Transcript Slide 1

_____ New sweat glands, mostly under the arms, will produce a different kind of sweat, which has a stronger odor than a baby’s sweat. When it mixes with dirt and bacteria.

_____ Young men develop a rash in their genitals that is caused by the irritation of clothes rubbing the sweaty genital area. This is mostly caused by a alack of air circulation often caused by tight fitting underwear or pants.

_____ A lubricating fluid that is naturally produced in a woman’s vagina before or during sexual activity.

_____ A regular routine of personal care that keeps your whole body clean, fresh and healthy _____ The removal of the hood of skin covering the tip of the penis, also called the foreskin. This is a simple surgical procedure done within in the first few days after the birth of some baby boys. It is not done in certain cultures; therefore the area under the foreskin requires special cleaning.

_____ The female vagina cleans itself on a daily basis releasing a fluid liquid that removes bacteria and balances the pH of the vagina. This discharge leaves a small amount of liquid in the underwear but the discharge cannot be felt during the day. To reduce smell, irritation and infections, underwear should be changed daily.

_____ Some males have nocturnal ejaculations (release of semen) during sleep. This happens without the knowledge of the male and the only evidence is a wet spot on the sheets when he awakens. Someone men will never have these.

_____ If the egg of a girl is not fertilized after it is released, the uterus sheds the extra tissue lining that had been building up in her uterus. The blood, tissue, and unfertilized egg leave the uterus, going through the vagina on the way out of the body. Sanitary pads or tampons are worn to absorb blood and should be changed several times a day no matter how much blood there is.

_____ Bathe often, this is your largest organ and it is the protection between your body and environment.

_____ A collection of physical and emotional symptoms related to a woman’s menstrual cycle. All women are different and will have different symptoms. They can be muscular cramps, breast tenderness, water retention, moodiness and headaches. Since this is a natural process, girls should continue with their normal routines unless it cause discomfort.

_____ Both males and females need to understand and know their own bodies. Regular examination of the testes, vagina or breast should be done to see if there are any bumps, growths, painful areas, unusual discharge or sores. Contact a doctor if you notice any of these changes.

_____ Brush at least 2 times a day. Floss to clean under gums and between teeth. Go to the dentist at least once a year.

_____ Brushing and combing stimulate hair and scalp. Shampoo regularly. Never share combs and brushes.

_____ Wash them often with soap during the day, before meals, after using the restroom and before eating or handling food _____ Wash them daily and keep them dry so that bacteria (such as athlete’s foot) does not grow.

_____ Wash them daily, especially behind and the inside them where dirt and oils can build up.

A) Daily discharge B) Hair C) Perspiration odor D) Circumcision E) Skin F) Menstruation G) Jock itch H) Personal hygiene I) J) K) Wet dreams Hands Vaginal secretions L) Self-examine M) Ears N) Feet O) Teeth P) Pre-menstrual syndrome