate translation? Why or why not?

4. What does the translation/ humor of the advertisement tell you about French culture and their perception of American culture? Do you find this to be an accurate perception?

Les proverbes et les publicités

Publicité CIC

What aspects of this commercial reflect stereotypes about Americans? About the French? What stereotypes are prevalent in American culture about the French? Are these reflected in our commercials? Can you think of any examples?

Les proverbes et les publicités

Impossible n’est pas…  belge !

What values does the original proverb convey? What values does the modified proverb convey? Do we have any similar proverbs or expressions?

Après avoir regardé

 What do these uses of proverbs in advertising tell us about the role of proverbs in society?

  Proverbs are cultural ties/ background knowledge which in this case help us understand the humor of the commercials Proverbs encode underlying values in memorable snippets

Les proverbes

 What is a proverb?

 What is the purpose of a proverb?

 When do you learn proverbs?

 Why are proverbs easy to remember?

 How are proverbs used in society?

Where do proverbs come from?

 What might proverbs reveal about culture?

 List 5 popular proverbs that you know.

Where do these proverbs come from?

Where do these proverbs come from?

 “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”  “Honesty is the best policy.”  “Look before you leap.”

Et ces proverbes ?

 « Ni l’or ni la grandeur ne nous rendent heureux. »  « Rien ne sert de courir ; il faut partir à point. »  « Apprenez que tout flatteur vit au dépens de celui qui l’écoute. »


À vous !

  Choose an English proverb that is salient for you and write a back story based on the style of the fables of Jean de la Fontaine. Think about modern day society and how the proverb could resonate. Example: What could « The grass is always greener on the other side » really mean? Is it about possums in Indiana who are constantly in search of better grass, only to find that by the time they have relocated in the humidity, it seems that where they left had better grass after all? Is this a metahpor for students who can’t wait to be done with homework and get out of school and then once they are out in the real world, can’t wait to be back in school, given the current economic climate?

Les proverbes

 What is a proverb?

 What is the purpose of a proverb?

 When do you learn proverbs?

 Why are proverbs easy to remember?

 How are proverbs used in society?

 Where do proverbs come from? 

What might proverbs reveal about culture?

 List 5 popular proverbs that you know.

Les associations

Associate words with each of the proverbs below  Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

 If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

 Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

 You reap what you sow.

 Time is money.

Compare with your partner. Did you come up with similar words?

What value might tie all of these sayings together? Success? What is success and how is success achieved? Is this true for all Americans?

Les assocations

Associate words with each of the proverbs below     

L’abondance engendre la nausée.

Plenty endgers nausea.

Mieux vaut savoir que richesse.

Better to have knowledge than riches.

La fortune sourit aux audacieux.

Fortune smiles on the audacious.

Il y a péril en la demeure.

There is danger in waiting.

Jamais paresseux n’eut grande écuelle.

Never did a lazy person have a big bowl.

What value(s) might tie all of these sayings together?

Success v. reussite

1. Write down at least 3 words you associate with « success ».

2. Compare with a partner.

3. Look at the data collected from another university class (one American class and one French class). What cultural themes seem to emerge?

4. Are these cultural themes similar to those you drew from reading the proverbs in English and French? Why or why not?

Les proverbes et la langue

     

Il faut tourner sa langue sept fois dans sa bouche avant de parler.

You should turn your tongue 7 times in your mouth before you speak.

Il faut être matelot avant d’être capitaine.

You must be a sailor before you are a captain.

Il faut réfléchir avant d’agir.

You should reflect before acting.

La seconde pensée est la meilleure.

The second thought is the best.

Les plaisanteries les plus courtes sont les meilleures.

The shortest jokes are the best.

La parole a été donnée à l’homme pour déguiser sa pensée.

Words were given to man to disguise his thoughts.

Do we have equivalent sayings? What themes recur in these sayings?

La table est l’entremetteuse de l’amitié.

The table is the mediator of friendship.

Un dessert sans fromage est une belle à qui il manque un œil.

A desert without cheese is a beautiful woman who is missing an eye.

















La nourriture dans des proverbes et des expressions idiomatiques

J’ai du pain sur la planche.

Elle a le cœur d’artichaut.

Il a les cheveux poivre et sel.

Nous étions serrés comme des sardines.

Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil.

Ma valise est pleine comme un œuf. De mauvais grain jamais bon pain.

Jean raisonne comme une casserole.

Occupe-toi de tes oignons.

Il a mis son grain de sel. Ce n’est pas la fin des haricots!

La fille est tombée dans les pommes.

Il va en faire tout un flan!

J’ai la pêche aujourd’hui!

Tu as écrit des tartines!

Nous avons marche sur des œufs.

Proverbs Show Differing Cultural Views of U.S, China

Released: 10/31/1998 12:00 AM EST Source Newsroom: Ohio State University A new study uses an unusual source -- proverbs -- to reveal cultural differences in how Chinese and American citizens view risks and risk-taking.

When Chinese and American students compared proverbs from their countries they agreed: Chinese proverbs generally advocated greater risk-taking than did American proverbs.


What cultural themes might come to light from studying French and American proverbs in this way? How would you set about designing a similar experiment?