The KILU Newsletter.

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kilu newsletter 2013:21
The KILU Newsletter.
lund university
department of chemistry
newsletter week 21
Kemiska föreningen - Högenergetiska molekyler
Föredrag av Dr. Patrick Goede,
Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut
23 MAY
23 maj i sal B. Efter föredraget är alla välkomna på pub i
kafferummet på CAS.
Fellowship from lundbeck
Thorsten Hansen, researcher in Chemical Physics, has received a fellowship from
the Lundbeck Foundation. This is a prestigious grant, a Danish analog to KAW
Academy Fellows program in Sweden.
Research in focus: portrait of risto
Risto Cukalevski works with proteins that
aggregate and may cause disease. Read about
the researcher who wants to contribute an important piece of knowledge to the mystery of
Alzheimer’s disease (in Swedish).
Do you want to spread the word about your
research or the work you are doing at KILU?
Don’t hesitate to contact
[email protected]
Kemiska föreningen
Högenergetiska molekyler
Föredrag av Dr. Patrick Goede, Totalförsvarets
Årsmöte kl.17.00
Föredrag kl.18.00
Kemicentrum, sal B
24 maY
CMPS Mini-symposium:
Carbohydrate active enzymes - from nature to
Speakers: Leila Lo Leggio, Copenhagen University; Eva Nordberg Karlsson, Biotechnology; Henrik
Stålbrand, CMPS
Time and venue: 13.30, Lecture hall B
30 MAY
Dissertation: Georgina Chavez Lizarraga,
Biotechnology, 10.30, Lecture hall B
Dissertation: Tiago Ferreira, Physical chemistry,
13.15, Lecture hall B
thesis defence
Georgina Chavez Lizarraga, Biotechnology
Oxidation of Ketones: a (Chemo-) Enzymatic Approach Using Oxygenases
and Hydrolases
Time and venue: 30 May at 10.30, Lecture hall B, Kemicentrum
Tiago Ferreira, Physical chemistry
Structure and Dynamics in Amphiphilic Bilayers – NMR and MD Simulation
Time and venue: 5 June at 13.15, Lecture hall B, Kemicentrum
Celen Cagri Cenker, Physical chemistry
Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Aggregation in the Model Peptide Family AnX
Time and venue: 13 June at 10.00, Lecture hall C, Kemicentrum
Sebastian Björklund, Physical chemistry
Skin hydration - How water and osmolytes influence biophysical properties of
stratus corneum
Time and venue: 14 June at 10.15, Lecture hall B, Kemicentrum
Seminar in Biotechnology:
Integrated bioprocess platform design for Pleuran production: An immunomodulator/anticancer
polysaccharide Pleurotus ostreatus
Prof. Hesham El-Enshasy, Institute of Bioproduct
Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia. Lecture hall G at 10.15
Seminar in Biotechnology:
Biorefinery: Production of fuels, chemicals, and
polymers from biomass
Prof. Shang-Tian Yang, Dept. of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Columbus. Lecture hall F at 10.15
Dissertation: Celen Cagri Cenker, Physical
chemistry, 10.00, Lecture hall C
14 june
Dissertation: Sebastian Björklund, Physical
chemistry, 10.15, Lecture hall B
The cover of the latest issue of the Journal of Chemical
Physics (Volume 138, Number 15, April 21, 2013) is from
Ran Zhang and Per Linse at Physical Chemistry here at
KILU! The title of their article is ”Icosahedral Capsid Formation by Capsomers and Short Polyoins” and deals with
fundamental questions of how nearly spherical viruses
are formed through a co-assembly process.
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kilu newsletter 2013:21
seminars, lectures and conferences
CMPS Mini-symposium: Carbohydrate active enzymes - from nature
to industry
Speakers: Leila Lo Leggio, Copenhagen University; Eva Nordberg Karlsson, Biotechnology, Lund University; Henrik Stålbrand, CMPS, Lund University.
Time and venue: 24 May at 13.30, Lecture hall B, Kemicentrum.
Honorary doctors´ seminar
Dr Abdu Alayash at Food and Drug Administration in the US, will receive an honory
doctorship at the promovation ceremony on May 31. Dr Alayash is a leading expert in
hemoglobin chemistry and the development of artificial blood and blood substitutes.
In connection with this he will give a seminar on ”Mechanisms and Modulation of
Hemoglobin Toxicity ”.
Time and venue: 29 May at 14.15, Lecture hall F, Kemicentrum
SFU - Swedish for university employees with a foreign background
Three courses in Swedish for university staff, SFU, will be offered to university employees with foreign background during the fall of 2013 in cooperation with Scandinavian
Languages at SOL, where the courses will take place. Deadline for the application is
May 24. You will be notified latest June 5, if you have been accepted.
Creating Knowledge VII
Educational enhancement through collaborative partnership between students,
academics and librarians
The 7th Creating Knowledge conference
will take place in Lund, 14-16 August, 2013.
The programme and keynote speakers are
ready. Registration closes June 20.
MOre information
Pedagogiska perspektiv på Urkund
Lars-Erik Nilsson från Högskolan Kristianstad kommer till CED för att hålla seminarium kring pedagogiska tillämpningar
av Urkund. Introduktion till användningen
av Urkund vid LU, textjämförelseverktyg i
allmänhet och Urkund i synnerhet samt hur
man kan använda verktyget som ett hjälpmedel för studenter innan de är färdiga.
31 maj kl. 10-12.
Lotusbladen inspirerar − självrenande ytor med ny teknik
Charlotta Turner, professor i analytisk kemi, ger en spännande redogörelse av sitt
forskningsprojekt om superhydrofoba ytor.
Charlotta berättar om hur vattenavstötande
och självrenande ytor kan framställas på ett
miljöeffektivt sätt, hur de fungerar, och vad
detta har för betydelse ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv i våra städer.
Planet Lund: Stadsodlingsdagar, 25 maj, kl.
12.30–12.50 i Botan
plantlink seminar
Solutions to Farming’s Annual Problems
Dr Jerry Glover, Senior Research Advisor at the USAID Bureau for Food Security
27 May at 9, Craaford Hall, SLU Alnarp
MAX IV/BECC workshop:
Synchrotron radiation in environmental and soil science
Open to all researchers. Time and venue: 30-31 May, Mattehuset
Pufendorf: Quantum biology
Non-locality: From Newton to Quantum Teleportation
Prof Nicolas Gisin, Université Geneve
Quantum effects in biology and how to probe them
Prof Vlatko Vedral, Oxford University
Time and venue: 3 June at 13.15, Pufendorf IAS, Lecture hall, Biskopsgatan 3
Wings: lunch seminar
Professor Cintia Bertacchi Uvo will talk about her experience on research and career
path from São Paulo to Lund. Send an email by 4 June to [email protected]
if you want to participate and if you have any food requirement.
Time and venue: 5 June at 12-13, IKDC room 304
web projects
Today, 23 May, LTH will change their website to the new graphical profile.
Check it out! If the switching works smoothly, our website ( will be the
next in line to swop. If you have any reflections or ideas about our websites, please
contact [email protected].
audience wanted for tv
Short lectures will be filmed for Swedish television (UR) on June 3-4, at 9-16.20 at Kårhuset, LTH. Welcome to join as audience!
plattform för horisont 2020
Vinnova utlyser medel för att stimulera bildningen av nationella påverkansplattformar
som ska arbeta med att påverka kommande
utlysningar inom Horizon 2020.
kilu in media
MAX IV och ESS snart på plats
Sven Lidin
Labtech 2013-05-21
”Skjuter” på celler med ljud
Staffan Nilsson
Labtech 2013-05-21
Forskare delar på miljoner
Ulrich Weininger
Skånskan 2013-05-17
Sydsvenskan 2013-05-16
Hallå där Emma Sparr
Emma Sparr
Sydsvenskan 2013-05-14
Kemishow gav Hans-Uno-pris
Ulf Ellervik
Sydsvenskan 2013-05-13
Skånskan 2013-05-13
Sydsvenskan 2013-05-14
Skånskan 2013-05-14
Broar behövs mellan akademi och industri
György Marko-Varga, alumn
Curie 2013-04-29