Transcript Slide 1

Health and Wellbeing

Marie Cowie Health Improvement Principal NHS Derby City

Our health and wellbeing today

We are living longer than ever before with dramatic changes in the nature of health over the last 150 years infectious diseases now account for only 2% of deaths 4 in every 5 deaths occur after the age of 65 clean air, water, and environmental protection BUT: success brings new challenges circulatory diseases account for 34% of deaths cancers 27% and respiratory diseases 14% rising prevalence of mental ill-health persistence of long-term conditions Lifestyles and behaviours influence our outcomes and inequalities 21% of the adult population still smoke 61% of adults are overweight or obese Fewer than 40% of adults meet physical activity guidelines 2.4 million adults regularly drink more than recommended

Liberating the NHS

The 2010 White Paper proposed significant changes to public health services in England: • • • A new national Public Health Service is to be established to protect and help improve the nation’s health and well being – Public Health England.

Local Authorities will employ Directors of Public Health, jointly with the public health service, to lead local health improvement and lead local partnerships for health and well being. A ring-fenced budget will be allocated to local authorities to promote population health and reduce health inequalities.

• Creation of Health and Wellbeing Boards & Local HealthWatch.

Public Health Funding and Commissioning

Public health allocations and the health premium


•Shadow allocations 2012/13.

•From April 2013 Public Health England will allocate ring-fenced budgets.

Health premium

• Local Authorities will receive an incentive payment, or ‘health premium’.

Public Health Outcomes Framework

The mission: to improve and protect the nation’s health and to improve the health of the poorest, fastest

Domain 1 -Health Protection and Resilience

Domain 2 -Tackling the wider determinants of health

Domain 3 -Health Improvement

Domain 4 -Prevention of ill health

Domain 5 -Healthy life expectancy and preventable mortality

Health & Wellbeing Board

• To join-up commissioning across the NHS, social care, public health and other services • To secure better health and wellbeing outcomes for their whole population. • The development of the

joint strategic needs assessment


• All health and wellbeing boards should have to develop a high level

joint health and wellbeing strategy

(JHWS) that spans the NHS, social care and public health.

Progress in Derby

• The shadow Health and Wellbeing Board, chaired by the leader of the Council, has met twice • The Board has wide ranging and inclusive membership • One of the Board’s current tasks is the updating of the JSNA to inform the JHWS, which will be developed over the forthcoming months. • Public Health already have an office within Derby City Council.