Female & Male Anatomy

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Female & Male Anatomy
Chapters 2 & 3
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• http://dairy.umd.edu/varner/ansc446/notes98.html
• Primary functions of uterus:
sperm transport
luteolysis & control of cyclicity
environemnt for preattachment embryo
maternal contribution to the placenta
expulsion of fetus
• Surface of endometrium in ruminants
has caruncles (Fig 2-13)
• Small nonglandular areas that protrude
from surface of the endometrium
• Highly vascularized - Maternal side of
placental attachment
• Mare & Sow have folds to increase
surface area
• Provides
– lubrication (estrus & pregnancy)
– flushing system
– barrier during pregancy
• Barrier to sperm for cow, ewe & doe
• Not barrier for sow & mare
Figure 2-14 unavailable on WWW
• Sow
– boar’s penis has corkscrew glans that is
‘locked’ into cervix. Semen (large volume) is
deposited into cervix & uterus
• Mare
– has loose folds of mucosa that protrude into
vagina and is also very soft during estrus
– semen ejaculated under high pressure &
goes into uterus
• Mucus becomes viscous during
pregnancy (influence of progesterone)
• ‘Cervical seal of pregnancy’
– Disruption general causes abortion
• Serves as a copulatory organ
• Expulsion of urine during micturition
• Cervix protrudes into vagina in cow &
– Fornix
• Fig. 2-16
Figure 2-16 Not Available on WWW
• Floor of vestibule
– Gartner’s ducts
– Suburethral diverticulum
• blind pouch in sow & cow that put AI rod into
External Genitalia
• Vulva
– Two labia (major & minor)
• Clitoris
homologue of penis
ventral commissure of vestibule
erectile tissue with lots of nerve endings
stimulation can increase AI conception rate
• Perineum - surrounds anus & vulva
Introductory figures from Chapter 3 Not available on WWW
Components of Male Sys.
Spermatic cord
excurrent duct system
accessory sex glands
penis & muscles for protrusion, erection
& ejaculation
Spermatic Cord
• Houses
– Ductus deferens
– Cremaster muscle
– Pampiniform plexus
• Figure 3-2
Figures 3-2 and 3-3 not available on WWW
Fxns of Spermatic Cords
• Provide vascular, lymphatic and neural
connection to the body
• Provide a heat exchanger (pampiniform
• House cremaster muscle
Pampiniform plexus
• Countercurrent heat exchanger
• Pulse pressure eliminator
Figures 3-5, 3-6 and 3-7 not available on WWW
Pampiniform plexus
• Heat exchange
• Testosterone exchange
• Eliminates pulse pressure differential
Cremaster Muscle
• Supports testis
• Aids in temperature control
• Contraction & relaxation creates “pump”
for blood & lymph
• Pendular testes CM provides
– protection during fear or high planes of
Non-pendular testes
• No scrotum
• Birds, elephants, sloths, armadillos and
some marine mammals (whales &
• Testes of some animals (rat & rabbit)
move in & out of body cavity through
patent inguinal canal.
Tunica dartos
Scrotal fascia
parietal tunica vaginalis
Scrotal Skin
• Temperature Sensor & modulator
• Figure 3-9
Figure 3-9 not available on WWW
Tunica dartos
• Muscle just under skin
• Contractions or relaxation facilitate
• Contraction & relaxation help
“pump”out sperm
• Produce
– Spermatozoa
– Hormones & proteins
– Fluids
Figure 3-11 Not available on WWW
Testis Consists Of:
Testicular capsule
rete tubules
Testicular Capsule
• “Suborgan” that “pumps” sperm into
rete testis & epididymus
Testicular Parenchyma
Seminiferous tubules
Interstitial cells of Leydig
Lymphatic vessels
Connective Tissue
Figure 3-12
Figure 3-12 Not available on WWW